Light control timer
You can choose the simplest lighting control timer: the name contains the word mechanical, which implies manual adjustment.
On sale everywhere there are socket-timers, mechanical or electronic. This hybrid socket with a timer is very convenient to use in the country (especially in the absence of owners) not only for lighting, but also for automatically turning on many other different appliances and equipment:
- plugged into the right place in the installed conventional socket (with electricity connection)
- the setting of the program of switching on, switching off and the duration of the action is done by simply moving the hand clockwise and pressing the desired segments on the timer
- the plug of the device (lamp) is inserted into the socket-timer
- all: you can sleep peacefully
The door for chickens in the chicken coop from the body of the washing machine, the pros and possibilities
The body of the washing machine has many advantages and possibilities when embedding it in a chicken coop:
- a sealed hatch is a chic hole for chickens in a chicken coop with a ready-made door. In addition, it is glass and you can look into it in the evening when the light is on. Double glazing, so there will be no heat loss in winter.
- the opening small door, where there was a cleaning, can be adapted for a ventilation hatch: air intake in the natural ventilation system of the chicken coop.
- the retractable drawer for filling the washing powder is perfect for filling the grain, if you install a sewer pipe with a drain at the bottom on the inside. Of course, there are enough feeders in the chicken coop, but this one can be used in winter so as not to go through the door once again and not let the frosty air in.
- four buttons will also go into action: two of them turn on, and two turn off. To those that include, you can connect indoor and outdoor lights. Again, this can be confused so that in winter you do not go inside once again. Two other buttons can be used to turn the heating on and off: either on a cartridge with an infrared lamp or on a warm floor film (hung on a wall or ceiling for soft heating).
chicken coop foundation
The construction of a chicken coop, like a residential building, begins with the foundation. It will be tape or columnar - your choice, depending on financial capabilities. A brick foundation or a foundation made of asbestos-cement pipes can also be considered as an option. With a foundation, the building is stronger and more durable. In addition, it protects the room from dampness, penetration of rats. If you decide to adapt a ready-made building that does not have a foundation for a poultry house, you still have to think about how to make the walls and floor inaccessible to rodents.
The foundation must be strong. Fill it with concrete. On this base you can lay boards or make a floor from another material of your choice.
If the foundation in the chicken coop is not planned, then it is necessary to upholster the walls below with iron, which will also protect the birds from the penetration of uninvited guests.
Types of portable chicken coops
Mobile poultry houses differ from each other by the method of movement - portable mini-chicken coops and mobile (on wheels) chicken coops, as well as by the type of construction - single-level, two-level and chicken house-houses. According to the geometric shape, mobile poultry houses can be arched, box-shaped or triangular.
chicken coop house
Portable mini-chicken coops, depending on the size, are designed for the number of chickens from three to ten, mobile - for 10-12 chickens.
One-level chicken coop, photo from
If desired, you can build a mobile chicken coop, designed for a smaller number of chickens.
Mobile chicken coop for 20 chickens, photo from YouTube
Socket with daily timer
A socket with a daily timer is used for those devices that should not work 24 hours, but only at a certain period of the day.
On such an outlet, the timer can be set to turn on, run and turn off at specified hours and minutes (interval 15 minutes).
The daily timer is designed for devices whose daily cycle of operation is unchanged, so the program is set once and is repeated every day with an accuracy of up to a minute:
- electric heating devices: you can turn it on exactly at 17-00, 1 hour before coming home from work, so that you can enter an apartment or house, and it’s already warm and cozy there
- electric kettle, toaster and other kitchen appliances that do not have their own software, for example at 7:00 sharp, 10 minutes before you get out of bed
- seedling illumination lamps on the windowsill to turn on in time (at 16-00) when you are still at work, and it is already getting dark outside. Plants in the winter-spring months, without additional lighting, stretch very much, become frail. Turn off the lighting for the plants at exactly 22-00, when you may have already gone to bed: it’s stressful to get up every day and turn off the lighting of the seedlings.
- for automation of devices of aeration and heating of water in an aquarium. Now large aquariums have come into fashion: in offices, clinics, childcare facilities
- lighting and heating lamps (infrared) for chickens who definitely need a stable regime
- pump for drip irrigation of beds in open ground or in greenhouses
You can, in general, set ALL appliances in the house to turn off at a certain time (when you leave for work) in order to:
- save electricity
- do not remember with horror in transport that you forgot to turn off the iron.
Pros and cons of different types of lamps
Every prudent chicken coop owner wants to save on electricity consumption and, of course, it is most rational to use lamps that consume electricity economically. It is optimal if their brightness can be adjusted, since at different periods of life birds need lighting of different intensities.
