Water heating
Undoubtedly, when asked what types of heating are, it is water heating that first comes to mind. Water heating has such advantages as:
- Not very high surface temperature of various devices and pipes;
- Provides the same temperature in all rooms;
- Saves fuel;
- Increased operating time;
- Silent operation;
- Ease of maintenance and repair.
The main component of the water heating system is the boiler. Such a device is necessary in order to heat water. Water is the heat carrier in this type of heating. It circulates through pipes of a closed type, and then the heat is transferred to various heating components, and the entire room is already heated from them.
The simplest option is the circulation of the natural type. This circulation is achieved due to the fact that different pressures are observed in the circuit. However, such circulation can also be forced. For such circulation, water heating options must be equipped with one or more pumps.
After the coolant passes through the entire heating circuit, it is completely cooled and returned back to the boiler. Here it heats up again and thus allows the heaters to release heat again.
Classification of water heating systems
The water type of heating may differ according to criteria such as:
- water circulation method;
- the location of the distributing type highways;
- design features of the risers and the scheme by which all heating devices are connected.
In a pump heating system, heating of the coolant can also take place due to the hot water boiler, or thermal water, which comes from the CHP. In a heating system, water can be heated even by means of steam.
The disadvantage of a direct-flow connection is the dependence of the thermal regime on the “impersonal” temperature of the coolant in the supply heat pipe of the external type.
Autonomous heating system principle of operation and main components
Any autonomous heating system includes the following main components:
Heat generator. It is a device that converts the electrical or energy of the burning fuel into thermal energy, while in the heat generator, thermal energy is simultaneously transferred to the coolant. Two main forms of the environment are used as a heat carrier - air masses and liquid. Most often, purified distilled water is used in heating systems, which has the highest heat capacity coefficient, that is, the ability to transfer and store energy, all other liquids, including non-freezing antifreezes, are significantly inferior to water in this indicator.
To convert the fuel into thermal energy and transfer it to the carrier, the process of its combustion in heating boilers takes place; if electricity is used, the heat-carrying medium is heated by heating the material with a high electrical resistance to alternating current and its mutual heat exchange with the working fluid.
Heat transfer line.
Polymer pipes, due to their flexibility and elasticity, made it possible to install multi-circuit warm floors with water heating in buildings, which was impossible to do with metal pipelines.
Heat exchange devices. The coolant from the boiler through the pipes enters the heat exchangers, which in most cases are radiators, the liquid passes through them and gives off heat to the air due to the large area of the heat exchanger housing.To increase or decrease heat output, it is possible to change the configuration of the batteries by adding or removing individual sections; the material for the manufacture of radiators is steel or aluminum, which have good heat transfer (high thermal conductivity).
Rice. 4 Air convector - principle of operation
77 Hygienic requirements for the heating system of residential and public buildings
heating task is to create
optimal microclimate in the apartment.
in the dwelling is organized both locally and
and central.
heating is a heating system
which heat is produced where and
used. In local systems
heating heat generator united
in one unit with heat pipes and
heating devices
local heating:
uneven air temperature
indoors during the day
the presence of a negative
radiation (from windows and exterior walls);
relatively high temperature
separate areas of the surface
heating appliances (furnaces),
causing dust burning and deterioration
the composition of the air in the premises;
pollution of premises with fuel, ash,
difficulty in regulating heat transfer
heating surfaces;
danger of release of harmful gases.
heating is devoid of these shortcomings -
it provides more uniform
thermal regime in the room, absent
pollution by combustion products and
fuel, more convenient and reliable
apartments as a heat carrier
water is used. This avoids
heating surface overheating
appliances. Heating systems depending
from heat carriers are divided into
water, steam, air, etc.
The most common central
water heating systems, because temperature
water in them does not exceed the regulated
method of heat transfer distinguish convective
and radiation (radiant) heating
appliances, and hence the heating systems.
