Engineering communications are an essential attribute of the bathroom. They make the room functional and provide the possibility of taking hygiene procedures. However, even in the modern version, the water supply and sewerage networks are often far from aesthetics and violate the harmony of the interior. To hide pipe structures and make them completely invisible, you can use several methods. One of them is the construction of a box in a drywall bathroom, which is easy to assemble with your own hands. It is only necessary to purchase the material and follow the installation technology of the structure.
Materials and tools
To make a decorative box in the bathroom, you will need the following fixtures and tools:
- pencil and tape measure;
- long ruler and square;
- a hacksaw or electric jigsaw for wood (in the case of mounting a frame made of bars);
- impact drill, which is used as a screwdriver and puncher;
- metal scissors or grinder (when working with a metal profile).
In addition, you need a level and a knife to work. drywall cutting. The list of materials that will be required to make a box with your own hands in the bathroom includes:
- Drywall. Its quantity is calculated based on the dimensions of the standard sheet and the dimensions of the planned box. It is advisable to use moisture-resistant drywall, since the bathroom has high humidity.
- frame material. Both wooden bars and a special metal profile can serve as it. When using lumber, it is necessary to pre-treat them with agents that will provide protection from moisture and prevent the appearance of mold and fungus.
The connection of the elements of the box to each other is carried out using self-tapping screws and dowels. To work, you will need two types of fasteners: to fix the profile or bars to the walls and drywall to the frame.
Mounting technology
To build a drywall box, you must first determine its location and approximate dimensions. Then, using the tools, make the desired design.
First, the contour of the box is outlined on the floor, along which the profile or wooden bars are to be fixed. Then, using a plumb line, similar lines are transferred to the surface of the ceiling. In the case of a complex shape of the box, markings are made on the walls. The perpendicularity of the lines is checked with a corner.
When marking up, consider the following:
- the dimensions of the finished box will differ from the intended parameters for the thickness of the drywall sheets and subsequent finishing;
- the dimensions of the structure should exclude the adjoining of the material to the pipes and ensure the presence of a gap of 3-5 cm on all sides.
If it is intended to ceramic tile lining, then it is advisable to choose its width a multiple of the size. This will avoid cutting the material.
Frame construction
To make a frame with your own hands, you need to fix the profile or bars along the contour on the floor and ceiling, and then connect them, starting from the wall. After that, racks are installed that form the front surface of the structure. In the event that the height or width of the box exceeds 1.5 m and 25 cm, respectively, jumpers should be provided. When used as the basis for the frame of wooden bars, the cut points must be treated with a special compound. This will prevent the appearance of a creak during the operation of the structure.
Drywall installation
Knowing the dimensions of the box for a drywall bath, cutting the material is performed. It is desirable to cut the sheathing sheets in such a way that there is a minimum number of parts.Fix drywall on the frame with self-tapping screws, placing them every 15-25 mm.
Box finish
After fixing the drywall sheets, you can proceed to finish the box, which you can also do yourself. First, the surface should putty, while simultaneously forming corners and junctions with the wall surface, using a corner made of plastic or metal. It is fixed with a thin layer of putty mixture, and then the box is prepared for laying ceramic tiles. This must be done, taking into account the specifics of the object, therefore it is not necessary to erect deaf structures.
The nuances of the construction of the box
When making a box that covers pipes, you need to not only take care of its appearance, but also pay attention to functionality.
Water pipes
To provide access to valves, water meters, reducers and other elements of the water supply network, it is necessary to provide for technical openings. To do this, you need to cut a hole in drywall, which can be done either before fixing the sheets, or after assembling the structure. When masking water pipes, the hatch can be placed on the side surface of the box, so it will not be very noticeable. In places where communications go beyond the limits of the drywall structure, holes are made, which in size should be larger than the diameter of the pipes. To prevent vibration transmission, the gap is filled with a strip of polyethylene foam or other suitable material.
If the box in the bathroom is being built to mask the sewer network, then it is necessary to provide a hatch for access to the revision. It is a coupling on a pipe with a hole that is closed with a lid, or a branch. The revision is intended to clear blockages in the sewer network. Access should also be provided to the junction of the domestic sewage disposal system and the central riser.
In this case, the hatch is best placed on the front surface of the box, and you can close it with plastic doors. You can also make a lid with your own hands, cutting it out of drywall and tiling it with ceramic tiles, which are identical to the finish of the bathroom.