Video: Chicken coop lighting
Consider in the table the advantages and disadvantages of different lighting lamps.
Name | Positive traits | Negative qualities |
incandescent lamp | Cheap, quick and easy to maintain, have a good light range. They optimally illuminate the room pointwise. | It is irrational to use for large rooms (in poultry farms). They use a lot of electricity. |
Fluorescent Lamp | Durable and easy to install and maintain. | They flicker somewhat, which is annoying to the bird, and have a not very good light range. Need to be recycled. |
Energy saving lamp | Economical consume electricity. They have the ability to select the light range. | Dear ones, their brightness is not adjustable. They do not always work out their full service life. Must be disposed of. |
LED lamp | Hard-to-damage, long-lasting and easy-to-maintain lamps with a good light spectrum. They have low electricity consumption and the ability to adjust the intensity of light. | High price. |
Socket outlet with mechanical timer Rexant
A socket with a mechanical timer Rexant 11-6005 - we purchased such a device in a store (which was available at an affordable price: 320 rubles) and installed it in our chicken coop.
The device consists of:
- socket for connecting an electrical appliance
- operating mode switch: 1 - timer, 2 - permanently on
- time scale
- soft keys (segments)
- time indicator
To program the lighting in the chicken coop to turn on and off, you need:
- set the mode switch on the side to "timer"
- plug the lamp into a socket
- by rotating the dial clockwise, you need to set the current time opposite the arrow, so that the timer knows where to count all the other settings from and so that it starts counting from this moment
- on the number you need to turn on the device with a timer (for example, at 6 in the morning), you need to press (press) the segments that are located around the dial with a frequency of 15 minutes. When the segments are pressed, the light is on. If the segment is not pressed, the light turns off. That is, on a running timer, the dial rotates, reading the pressed segments.
- When the current time arrow reaches the first pressed key (segment), the light will turn on and will burn for at least 15 minutes (one key) or as many times for 15 minutes as segments (keys) are pressed.
- the same must be done with the evening time: press the segments located in the interval from 17-00 to 20-00.
You can leave safely: smart lighting has been installed in the chicken coop. The lighting control timer will now work offline, without your participation, providing the chickens with the light regime required every day at the specified time.
The chicken in the household appeared more than 7 thousand years ago. Experienced poultry farmers believe that this is the most unpretentious bird. At the same time, they note that some rules in keeping birds must be observed. These include the organization of artificial light in the chicken coop.
Lighting in the chicken coop is not a whim of the breeder, but an additional opportunity to improve the standard of living of the herd. In the dark, the chicken practically does not see, therefore, at dusk, it immediately falls asleep.
Solid pluses of light in the chicken coop
What are the positive effects on laying hens from chicken coop lighting? Their life will be more comfortable, the development of physiology will go easier and faster. Egg production will increase several times, and this will affect your economic benefit. Here is a list that tells you why the light in the chicken house should be:
- there will be more eggs, their quality parameters will improve - weight, shell density and size;
- the growth and development of laying hens will become more efficient;
- the percentage of injuries among chickens will decrease;
- productivity will last longer;
- feed will be better absorbed;
- increased chick survival;
- electricity costs are low.
Now you can be sure that the light is really needed.
Chicken coop lighting is a very serious issue.
Varieties of lamps for the poultry house
Particular attention should also be paid to the lamps that are used in the lighting system. To date, such products are presented in several versions, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered when choosing
Incandescent lamps
Incandescent lamps are the simplest option. Despite the ever-growing popularity of other types, such light bulbs are still widely used to illuminate homes and other premises. The reason for this is the undeniable advantages of the device:
- low cost;
- good lighting;
- environmental safety of use;
- ease of installation.
In addition, during operation, incandescent lamps also heat up slightly, which is why poultry farmers widely use them to warm and illuminate young animals.
But such light bulbs are not without drawbacks. The main one is the short service life of the product. It is also worth remembering that an incandescent lamp consumes a large amount of energy, which means that the use of several such lamps results in serious costs.
Tube-shaped fluorescent lamps are also often used in chicken coops. Their value lies in the following benefits:
- less energy consumption than in the case of incandescent bulbs;
- long service life;
- ease of use;
- several options for possible fixation in the room.
It is also worth noting that fluorescent lamps are characterized by white, more natural light. It is good for chickens.