In a convection system dominated by
(70-80%) convective, i.e. transmitted
heat by convection, and by radiation
- radiation (radiant heat).
convective heating appliances
type are a radiator and a convector.
An example of radiant heating
is the so-called panel
heating when the heater
is a panel (wall, ceiling or floor
premises). With this heating system
radiative heat transfer predominates.
indoors decreases negative
radiative cooling from outdoor
walls of the room. Concrete heating
panel - under the surface of the enclosing
structures (floor, ceiling, walls)
lay heating pipes or they
may be included in the construction of concrete
panels. The result is heating
enclosing surfaces: walls, ceiling
or gender. When heated, heat spreads
almost entirely due to radiation. Radiant
heat is more favorable
effect on the human body
heat loss due to radiation (from
thermal human body to cold
wall surfaces are a phenomenon
negative radiation) creates the most
uncomfortable heat sensations. At
radiant heating increases
heated surface area
therefore, heat loss by radiation
decrease. Radiant heating
prevents uneven cooling
from different sides of the human body
and reduced cooling capacity.
when ventilating. Feeling the heat
human comfort occurs when
ambient temperature 170 С
(when using radiators and
convectors, the air temperature should
be 200 C).
favorable physiological responses
and heat sensations in people are observed
at a temperature of wall panels 40 - 450,
ceiling 28 -300C, floor 25 - 270C - this warns
the occurrence of thermal discomfort,
associated with high temperature
enclosing structures. Wherein
the air temperature in the room can
be reduced to 17.50C.
Pros and cons of autonomous heating
Autonomous heating is primarily understood as independence from various factors, natural conditions and organizations that are to some extent associated with the sale of thermal services or heating materials in a given area. The advantages of individual heating are:
- The choice of suitable for their financial capabilities and ease of use of heating equipment and fuel type.
- Ability to set the beginning and end of the heating season at your discretion.
- Adjustment of a comfortable temperature for yourself not only in the whole house, but also in individual rooms.
- When designing, the advantage is that it is possible to place heating radiators at your discretion, remove or put on them one or more than one section to optimize heat transfer. You can lay underfloor heating, choose within a wide range the power of the boiler and the parameters of the entire heating system, regardless of the characteristics of the external heat main, on the official connection to which some restrictions are imposed.
- In the absence of a long time in the house, you can completely turn off the heating or set it to operate in economy mode.
- The use of double-circuit systems in an individual house allows not only to heat buildings, but also to heat cold water to a high temperature for use in everyday life and personal hygiene.
Rice. 2 Option scheme for heating and hot water supply of hot water in a private house
The use of solid or liquid fuels, which are stored in certain quantities, make the heating system completely independent of external communications - gas pipelines, heating mains, and allows heating the house without reference to emergency situations on engineering routes outside it.
Despite the numerous advantages, autonomous heating has quite significant disadvantages, the main ones are:
- The operation, maintenance and control of an autonomous heating system takes a lot of free time and requires some physical effort when using solid fuels.
- The main disadvantage of individual heating is the high cost of purchasing and installing equipment: a boiler, heat exchange radiators, collector interchanges and pipeline systems for underfloor heating, circulation electric pumps, plumbing fittings (air vents, check valves, shut-off valve and ball valves), control automation.
- After installing the system, fuel costs also take a significant part of the budget, many homeowners cannot afford to pay for the energy consumption of an electric boiler.
- During installation, additional costs will cause a change in the configuration of walls, partitions and floors for laying pipelines, the installation of screeds for underfloor heating.
- When using natural gas from the central pipeline as a fuel, permission from the relevant authorities is required, while obtaining it is a long-term, complex and tedious procedure that requires the investment of significant sums of money.
- Financial resources will also be needed to ensure contractual obligations with organizations involved in the maintenance and repair of installed equipment, and service center specialists.
Rice. 3 The principle of operation of a closed heating system
Optimum heating system for a public building
To select the optimal heat supply system for a public building, our specialists will definitely need to go to the site and make all the necessary measurements, analyzes, and calculations. We will start only when the project is ready, and when it is necessarily agreed with the customer.
