
Schools and kindergartens

If large objects with powerful equipment and a large number of them (10 or more) are being checked, then additional electricians may be needed.

In addition, the act must additionally indicate:

  • Accurate list of all ventilation equipment.
  • The air exchange coefficient and the degree of its compliance with accepted standards are desirable.
  • The numbers of the attached drawings.
  • Materials and devices with which the test was carried out.
  • In the lower part, the seal and signature of the representative of the construction and installation company carrying out the measurements, as well as the signature of the representative of the supervisory organization, are affixed.

Methods for determining efficiency

Ventilation is evaluated both natural and mechanical (plants, equipment). Its effectiveness, depending on the circumstances, is measured both directly - by measuring the speed of the air flow in the air ducts with an anemometer, and indirectly.

The latter method is more complicated, since it requires measuring the concentration of substances and a much more extended list of equipment: a flashlight, a micromanometer, a tachometer, a thermometer, and much more. After sampling, processing of the taken samples in the laboratory will be required.

The Commission is obliged to pay attention to certain parameters and fix:

  • Condition and degree of tightness of flexible ventilation elements: casings, housings, belts, drives, etc.
  • Microclimate parameters: air flow rate, carbon dioxide content during working hours, ventilation system multiplicity, etc.
  • Results of aerodynamic tests (this will require pneumometric holes).

Air exchange coefficient

The value is determined by the formula:

K \u003d (Tu - Tpr) / (Toz - Tpr),

  • K - the desired value;
  • Tu is the temperature of the air outside the premises;
  • Tpr - supply flow;
  • Toz - directly in the service area.

According to the norms, in the average classroom, the air exchange coefficient should not be lower than 16 m3 / h, and in the dining room - at least 20. For residential buildings, the requirements are less stringent, but monitoring their compliance is the business of the SES.

The last organization is obliged to familiarize itself with the act before putting the residential premises into operation, and update it after 5 years. But when residents apply (for example, to take the case to court), such a document can be drawn up even earlier than the specified period.

After the descriptive part in the act, a recommendation is possible: what conclusions did the commission draw, are there ways to optimize the existing ventilation system, what are the maximum allowable parameters that are acceptable, etc.

Signatures at the bottom of the document are required for all members of the commission.

Commissioning aerodynamic tests of ventilation equipment


Commissioning of the assembled ventilation systems is carried out in accordance with the norms of SNiP 111-28-75. In the course of work, the system is debugged and all parameters of work are brought to standard and design indicators.

Purpose of testing the ventilation system: Determination of the degree of readiness of the equipment for operation.

Before starting the tests, the equipment is turned on for 7 hours. The results are recorded in the act of individual testing of ventilation equipment.

During the launch tests, the following is carried out:

  • control over the discrepancy between actual and design indicators, as well as compliance with the requirements of technical specifications and building codes during assembly;
  • search for leaks in the channel system, testing the quality of connections;
  • control over the volume of air passed through distribution and receiving chambers of general exchange equipment;
  • control of compliance with the information declared by the manufacturer about the pressure and performance of the ventilation unit;
  • testing the uniformity of the heating elements.If at the time of drawing up the test report of the ventilation system, the coolant has not yet been supplied to the system, this test is skipped.

Testing of automatic and remote control is carried out simultaneously with testing of the ventilation system, which is indicated in the act. Tests are considered successful if all devices and mechanisms worked normally during the work.

The following points are noted in the act of testing the ventilation system:

  • deviations from the original calculations, agreed with the client and allowed during the installation of the equipment;
  • technical parameters of heaters, fans, ventilation ducts, electrical appliances, filters, valves, their condition;
  • results of testing and commissioning;
  • quality of installation and installation;
  • indicators of rarefaction or air overpressure for each of the premises;
  • air exchange rate for each room.

The act of testing the ventilation system is supplemented by an act of hidden work and working drawings.

Independent check of the ventilation system


Acts of individual testing of ventilation equipment are also drawn up by commercial organizations. Often the contractor does not trust the installers. It is not uncommon for small errors in the operation of ventilation to be "not noticed" in the expectation that during operation they will not significantly affect the efficiency of ventilation.