As for the disadvantages of the product, the complexity of recycling should be noted here. Lamps of this kind cannot simply be thrown into the trash or stored at home, especially if the device is damaged. Each tube-body of a fluorescent lamp contains a certain amount of mercury, which is harmful to animals and humans. Therefore, their inaccurate disposal can cause the substance to enter the body.
energy saving
Energy-saving lamps are rapidly replacing conventional incandescent lamps from the market. At the same time, there are several reasons for such a high popularity of products:
- minimum consumption of electrical energy, which is the main advantage of the device;
- a wide range of options, each of which involves its own spectrum and intensity of the glow;
- durability;
- ease of installation and replacement in case of failure.
But along with a wide list of advantages, two significant drawbacks of this technology stand out:
- high cost of the lamp on the market;
- the presence of mercury vapor inside.
Moreover, if the first drawback is more than compensated by the minimum consumption of electricity, then the second one still remains unresolved today.
Although they have appeared recently, the popularity of LED lamps in the market is also steadily growing. In fact, in such products, the developers were able to retain most of the advantages of energy-saving lamps, bypassing their main disadvantages.
LED bulbs differ from other types of light bulbs in the following characteristics:
- minimum electricity consumption;
- durability, which, according to the data declared by the manufacturers, is about 50-55 thousand hours of operation;
- the ability to adjust the intensity and spectrum of the glow;
- resistance to difficult climatic conditions, including low temperatures and high humidity;
- the ability to operate the lamp in dusty and dirty places without harm to the product;
- ease of installation and use;
- the absence of substances hazardous to health in the design.
A wide list of advantages of such a product is overshadowed by only one drawback - high cost. But the purchase of an LED lamp quickly pays for itself by saving money on electricity.
Chicken coop lighting without electricity
If it is not possible to bring electrical wiring to the poultry house, you can organize the backlight using LED lights. According to the technical characteristics, they have the necessary intensity of the glow, the upper part of the body, as a rule, is equipped with a handle, for which it is easy to fix the impromptu lamp above the ceiling.
At nightfall, the lantern is suspended by a built-in hook and remains switched on until about 21-00. In the morning (about 6 o'clock) it is turned on again before the onset of daylight. During the day, the lamp is recharged from the mains.
This method is considered fast, budgetary, but inconvenient. You can provide more comfortable conditions with the help of a generator and a timer. Then you won't have to spend time switching lighting modes.
Watch a video about organizing chicken coop lighting on a timer:
How to equip the lighting system in the chicken coop
When installing a lighting system in a chicken coop, some factors must be taken into account: the required power of the lamps, the color and intensity of the flicker, turning on and off the lighting fixtures. Consider the main points when providing lighting in a chicken room.
How to calculate the brightness of light
There are the following recommended standards for chicken coop lighting:
- for born chickens, a brightness of about 30–40 lux is required;
- as they grow, the brightness can be reduced and at the age of 14 days, 5–7 lux is enough for the chicks;
- for adults, a brightness of about 10 lux is enough, but if there is a rooster in the chicken coop, then it is better to increase the lighting to 15 lux.
In order to provide the chicken coop with good illumination, a simple calculation is used - for 6 square meters. m accounts for 60 watts. The required number of lamps depends on the total area. It is recommended to purchase fluorescent light bulbs with a power of 40 watts. You can also use fluorescent with flicker, but in order not to irritate the eyes of the birds, the flicker frequency should be 26 kHz. It is also possible to opt for sodium bulbs, which, according to the standard, have a power of 50 watts.This lamp power is well suited for lighting in darker corners.
Lamp color
What color of light is best can be found from the following information:
- blue color has a calming effect on birds, reduces aggressiveness;
- green color has a positive effect on the physical development of young animals;
- the red color is not entirely acceptable, as it can help reduce the laying of laying hens, but this color helps well when pecking in chickens;
- the orange color of the lamps helps to improve egg production.
Where to place
When installing and placing the light supply system, it should be taken into account that the distance between the floor level and the light source should be about 2 meters. The gap between the lamps should be approximately the same so that the illumination is uniform throughout the room.
The room for chickens, as a rule, has high humidity, so it is recommended to equip all electrical wiring, sockets, electrical panels outside the poultry house.
When to enable
In the summer, natural light is enough for birds to grow and be productive, but in the fall, additional lighting should be taken care of.
Reducing sunlight in winter leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes in chickens and a decrease in productivity. Therefore, with the help of lighting it is necessary to create a certain duration of daylight hours.
It is recommended to do at least 10-14 hours a day. It is this duration that positively affects the puberty of the bird, that is, it accelerates it, and also helps to raise egg production by 20–30%.
Video: Chicken coop lighting in winter
The following factors influence the duration of the selected daylight hours:
- feeding time;
- weight gain and growth of broiler chickens;
- seasonal molt;
- cold or summer period of the season;
- puberty and the ability to lay eggs.
