Problems with pressure in the water supply network: determining the causes and eliminating them

One of the most important indicators of the quality of the water supply system of a multi-storey building is the level of pressure. Too low or, conversely, high water pressure in the water supply system negatively affects the operation of plumbing fixtures and household appliances connected to the water supply system, and also entails a number of other problems. And if you can recognize the reduced pressure by the weak pressure of the jet from the tap, then the increased pressure will make itself felt by leaks and rupture of pipes. Each owner should have an idea about the number of bar pipelines within their own apartment in order to take action in time and avoid many inconveniences.

Manometer at the entrance to the house

What should be the water pressure in the apartment?

Let's start with the fact that water pressure is measured in bars or atmospheres. Since 1 bar is equal to 0.99 atmospheres, these units of measurement are considered conditionally equal. 1 bar (1 atm.) Is able to create a column of water 10 m high.

There are documents that specify the minimum and maximum allowable pressure in the pipeline of an apartment building (SNiP 2.04.02-84, SNiP 2.04.01-85). Some of these standards relate to pressure at the entrance to the building, others - at the entrance to a separate apartment, the latter specify the amount of pressure in the intra-apartment wiring near plumbing fixtures. We will find out what value should be in each section of the water supply system.

  • At the entrance of the water supply network to a one-story house, the pressure should be 10 m of water column or 1 atm. (1 bar). For each next floor, 4 m is added. Let's make a calculation for a standard 9-story building: 10 + (4 x 9) = 46 m. ​​This means that the inlet pressure should correspond to 4.6 atm.
  • The pressure in the water supply at the entrance to the apartment will already be below this value, since the water rises to the higher floors through a complex system of pipes. For cold water, the value should be in the range from 0.3 to 6 atm., For hot water - from 0.3 to 4.5 atm.
  • The level of water pressure in plumbing fixtures must correspond to the following values:
    • for a mixer installed on a washbasin - at least 0.2 atm.;
    • for the toilet cistern - from 0.2 atm.;
    • for a bath mixer - from 0.3 atm.;
    • for a shower cabin faucet - at least 0.3 atm.

Pressure in the mixer

The required pressure level for daily needs

An important nuance is the fact that building codes indicate the extreme permissible limits, and one cannot fail to notice that the difference is very large. The minimum allowable pressure is not able to ensure comfortable use of water in the apartment and the normal operation of household appliances.

The optimal pressure in the intra-apartment part of the water supply for cold water is 4 atm. In everyday life, this figure usually ranges from 2.5–7 atm.

Weak pressure

If the pressure is low, then problems can arise even with such an elementary procedure as taking a shower. With insufficient pressure, appliances such as a washing machine, dishwasher, shower and jacuzzi will not function.

Enough pressure for showering

Normal level

What pressure will allow you to use the water supply comfortably?

Just 2 bars is enough for daily needs such as:

  • washing and taking a shower;
  • washing dishes by hand or using a household appliance;
  • washing in the washing machine.

The washing machine requires 2 atmospheres to operate.

Some plumbing fixtures need a higher water pressure of 4 atm. Among them:

  • jacuzzi bath;
  • shower cabin with hydromassage function.

The consequences of high blood pressure

If the pressure is too high - from 6.5 bar - fittings and connections in pipes suffer, at 10 bar they can easily fail and burst. Only welded joints and fittings of industrial type can withstand such high pressure. A pressure of 6–7 bar can also lead to malfunctions in the operation of highly sensitive plumbing, damage to ceramic valves.

Tip: when choosing mixers, taps, pumps and pipes, the possibility of sudden pressure surges in the network, called water hammer, should be taken into account. To avoid unpleasant situations in the form of accidents and flooding, it is necessary to purchase devices and elements for installation in a system with an increased margin of safety: in normal operation, they must withstand 6 atm., But be designed for a short-term increase in pressure up to 10 atm.

Quality fittings

Reasons for low blood pressure


  1. Clogging of pipes with small debris and deposits on the inner surface, reducing the bore diameter. To eliminate this problem, it will be necessary to replace the risers and the intra-apartment wiring.
  2. Clogged coarse filter or not fully open inlet valve. In this case, the valve and filters must be checked. It may be enough just to change the mesh on the filter so that the water flows as usual.
  3. Burst of city water pipe. In this case, the residents of the apartments cannot do anything, all that remains is to wait for the city services to restore the integrity of the water supply network.
  4. An increase in water intake by residents of the house is usually observed in the evening and morning hours, when the water supply is especially actively used.
  5. Malfunctions of the pump at the distribution station or poor supply of electricity to it.

overgrown pipes

In the event that you are no longer satisfied with the pressure of water, try first of all to determine the reason for its decrease.

  • Ask your neighbors on the landing if they have problems with pressure. If everything is in order with them, then the reason is not in violation of the public water supply.
  • Simplify the riser neighbors who live on the floor above and below. This will tell you if the problem is with a particular riser. In the event that there are no complaints from neighbors, the reason must be sought in the wiring inside your apartment.
  • Compare the pressure in different rooms of the apartment - in the kitchen and in the bathroom, see if there is a difference between the stream of cold and hot water. Perhaps the problem is local in nature, and a certain section of the pipe is clogged.

How to increase the pressure

If all measures to stabilize a constant low pressure, such as contacting the housing office or replacing the intra-apartment wiring and filters, do not work, you can resort to installing special equipment. There are two ways to increase pressure:

  • Connection of a circulation pump that increases the pressure by drawing in water. This is a great solution for an apartment: the device is small in size, it can be installed in the plumbing in front of water access points.
  • Installation of a pumping station. Despite the advantage of such equipment in terms of power, this option has serious drawbacks: the station requires special approval and takes up a lot of space.

pressure station

Head reduction

You can lower the constant high pressure by installing a special gearbox at the inlet of the water supply to the apartment, which will help adjust the water pressure. In order to monitor the pressure value, a water pressure gauge must be installed near the gearbox.

pressure reducer

How to measure?

In order to choose the best way to regulate the pressure in the water supply, it is necessary to accurately set its value. For these purposes, a water pressure gauge is used, installed on a pipe section near the entrance of the plumbing system to the apartment.

To measure the pressure in plumbing fixtures, you will need:

  • manometer;
  • thread extension;
  • 1/2 inch adapter;
  • fum tape.

Connect all the parts together, unscrew the watering can from the shower hose and screw in the improved pressure gauge. Turn on the water, wait for the air to escape from the hose and observe the readings of the device.

Water pressure gauge

Important! When measuring pressure, it is necessary to take into account the fact that at different times of the day, due to changes in the intensity of water intake, the pressure may be different. Take readings 4 times a day for a week, only in this way the data obtained will show a more or less accurate picture.