It would seem that the fan is working, moving the air. But the productivity may be more or less than the calculated one, the balance provided by the project is not achieved. Therefore, some clients order an independent control examination. This paid service is provided only by laboratories with special accreditation. As a rule, customers come here after signing the act of comprehensive testing of the ventilation system, when there is no expected effect from the equipment. At the same time, the acceptance and transfer of equipment has already been carried out and the entire amount due has been received by the installation company.

Sometimes installers themselves turn to an independent laboratory to obtain passports and acts of comprehensive testing of ventilation systems, equipment testing. Standard samples of test certificates for ventilation systems are issued. Specialists from the ventilation laboratory will not only accurately measure all performance indicators of the system, but also give advice on correcting problems.

Rospotrebnadzor (SES) is responsible for the safety of the population during the operation of real estate. Therefore, this organization does not allow many institutions to work, for example, schools and kindergartens that have not provided an act on checking the effectiveness of ventilation.

This is especially true of new buildings and those institutions where repairs were carried out, ventilation systems were replaced. Although this paper does not belong to the category of strict reporting documents, without it the functioning of a school, kindergarten or any other institution where people spend a long time is impossible.

Every year before the start of the school year, as well as before the commissioning of the facility, such a document is required. At the same time, chemical rooms and laboratories are on a special account. Inspection of these premises can be carried out once every 3 months. This is due to the possibility of a long stay in the air harmful to health substances.

In addition, the preparation of a document is necessary for the operation of industrial, manufacturing and warehouse complexes. No production is complete without it.

Smoke ventilation test report

There is a standard GOST R 53300-2009
on smoke protection of structures and buildings, which describes the methods of testing ventilation. At the end of testing, an act of testing smoke ventilation is drawn up.

Several test methods are used.

The first is a support in the stairwell. Air for backwater is supplied by a valve installed on the ceiling of the upper landing.A ventilation unit is located on the roof of the building. The GOSTs clearly indicate the locations of pressure measurement points maintained by the smoke ventilation system. The last measurement data taken after the adjustment is entered into the test report.

Pressure is measured in two modes:

  • With the stairwell doors closed, the pressure on the doors of the first and upper floors is measured;
  • With closed doors, except for the floor door with an equipped exit to the street. Measurements are taken near the closed door of the floor closest to the exit floor.

The measurement of backwater in an elevator shaft is carried out as follows:

The elevator is installed on the required floor, its doors open. On the next floor, the doors of the elevator shaft are opened (using a special key) and the pressure is measured in it.

The act of cleaning the ventilation ducts


Periodic checks of chimneys for tightness and cleaning of ventilation should be carried out by specialists from the Housing Office or the management company. Based on the work, an act of cleaning the ventilation ducts is drawn up. The chief engineer of the management company or housing office, a technician and a chimney sweep who cleans the ventilation ducts take part in the check.

The act lists the addresses of houses and apartments in which work has been carried out, indicates the date of the next quality check of ventilation systems.

The act necessarily contains a list of houses in which violations are revealed. Defects that must be corrected within the period specified in the act for cleaning the ventilation are listed.

How to write a complaint to the housing and communal services for heating sample and example of making a claim

Next, you should indicate what consequences of the low temperature regime arose: dampness in the apartment, cold in the apartment necessitated the use of electric heating, which led to an overrun of electricity and an increase in costs) These arguments are confirmed by the following:

  1. The registered fact of my appeal and low temperature (the number was received by the technician of the Criminal Code Ivanov I.I.).
  2. Compiled and signed act of measuring the temperature in the apartment from no.

Based on the foregoing, I request you as soon as possible:

  1. Arrange for the supply of utility heating services of proper quality.
  2. Recalculate the cost of utility services for heating for 201_ in the amount of rubles (I enclose the calculation).

In case of non-satisfaction of the requirements, I will be forced by the consumer protection authorities, the State Housing Inspectorate, the court. Date, signature.

What to pay attention to

Schemes and drawings are an important part of as-built documentation, errors are not allowed here. Otherwise, questions will arise from regulatory authorities or during operation.