The inclusion of additional lighting with the help of lamps usually begins in the second half of November, when the molting time ends in chickens. To do this, turn on the light at about 6 o'clock in the morning, and turn it off after sunrise. After dark, the lamps are turned on again until 8–9 pm, and then turned off. In the morning, the whole process is repeated again.
The gradual transition from light to dark and vice versa does not frighten the hens, but if the lights are turned off abruptly, this can frighten or cause a crush and unrest. If you do not have lamps that have a smooth fading and turning on, then for a gradual transition from light to dark, several light bulbs are used, which can not be turned on all at once.
Properly adjusted chicken coop lighting will increase the productivity of poultry and extend it in the winter.
The need for ventilation
The productivity of a bird is directly affected by the conditions in which it lives. High egg production can only be achieved in this case: the chicken coop should always be warm, dry, clean and light. With the advent of the winter period, health problems for chickens often arise due to a decrease in temperature and lack of ventilation. As a result, various ailments begin, which will certainly affect egg production.
Most often, the humidity in the poultry house is much higher than required. This is due to the constant presence of drinkers with water, as well as bedding material and perches that emit moisture. With poor ventilation or lack of it, evaporation occurs. They manifest themselves in the form of dampness and the development of harmful microorganisms. Under such conditions, the bird can not only get sick, but also die.
If the chicken coop contains a large number of chickens, then a lot of litter is always formed. It emits not only an unpleasant odor, but also ammonia. This substance is dangerous if inhaled and can cause severe intoxication of the body. Therefore, ventilation has several functions:
- elimination of ammonia vapors;
- getting rid of unpleasant odors;
- normalization of the temperature in the poultry house.
What does light affect?
Every farmer knows that light is not so much a way to illuminate the interior of a chicken coop, but a tool with which to effectively control the biological rhythms of birds. How exactly this tool works in capable hands, see the table below.
The lighting in the chicken coop can be different, however, it is important that it be in any case.
Table 1. What affects the lighting of the chicken coop
Light intensity | Daylight hours |
This value is measured in lux. To measure this indicator, a so-called luxmeter is used - a specialized device.
However, when the farmer gains experience, he can learn to determine the number of suites approximately, by eye, so to speak: darkness with glimmers of illumination, almost complete, will be equal to 0.5-1 lux; You will be surprised, but by changing the parameter of interest to us - the intensity, in the chicken coop from one level to another, you can achieve incredible visible results, for example: make it easier for day old chicks to find food and water; |
The second factor that matters to the poultry farmer is the length of daylight hours.
In the same way as in the case of the intensity of light, by changing the duration of its supply, we can achieve a variety of effects, for example: reduce the amount of feed consumed with the same production efficiency; As you can see, light is like magic, since I change its duration, you, in fact, can subdue mother nature. |
Shedding in chickens
For the competent cultivation of chickens, not only the duration of daylight hours is important, but also the intensity of lighting.
Using the indicators listed in the table above, farmers must draw up a so-called lighting program. It can be built like this:
- continuously, when there is only one block of darkness in the daylight;
- intermittently, when in one daylight hours chickens can have from 2 to 4 blocks of complete darkness.
As long as you aim for professional farming, your best bet is to use the intermittent program method.
A lighting program is the best way to raise healthy offspring
The periods during which the darkness inside the chicken coop will last are very important for each species of birds, since it is in the dark that the following biological processes occur:
- the bone tissue of birds is formed;
- there is a change in calcium metabolism, which determines how strong the shell of the future egg will be;
- increases the strength of the immune system.
That is why chickens cannot be left light around the clock, they simply cannot bring healthy offspring, gain weight, and, in principle, maintain health.
Among other things, the nuance of the color perception of the visual system of chickens is also very important.So, for example, blue shades of light for chickens are equal to darkness, therefore, you need to be careful when choosing lighting fixtures.
Lamps in chicken coops must also have the correct light range.
So, for example, blue lamps turn on at those moments when:
- chickens are caught for vaccination;
- regrouping of the herd is planned;
- in other similar cases.
The effect of lighting on chickens
The fact that the light in the chicken coop has a beneficial effect on the bird's body is a scientifically proven fact. This factor causes the following positive changes in chickens:
- earlier onset of puberty and egg production in laying hens;
- faster assimilation of the given feed by the digestive system of the bird;
- increase in egg productivity;
- weight gain, improved palatability and the formation of a stronger shell in eggs;
- increase in the percentage of survival of young animals;
- reducing the number of cases of pecking of eggs by chickens.