It is desirable that public building heating system
was developed in conjunction with the rest of the engineering networks of the building, such as water supply, sewerage, ventilation, air conditioning. This will make it possible to successfully combine these communications into a harmonious, well-established and reliable set of networks. The company "Network Service" can offer not only at any facility, but also the installation of all engineering communications in the complex.
Do not be discouraged if it so happened that heating work is needed when all other communications have already been established. Our masters will cope with the integration of heating with other systems, even if you order services separately. You will be pleased with our individual approach and the ability to create such a project, according to which the installation of a heat supply system will bring comfort and the best result. We are already waiting for your calls, consultations, orders!
air heating
Such types of heating of various premises are considered one of the oldest. For the first time such a system was used before our era. To date, such a heating system has become widespread - both in public buildings and in production.
Hot air is also popular for heating buildings. With recirculation, this air can be fed into the room where it mixes with the indoor air and thus cools the air to room temperature and heats it up again.
In air heating systems, air is heated by heaters. The primary heater for such components is hot steam or water. In order to warm the air in the room, you can use other devices for heating or any heat source.
Local air heating
When asked what kind of heating is, local heating is often equated only with industrial premises. Local heating devices are used for such rooms that are used only during certain periods, in auxiliary rooms, in rooms that communicate with external air flows.
The main devices of the local heating system are the fan and the heater. For air heating, devices and devices such as: air-heating devices, heat fans or heat guns can be used. Such devices work on the principle of air recirculation.
Central air heating is done in rooms of any plan, if the building has a central ventilation system. These types of heating systems can be organized according to three different schemes: with direct-flow recirculation, with partial or full recirculation. Full air recirculation can be used mainly during non-working hours for on-duty types of heating, or in order to heat the room before the start of the working day.
However, heating according to this scheme can take place if it does not contradict any fire safety rules or basic hygiene requirements. For such a heating scheme, a supply ventilation system should be used, but the air will not be taken from the street, but from those rooms that are heated. In the central air heating system, such constructive types of heating devices are used as: radiators, fans, filters, air ducts and other devices.
air curtains
Cold air can come in large quantities from the street if the front doors are opened too often in the house.If nothing is done to limit the amount of cold air that enters the room, or not to heat it, then it can adversely affect the temperature regime, which should correspond to the norm. To prevent this problem, you can create an air curtain in an open doorway.
To limit the amount of incoming cold air from outside the building takes place due to a constructive change in the entrance to the room.
Recently air-thermal curtains of compact type are becoming more and more popular. The most effective curtains are curtains of a "shaving" type. Such curtains create a jet air barrier that will protect an open doorway from the penetration of cold air currents. As a comparison of types of heating shows, such a curtain can reduce heat loss by almost half.
Types of steam heating systems
According to the method of the device, two types of steam heating are distinguished: with a closed and open system. In a closed system, condensate flows into a special receiving pipe, which is connected to the corresponding inlet of the cat. It is laid with a slight slope, so that the condensate flows through the system by gravity.
Schemes of open and closed steam heating systems
In an open system, condensate is collected in a special container. When it is filled, it is fed into the boiler using a pump. In addition to the different construction of the system, different steam boilers are also used - not all of them can work in closed systems.
In general, there are steam heating systems with pressure close to atmospheric or even lower. Such systems are called vacuum-vapor systems. What is so attractive about this setup? The fact that at low pressure the boiling point of water decreases and the system has a more acceptable temperature. But the difficulty in ensuring tightness - air is constantly sucked through the connections - has led to the fact that these schemes are practically never found.
Steam heating with low pressure is more common. Available steam boilers for domestic purposes can create a pressure not exceeding 6 atm (at a pressure of more than 7 atm, the use of equipment requires permission).