Here are a few key points to pay attention to first:

  1. Relevance of schemes / drawings. They must correspond to a real object, have bindings. A "floating" ventilation and air conditioning system can cause problems.
  2. Size matching. If the actual length of the duct is 12000 mm, then the same value must be indicated on the drawing.
  3. Compliance of materials and equipment. According to the project, the galvanized iron duct must correspond to the same in reality. If not, then this should be reflected in the as-built documentation.
  4. Location of outdoor units. The executive diagram precisely indicates the points where the external units of fans and air conditioners are installed.
  5. Signatures and strains. All changes made to the project documentation are certified by both parties.

Compliance with the rules and checking the compliance of drawings with the norms requires a large amount of knowledge and experience in the construction industry. Mega.ru meets all these criteria. Professional designers will help you solve problems with the calculation of the project, its maintenance and approval.

executive-scheme.ru Executive diagram example

We work with clients in Moscow and the region.We successfully cooperate with neighboring regions. We are considering options for working remotely throughout the Russian Federation. For advice, please use the convenient communication channels listed in the "Contacts" section.

The composition of the as-built documentation for the section Thermal and mechanical solutions for heating networks of the TS

1. Register of executive documentationexecutive-scheme.ru

2. General work log and special work logs:

  • General work log
  • Welding journal (SNiP 3.03.01-87)
  • Journal of anti-corrosion protection of welded joints
  • Journal of Concrete Works
  • Input control log
  • Author's supervision journal (filled in by the responsible person from the design organization)

3. Executive geodetic documentation:

  • The act on the breakdown of the route with the executive breakdown scheme
  • The certificate of survey of the geodetic center base of the capital construction object
  • Executive geodetic surveys of the plan and longitudinal profile of heating networks

4. Executive schemes:

Scheme of welded joints indicating the joints submitted for control

5. Certificate of examination of hidden works:

  • Laying of pipelines and fastenings to building structures
  • Corrosion protection of pipelines
  • Pipeline insulation
  • Installation of fixed supports

6. Acts of testing and acceptance:

  • Certificate of inspection of critical structures
  • The act of testing fittings of technological pipelines
  • Boiler hydraulic test report
  • The act of individual testing of equipment
  • The act of flushing the pipeline
  • Act on the hydraulic test of the pressure pipeline for strength and tightness
  • Acceptance certificate for the installation of equipment and insulation of pipelines and fittings in thermal chambers
  • The act of stretching expansion joints
  • Act of acceptance of the accompanying drainage of the heating network
  • Protocol for measuring the hardness of the weld metal
  • Protocol for metallographic examination of samples of welded joints
  • Protocol for mechanical testing of samples of welded joints
  • Conclusion on radiography of welded joints

7. Other documents:

  • Passport of the heating network
  • Passport of the thermal point
  • Pipeline Installation Certificate Form
  • Act for cutting industrial welded joints
  • The program for the production of work on the tie-in of the direct and return pipelines
  • Certificate of approval for the production of construction and installation works on the territory of an operating enterprise
  • Act for delivery to the reconstruction of heating networks
  • Certificate of survey of sections of engineering and technical support networks
  • Act on the restoration of landscaping after construction and installation works
  • Certificate for inspection by visual inspection and measurement of the dimensions of the seams of production (control) welded joints
  • Certificate for checking the welding and technological properties of electrodes
  • Act on the calcination of welding electrodes
  • Certificate for welding of the control joint
  • The act for checking the compliance of the filler material with the grade composition
  • Summary table of welded joints
  • Certificates of attestation of welding technology, welding equipment, welding materials
  • Documents on certification of the laboratory for quality control of welded joints

8. Certificates of welders, protocols of attestation of welders

9. Passports, quality certificates, fire certificates, sanitary and hygienic conclusions for building materials, products and structures. For all building materials, products, structures and equipment arriving at the construction site, an incoming control report must be drawn up, followed by signing by responsible persons

10. A set of working drawings for the construction of an object presented for acceptance, developed by design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation works, agreed with the authors of the project.