However, to achieve all these benefits, simply turning on the light will not work. The issue should be approached seriously, accurately selecting the required intensity of lighting and the duration of daylight hours.
light intensity
The visual acuity of a chicken is different from that of a human. Therefore, lighting that is comfortable for the human eye may be too dim for a bird. Meanwhile, the intensity of the incoming light greatly affects the livelihoods of poultry. Its correction makes it possible to accelerate the development of young animals, to prevent pecking of eggs in a timely manner. In addition, by choosing the right level of lighting brightness, you can significantly reduce the stress of the bird during inspections and various manipulations with it (grafting, wing trimming, eliminating the consequences of injuries).
The intensity of light is determined by a special device - a luxmeter and is measured in the number of lux (Lx). Accordingly, it is possible to accurately calculate the optimal illumination values that will have a beneficial effect on the bird. So, for newborn chickens, the light intensity should be at the level of 40–50 Lx. When they are 20 days old, the intensity can be reduced to around 25–30 Lx. For adults, 20 Lx will be enough.
day length
The second important parameter is the duration of daylight hours. For hen growth and laying egg production, this factor is even more important than light intensity.
The approach to choosing the optimal daylight hours for all breeders is different. Some of them, when growing broilers, practice round-the-clock lighting. But the approach with alternating total darkness and periods of illumination in the room is considered more effective. This is necessary because it is in complete darkness, when the bird is resting, that the most intensive growth of bones, muscles and digestion of food can be traced in it.
According to researchers, the duration of daylight hours in chickens should be from 13 to 16 hours a day (depending on the breed). Moreover, the period of illumination can be both continuous and interval, in which the light is turned on in the room periodically according to a clear schedule.
Do chicken coops need light at night?
Based on these two parameters, experienced poultry farmers develop special chicken coop lighting programs. They also include the age category of the bird, the ratio of hens to roosters, and the time of year.
But during the formation of the program, many breeders are interested in whether the light should be on in the room at night. The answer to this question depends on the situation. When growing broilers in factories, 24-hour lighting is often used. Chicks also need light at night until they are 21 days old. For adults, leaving lighting at night is not necessary.
When raising chickens at home, the lights are turned on twice a day and for the most part in winter. The first time - in the morning (from about 6 o'clock) and turn off when it's completely dawn outside.The lights are turned on again at about 4 p.m. and are turned off for the night at about eight in the evening.
What to consider when organizing lighting
Before you start making your own light in the house for your layers, it does not hurt to get acquainted with some theoretical aspects that will help you organize everything correctly, in accordance with the instructions, because otherwise the lighting will not be useful.
Particular attention should be paid to the intensity of the light supply. Having just been born, chicks need light of at least 30 lux
When the chicks begin to grow and gain height (on average it takes 21 days), you can reduce the intensity by adjusting it to just 5 lux. But if there is an owner of a bright tail in your chicken coop, that is, a rooster, the light should be brighter - at least 15 lux. Laying hens see extremely poorly at night. When sunset comes, or the hours of daylight hours are reduced in winter, the bird is literally disoriented, and only dawn serves as a deliverance for it.
But hens don't have to wait until sunrise to climb into their cozy perch. With the onset of evening, they will begin to take up places, and then some breeders deprive them of a source of light. It is not right. All birds must be in place, and only after that you can turn off the lights. Conclusion: light is very necessary in the evening and during the day in winter.
The transition from darkness to light should be smooth.
It may happen that the chickens will start fierce fights - the chicken coop will announce a warlike cluck, and decorate the torn feathers. To stop the aggression, turn down the brightness of the lighting by a couple of lux. This should calm the layers. Time passes, and lighting devices begin to lose ground due to dust coverage. Therefore, a margin of brightness is needed.
There should be no sudden flashes of light. From this, panic will begin among the hens, and such stress is unfavorable for egg production. So choose a lighting system that makes a slow, smooth transition from darkness to light. Everyone is familiar with the fact that the electricity is sometimes turned off? People are used to it, but for laying hens, a sudden shutdown will be a terrible shock.
chicken coop floor
The floor of the house must be warm, dry and smooth. The most durable cement floors, they are also inaccessible to the penetration of rats. In addition, it is more convenient to remove bedding from cement floors (the only drawback of cement floors is that they are colder than wood).
The wooden floor is made of thick tarred boards laid on beams; under the beams, it is recommended to make an adobe base laid on a layer of slag.
Sometimes the floor is made of clay. True, such a floor has to be updated: remove the upper, contaminated layer of clay, replace it with a new one and dry it well.
Often the floor is made somewhat sloping in one direction - this is convenient when washing the room.
In a room for chickens and turkeys, the floor is set 20-30 cm above the ground, and for ducks and geese - 10-20 cm.