Wiring types
By type of wiring, steam heating happens:
With upper wiring (the steam pipeline is located under the ceiling, pipes go down from it to the radiators, a condensate pipeline is laid below). Such a scheme is most easily implemented, since hot steam moves through one pipes, cooled condensate through others, the system is stable.
- With bottom wiring. The steam pipe is located at floor level. This scheme is not the best choice, since hot steam moves up through one pipe, condensate moves down, which often leads to water hammer and depressurization of the system.
- With intermediate wiring. The steam pipeline is laid just above the radiators - approximately at the level of the window sills. The system has all the advantages of overhead wiring, except that hot pipes are within reach and there is a high risk of burns.
When laying, the steam pipeline is made with a slight slope (1-2%) in the direction of steam movement, and the condensate pipeline - in the direction of condensate movement.
Boiler selection
Steam boilers can operate on all types of fuel - gas, liquid and solid fuels. In addition to the choice of fuel, it is necessary to correctly select the power of the steam boiler. It is determined depending on the area that will need to be heated:
- up to 200 m2 - 25 kW;
- from 200 m2 to 300 m2 - 30 kW;
- from 300 m2 to 600 m2 - 35-60 kW.
In general, the calculation method is standard - 1 kW of power is taken per 10 square meters. This rule is true for houses with a ceiling height of 2.5-2.7 m. The choice of a specific model follows. When buying, pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate - the equipment is dangerous and must be tested.
Which pipes to use
Temperatures during steam heating can normally only be tolerated by metals. The cheapest option is steel. But to connect them, welding is required. It is also possible to use threaded connections. This option is budgetary, but short-lived: steel quickly corrodes in a humid environment.
Copper pipes don't corrode.
Galvanized and stainless pipes are more durable, but their price is not at all modest. But the connection is threaded. Another option is copper pipes. They can only be soldered, they are expensive, but they do not rust. Due to their higher thermal conductivity, they transfer heat even more efficiently. So such a heating system will be super efficient, but also very hot.
Maintenance of the building heating system
After the correct heat engineering calculation of the heat supply of the building, it is necessary to know the mandatory list of regulatory documents for its maintenance. You need to know this in order to timely control the operation of the system, as well as to minimize the occurrence of emergencies.
Drawing up an act of inspection of the heating system of the building takes place only by representatives of the responsible company. This takes into account the specifics of heat supply, its type and current state. During the inspection of the heating system of the building, the following items of the document must be filled out:
- Location of the house, its exact address.
- Link to the contract for the supply of heat.
- The number and location of heat supply devices - radiators and batteries.
- Temperature measurement in rooms.
- Coefficient of load change depending on current weather conditions.
To initiate an inspection of the heating system at home, you must submit an application to the management company. It must indicate the reason - poor performance of heat supply, an emergency situation or discrepancy between the current parameters of the system and the norms.
According to current regulations, during an accident, representatives of the management company must eliminate its consequences within a maximum of 6 hours. Also after that, a document is drawn up on the damage caused to the owners of the apartments due to the accident. If the reason is an unsatisfactory condition, the management company must restore the apartments at its own expense or pay compensation.
Often, during the reconstruction of the heating system of a building, it is necessary to replace some of its elements with more modern ones. Costs are determined by the fact - on whose balance sheet the heating system is located. Restoration of pipelines and other components that are not located in the apartments should be handled by the management company.
If the owner of the premises wanted to change the old cast-iron batteries to modern ones, the following actions should be taken:
- An application is drawn up to the management company, which indicates the plan of the apartment and the characteristics of future heaters.
- After 6 days, the Criminal Code is obliged to provide technical specifications.
- According to them, the selection of equipment is carried out.
- Installation is carried out at the expense of the owner of the apartment. But at the same time, representatives of the Criminal Code must be present.
The video tells about the features of radiator heating:
Requirements for heating residential and administrative buildings
It should be immediately noted that the heating project for the administrative building must be carried out by the relevant bureau. Specialists evaluate the parameters of the future building and, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, choose the optimal heat supply scheme.