11. Documents on the approval of deviations from the project during construction

The set of acceptance documentation includes a package of permits:

  • Information sheet of the installation organization
  • SRO of the installation organization
  • Orders for responsible representatives
  • Personnel certificates (welders, electrical personnel, etc.)
  • Working documentation with the stamp of the Customer "To work"
  • Project for the production of works (title page and familiarization sheet)

*The presented composition of the executive documentation is approximate. Specify the exact composition of the executive documentation with the customer.

heating claim

Therefore, the tenants themselves need to declare their rights. The salvation of the freezing is the work of the freezing themselves. According to sanitary standards, the apartment cannot be colder than 18 degrees, in the corner apartment - plus 20. In the bathroom, so that you do not freeze during water procedures, it should be 25 degrees at all.
In the toilet - 18, in the hallway - 14. Is it much colder in your place? The "Rules for the provision of public services" stipulate the recommended conditions for reducing payment. Type of decrease in the quality of services For example, you can not pay for heating at all if the temperature is below + 14 degrees. If the apartment is a little warmer, then there is a reduction factor of 0.023. The hot water temperature must be at least +60 degrees at the water intake point. The specific procedure for recalculation is determined by the city administration and the city Council.

Executive Communications Filming

Executive survey of communications is carried out both for constructed underground engineering networks and for engineering systems laid inside buildings and structures. Let's consider these 2 types in more detail.

Executive survey of underground utilities

Executive survey of underground utilities is carried out after construction is completed before the backfilling of the trench (however, if the backfilling has already been completed, the possibility of performing this type of work remains, the methodology simply becomes more complicated). Based on the survey results, an as-built drawing is created containing complete information about the constructed network:

  • situational plan М 1:2000,
  • plan M 1:500 with bindings of the main points of the network to the contours of the area,
  • longitudinal profile along the route axis,
  • catalog of coordinates of turning points.

If necessary, sections and sections of various elements of the route are additionally drawn.

 executive-scheme.ru  executive-scheme.ru  executive-scheme.ru
Executive scheme of the heating system Executive sewerage scheme Executive diagram of the cable

As a result, the Customer receives a complete set of documentation required for coordination with operating organizations and Mosgorgeotrest. Our company is not limited to issuing documentation to the customer. Experienced engineers of the company will carry out the entire cycle of submitting documents to the Department of Underground Structures (OPS), as well as obtaining approvals. During construction work on the laying of engineering networks, it is necessary to order control surveys from the State Budgetary Institution "Mosgorgeotrest" in time - before the backfilling of the trench. You can entrust this work to our specialists, completely relieving yourself of the hassle of the State Budgetary Institution "MGGT".

We save your time and are ready to offer you a full range of services for the preparation of an executive drawing of an underground communication route with further support and delivery of materials to the OPS GBU MOSGORGEOTREST. If you have any questions, the specialists of ProfGeoCom will always consult and help you.

In practice, problems often arise when submitting to the department of underground structures executive drawings made with a deviation from the project. This is due to the fact that the breakdown was performed with errors or simply "by eye". Such errors emerge during the preparation of documentation and entail the need for additional approvals, and this, again, is money and time.To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to involve a reliable geodesic company at the stage of laying out the route to nature, then initially you will be sure of the correct geometry of the structure and the high-quality implementation of all necessary executive schemes.

It is also worth considering that during the construction of underground utilities, it is often required to separately provide an executive scheme for the pit for percentage. As part of the work to support the construction of communications, it is possible to perform all the necessary executive surveys with the preparation of relevant drawings and diagrams.

Executive survey of engineering systems

Executive survey of engineering systems laid inside buildings and structures is also carried out upon completion of construction. All measurements are carried out using modern digital equipment. In the process of geodetic work, the planned position of the route is determined and an isometric model is created. Based on the results of the as-built survey, the Customer is issued a set of working drawings containing information on the compliance of the work performed with the project and on the volumes actually performed. Documentation can be presented in the form of diagrams, drawings, analytical explanations.

Ventilation tightness act

Grounds for issuing an Act for concealed ventilation work, indicating the tightness test of the air duct system:


4.17. Installation and construction organizations during individual tests must perform the following work: check the compliance of the actual design of ventilation and air conditioning systems with the project (working draft) and the requirements of this section; 79, based on the results of the leak test, draw up an inspection report for hidden work in the form of mandatory annex 6 of SNiP 3.01.01-85;


4.117. Air ducts should be used: a) class P (dense) - for transit sections of general ventilation and air heating systems with a static pressure at the fan of more than 1400 Pa and regardless of pressure for transit sections of local exhaust and air conditioning systems, as well as systems serving rooms of categories A and B;b) class H (normal) – in other cases.

