How to install a bathtub under a tile

Bathroom renovation is a rather complex and multi-stage process that requires a competent approach to business. Therefore, most citizens call specialists to carry out repairs. The services of such masters usually have to be paid at rather high rates. Some people, trying to save money, do their own repairs. Usually this is a trial and error method, when a person learns to lay out tiles and install plumbing on the go. At the same time, the most common question among beginners is: “Is the installation of the bath before or after laying the tiles?” There is no single answer here. The order of the stages is influenced by the material of the bath and the size of the room. Let's look into the intricacies of this issue.

tiled bathtub installation

Bath types

The modern plumbing market offers three types of bathtubs. Let's take a closer look at the range.

  • Cast iron. Some consider the installation of such a bath a relic of the past. However, this is not the case. Such models are characterized by high strength and the ability to maintain water temperature for a long time. The cost of such products is high, but they are designed for 40-50 years of operation. The disadvantage of a cast-iron bath is its weight, so the products are installed on a solid foundation.

cast iron bath


  • Acrylic. Pretty practical designs that fit perfectly into rooms of any size. Installing such a bathtub is not difficult even for a beginner, however, some inexperienced craftsmen make a classic mistake: they install the product on home-made supports, ignoring the factory frame (comes as standard). Acrylic is a rather fragile material, so an incorrect distribution of the center of gravity can provoke the formation of chips and cracks.

acrylic bath

  • Steel. The best option for those who are indifferent to the aesthetics and beauty of the bathroom. Steel bathtubs belong to the economy class category, so they are often installed for the first time, subsequently changing to cast iron or acrylic models. The mass of a steel bath is 30-35 kilograms, so installation / dismantling is usually not difficult. The disadvantages of the product include fast heat transfer: the poured water cools down in just 10-15 minutes.
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steel bath

On the market you can find bathtubs made of bronze or copper. These are expensive products that require special care.

When is the best time to install a bath?

Bath installation before or after tiling? Here is the main question that worries beginners. If you are installing acrylic plumbing, the tiles are first laid on the floor and walls, then the bathtub is placed. The light weight of the structure and the factory installation frame greatly simplify the installation process.

The installation of steel and cast iron models is carried out according to a different scheme. First, the floor is leveled with a screed. When the screed hardens, lay out the floor tiles, and then mount the bath. Then the walls are tiled with tiles, focusing on the upper edge of the installed font.

The area of ​​the bathroom also plays a key role. A simple example: the length of the room, without finishing, is 180 centimeters. A person, focusing on these dimensions, acquires a bath of the same length. In this case, the font is installed first, and then the room is tiled. If you do the opposite, the tile will “steal” 1 centimeter on each side, respectively, the bath simply will not fit.

Installing an acrylic bath

As mentioned above, such models can be installed after tiling the bathroom. To do this, each product is completed with instructions and mounting elements. Please note that the factory frame is necessarily equipped with adjustable legs with rubber tips.This feature allows you not to scratch the tiles in the process of leveling the font.

acrylic bath installation

Installation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • We assemble the frame according to the attached instructions. For convenience, the bath is usually turned upside down, while removing the protective film is not recommended. The frame elements are connected using self-tapping screws, the structure itself is located exactly in the center of the font.
  • We collect the legs and screw them into the frame. For fixing, studs and locknuts are used. Fastening is usually done by hand, as over-tightening the studs can damage the structure.
  • We install the siphon: the upper and lower drain holes are placed, then the structure is joined together.
  • Then the bath is installed in its place, leveled with legs. Please note that the drain hole must be located lower, otherwise there will be problems with the water leaving. The distance from the drain hole to the pipe is usually 17 centimeters (the manufacturer's recommendation specified in the instructions).
  • After that, the bath is fixed with hooks to the wall to avoid tipping over. For hooks, you will need to drill a hole in the wall and hammer in the dowels. Given that the bathroom is already tiled, care must be taken when drilling so as not to split it.
  • Then a protective screen is installed. Please note that the mounting angles should only be located in certain places that have a reinforcing tab.
  • Between the sides of the bath, adjacent to the wall, there will be a small gap. It needs to be sealed with sealant.

After installation, the structure is checked for stability, a small amount of water is collected to check the operation of the drain.

Installation of cast iron models

The installation of such a bath is carried out after leveling the floor and laying the floor tiles. Please note that the tiles on the floor must withstand significant loads, so be sure to check this point with the seller.

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cast iron bath installation

The installation of the product is carried out as follows:

  1. The bath is brought into the bathroom and laid on its side, the drain hole is located in the direction of the sewer. Before this procedure, experts advise covering the tile with a cloth to avoid scratches and mechanical damage.
  2. The siphon and supports are installed.
  3. The bath is turned over to its normal position and leveled in a horizontal plane.
  4. The font is installed in place, leaving about 1 millimeter between the side and the rough finish of the wall. Please note that the tile is a rather slippery surface, therefore, despite its mass, the bath may move during operation. To avoid this, the supports are fixed to the surface of the tile with waterproof glue.
  5. The walls of the room are tiled. The points of contact between the tile and the edge of the bathtub are protected from leaks by ceramic skirting boards.

Please note that when installing cast iron and steel baths, grounding is required. For this, it is better to invite a qualified electrician.


Installing a bathtub after laying the tiles is a rather responsible process that requires certain skills and knowledge. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to seek help from a specialist. When installing yourself, do not rely on the eye: in order for the bath to stand for a long time, be sure to measure the distances and use the level. Be sure to check the stability of the bath and the operation of the drain before using it. Do not attempt to install complex models yourself, such as hot tubs or jacuzzis. Only specialists can handle such products.