Sanitary and hygienic
. These include uniform temperature distribution in all areas of the house. To do this, pre-calculation of heat for heating the building; -
. The operation of heating devices should not deteriorate due to the peculiarities of the structural elements of the building, both inside and outside it; -
. When choosing technological schemes of the installation, it is recommended to choose unified units that can be quickly replaced with similar ones in case of failure; -
. Maximum automation of heat supply operation. This is the primary task along with the heat engineering calculation of the heating of the building.
In practice, proven design schemes are used, the choice of which depends on the type of heating. This is the determining factor for all subsequent stages of work on arranging the heating of an administrative or residential building.
Heat pump for home heating working principle
The principle of operation of a heat pump for heating
The principle of operation of heat pumps is based on the ability of bodies and media to give their thermal energy to other similar bodies and media. According to this feature, various types of heat pumps are distinguished, in which an energy supplier and its recipient are necessarily present.
In the name of the pump, the source of thermal energy is indicated in the first place, and the type of carrier to which the energy is transferred is indicated in the second place.
Heat pump for home heating
In the design of each heat pump for heating a house, there are 4 main elements:
- A compressor designed to increase the pressure and temperature of the steam resulting from the boiling of freon.
- An evaporator, which is a tank in which freon passes from a liquid state to a gaseous state.
- In the condenser, the refrigerant transfers heat energy to the internal circuit.
- The throttle valve regulates the amount of refrigerant entering the evaporator.
Electric heating
Heating of the room takes place due to the distribution of air passing through the dashboard without heating up its front side. This will completely protect against various burns and prevent any fire.
These types of building heating systems are inexpensive to install or repair, and can provide maximum comfort. An electric convector can simply be placed in a certain place and connected to the mains supply
When choosing a heating system, you can pay attention to this type - quite effective
Operating principle
Cold air, which is located in the lower part of the building, passes through the heating element of the convector. Then its volume increases and it goes up through the outlet gratings. The heating effect also takes place due to additional heat radiation from the front side of the electric convector panel.
The level of comfort and efficiency of such a heating system is achieved due to the fact that electric convectors use an electronic system that helps maintain a certain temperature. You just need to set the required temperature indicator and the sensor, which is installed in the lower area of the panel, will begin to determine the temperature of the air that enters the room after a specified period of time. The sensor will send a signal to the thermostat, which in turn will turn on or off the heating element. Through such a system to maintain a certain temperature, which will make it possible to connect electric convectors in different rooms in order to heat the whole building.
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Creating an efficient heating system for large buildings is significantly different from similar autonomous schemes for cottages. The difference lies in the complexity of the distribution and control of the coolant parameters. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of the heating system for buildings: types, types, calculations, surveys. All these nuances are taken into account at the design stage of the structure.
Autonomous heating in the apartment problems that you will face
To equip autonomous heating in an apartment, you will have to be guided by a number of documents and regulatory legal acts, the main ones are the Federal Law on Heat Supply 190-FZ, Articles 26, 27 of the Housing Code, Government Decree No. 307.
You will also need permits from local authorities and residents of neighboring apartments. Given the fact that it is rational to use explosive gas for autonomous heating in apartments, it is almost impossible to obtain a permit, especially after a series of recent gas explosions in apartment buildings. In this case, even the consent of the architectural services and gas workers will not help, the municipality will refuse to secure it in any cases, referring to Federal laws.
You can only get your way through the courts with the help of an experienced lawyer, but this idea, taking into account the financial costs and the resistance of the authorities, is even more absurd than the decision to arrange autonomous heating of the apartment with gas, agreed with the state authorities.
Rice. 20 Electric boiler in the house
It is worth noting that the generally recognized leader in financial savings, ease of use, are natural gas systems, the cheapest, but not very convenient from a practical point of view - solid fuel heating. Electric and liquid fuel boilers are more expensive, but the latter can be connected to a gas pipeline using natural gas as fuel.