The classification and methods for testing the tightness of circular ducts are given in EN 12237. This classification is also used for other elements of the system.

To prevent unnecessary energy losses and maintain the required air flow in the system, the allowable leakage should not exceed 6%.

Air leaks in air conditioners, elements of ventilation systems, etc., should not exceed the leak tightness class A.

Tightness class A can also apply to open air ducts passing through the premises they serve, and in cases where the pressure drop in relation to the internal air does not exceed 150 Pa.

All exhaust air ducts with excess pressure in relation to the room air, with the exception of ventilation chambers, must have a tightness class of at least class B.


When measuring air flow at the start and end points of the main flow of the system, the pressure should correspond to the highest tightness class, and the test results should be evaluated by the sum of the maximum allowable leaks for the various parts.

In principle, the volume of air at the intake (exhaust) should differ by at least 6 percent from the volume at the end devices in the room, provided that the required maximum pressure is created for a given duct and system density class during testing. Air flow is measured with an anemometer, total pressure (static and dynamic) with a Pitot tube.


Our engineers at the facility inspect and measure the air with a certified anemometer with a valid verification certificate and with a permit from RostekhNadzor.


2nd stage of executive documentation:

After commissioning, maintenance and ventilation efficiency checks are periodically required (Inspection certificates and Ventilation passports).

Works on the inspection of ventilation of buildings, workshops, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, restaurants, hot shops: measuring the air flow on the main line of each ventilation system in the main currents to assess the efficiency and compliance with the project (standards), air tightness control, control of soot and dust in air ducts, control of the cleanliness of air filters and on the fins of heat exchangers, inspection of control panels and console settings.

We need: initial project or old passport for ventilation systems (if there is no project or passport, passportization is required); access to fans and heaters (ladder and ladder). The equipment must be put into operation.

The cost of certification of the ventilation system is from 2.500-00 rubles with VAT to 7.000-00, the cost of the passport of the ventilation unit (inspection report) depends on the air capacity of the system and their number, respectively. The term for issuing a ventilation installation passport is up to 3 working days.

Executive schemes for ventilation and air conditioning

These are working drawings with notes about compliance with the project or changes made. They contain general ventilation and air conditioning schemes, separate sections, sections of units and assemblies. Executive schemes can completely copy the project documentation or differ from it.

  • If the building is put into operation again, and no changes were made to the project during installation, then the executive diagrams do not differ from the design drawings.
  • If we are talking about reconstruction or major repairs, then it is possible to make amendments based on the wishes of the customer, the calculation of the designer or contractor.

In both cases, the schemes are supported by the signature of both parties.

Norms and rules of registration

The development, implementation and execution of the entire list of as-built documentation, including schemes, is strictly regulated. First of all, designers are guided by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as well as various decrees of the Russian government. The technical part is described in SNiP 3.05.05-84 "Technological equipment and process pipelines", SNiP 3.05.01-85, SanPiN, SNiP 3.05.01-85. There is a whole list of building regulations (SP), where you can also find useful information.

What is on the diagram

Executive schemes clearly demonstrate what happened in the end, how the actual ventilation system differs from the designer's idea. First of all, a stamp is placed on them, where notes about the changes are made. The stamp is fixed with a signature and seals from the customer and the contractor.

Also, the drawings contain detailed information about the location of the ventilation system, it is tied to the axes of the building or other indestructible structural parts. For example, internal load-bearing walls.

The diagram indicates the direction of movement of air masses, the frequency of air exchange, the power of the supply and exhaust system. Separately, sections of complex nodes, bends of air ducts are performed. The points of attachment to the enclosing structures, the points of exit / entry of air ducts are schematically indicated.


The executive diagrams of the ventilation and air conditioning system contain a lot of information. In order not to overload the drawing, as well as to make it easier for the contractor to read it, symbols are used. Registration requirements are specified in GOST 21.205-93 “SPDS. Symbols of elements of sanitary systems. For the convenience of designers, they are divided into groups:

  1. Air ducts.
  2. Air ducts in the mine.
  3. Rectangular fittings.
  4. Round fittings.
  5. Exhaust and supply devices.
  6. Elements of ventilation systems.

Sample symbols and abbreviations are presented in the regulatory documentation.


