If the noise keeps you awake at night
Who to call when the neighbors are noisy at night? After 11 p.m., night noise is punishable under administrative law:
- fine up to 2000 rubles
- in case of non-compliance with the decision on the fine - arrest up to 15 days.
After the protocol is drawn up, the silence breakers usually stop their activity. At the same time, it is desirable, but not necessary, to try to “peacefully” calm the offenders before calling the police. The law provides that noise amounting to thirty or more dBA is considered contrary to the norms of the hostel and may be the basis for liability.
If your peace has been disturbed by noisy neighbors living in a rented apartment, reporting such behavior to the landlord should help.
How to reduce the level of domestic noise
The use of modern insulating materials makes it possible to protect housing from the spread of any noise and reduce their level by more than 40 dB. In particular, an excellent option for reliable isolation of an apartment from the spread of household noise is the use of the so-called floating floor technology.
The load-bearing walls of apartment buildings are thick enough to provide adequate sound insulation. However, not all walls are load-bearing.
If the arrangement of professional sound insulation is not possible, the correct selection of insulating materials will help reduce the level of household noise. To eliminate the problem of the spread of annoying noise makes it possible to isolate the walls with plasterboard structures.
You can increase the level of insulation from above by installing reliable stretch ceilings. However, the stiffer the materials used, the better conductors they are.
If the noise comes from a cafe or restaurant
The law does not only apply to individuals. Often the objects of noise are catering establishments and clubs.
The methods of dealing with them are similar to resolving the issue with private citizens. However, in this situation it is easier to fix the fact of violation. As a rule, music is distributed at the same time.
Since it is not easy to call a specialist at night. Then the applicant will either have to pay for the services of a private expert, or fix the violation with a sound level meter on his own.
In judicial practice, there are often situations when a conflict between the tenants of the house and the restaurant administration led to the closure of the organization. But this is the result of a lengthy litigation.
In most cases, the result of the proceedings is the imposition of a ban on the use of musical equipment for a certain period (15 - 40 days). When executing the decision, the bailiffs come to the organization and seal the equipment.
Example. The court of the Chelyabinsk region imposed a ban on the use of speakers in a cafe located on the ground floor of the house. The term of the ban was 15 days. The cause of the proceedings were complaints from residents. The demand to stop the noise came repeatedly. When measuring the noise level, it exceeded the norm by 3.4 times. This cafe has been dealt with on several occasions. The previous time the ban was 40 days.
In 2019, there are no effective methods to deal with noisy neighbors. The proposed methods represent a struggle within the framework of the current legislation. It brings results only in the case of joint and systematic actions of neighbors. If the conflict occurs one on one, then there is no chance.
If the conflict with neighbors has reached a dead end, then it is necessary to connect the authorized bodies. Rospotrebnadzor and the police department can help you bring noisy neighbors to justice. You may need the help of a lawyer to prepare documents for these authorities. You can find it on our website.Just describe the problem to the duty lawyer and get qualified advice.
When neighbors love dogs and cats endlessly
If a neighbor's dog barks at night, the owner must take measures to eliminate violations of the general peace. But sometimes there are too many pets, all the residents of the entrance feel the harm from them, and the owners of the pets cannot cope because of their number.
Such people are compassionate old women who manage to put up to fifty dogs and (or) cats in their odnushka, which not only contribute to unsanitary conditions, since the grandmother simply does not have time to clean up after them, but also create unbearable tests on the nerves: howling and barking can be heard at night on all House. This situation should be:
- bring to the attention of not only the police and prosecutors,
- but also sanitary and epidemiological authorities,
- as well as administration.
The rules for keeping pets are determined by the laws of the subject, therefore, after an on-site check at the address, a form of influence on a person with too many pets will be established. So, a certain number of dogs or cats can be placed in special kennels. If the owner "collected" stray dogs, it is possible to isolate them from the population by taking them outside the municipality or to shelters, if any.
Examination of determining the volume level
Examination is carried out by both public and private structures.
State - SES, Rospotrebnadzor. You can invite specialists from a private company. Such an organization must have a license and special devices. Expenses for examination are compensated only by a court verdict.
Ideally, the test should be carried out several times in different conditions: day and night, with windows open and closed. Then you will be given an act, which will become the main evidence in court.
Whether measurements are always needed is an open question. If you call the police and the police file a tort deed, sometimes the court may accept that deed as well.
What to do if the neighbor continues to interfere with sleep
Small mischief
It is possible that your subtle hint will be understood.
You can also listen to music, but do it during the daytime. Yes, you will interfere with your neighbor and break the silence, but there will be no claims against you for this if you turn on the music at the allowed time. If the brawlers live upstairs, put the speakers on a tall cabinet.
If the neighbor has a car
It is worth noting again that it is not worth spoiling someone else's property - in this case, you yourself will not look better. But it is worth hinting at such a possibility.
Just leave a note on paper under the wipers, outlining your calls for silence. Seeing that the requirements of the other tenants go beyond the house, the neighbor may think about it.
If such a “conversation” did not work out, pour valerian next to the car. The tart smell of cats is unlikely to please the driver. You can also sprinkle some grains and breadcrumbs on the hood, which will attract sparrows and pigeons. Perhaps a neighbor will perceive bird excrement as a "warning from above."
Telephone "terrorism"
It is not necessary to say anything. Just keep quiet on the phone. It is advisable to repeat this several times.
Most likely, you will not have enough time for telephone terrorism. In order not to be distracted from more important matters, find a special program on the Internet (for example, “Dialer”). Enter your neighbor's number there - the program will do everything for you.
power outage
If there is a shield on your landing, great. Use it by simply turning off a certain apartment. Before that, consider whether there is such a possibility, otherwise you can leave without light not only noisy neighbors, but also other people, as well as yourself.
About the benefits of physics lessons
You can show your neighbor how unpleasant loud music is, and enjoy the silence yourself. Simply fill pots with water and lean it against the pot's ceiling.Stick the headphones to the walls with adhesive tape and turn on the music on your phone. It is advisable to choose the heaviest and loudest tracks, turning them on at full power.
If noisy neighbors are superstitious
Try to leave various items that are used “for witchcraft” next to the door of the silence breakers. Suitable needles, feathers, scraps of fabric, salt. You can take the earth from a flower pot, which, with a fright, will be mistaken for a cemetery. You can also draw a pentagram with chalk or leave a note with a “conspiracy”. If the neighbors believe in magic and mysticism, such methods can work.
And remember - most conflicts are completely resolved through negotiations, so leave drastic actions as a last resort.
Noise restrictions
Regulations on noise protection arose at the end of the last century, and their points initially concerned exclusively the level of noise produced by engineering communications. As a solution to the problem, the most simple methods were used, for example, a simple increase in the thickness of floors and walls.
New provisions on the permissible noise level in residential premises have already appeared in the modern state. According to such articles, residents of apartment buildings should not listen to loud music at night, as well as exceed the permissible noise level during the day.
However, at the root of the trouble often lies the frivolity of the residents themselves, who do not want to spend money on creating high-quality sound insulation, because such an initiative leads not only to additional waste, but also significantly reduces precious centimeters of living space. However, if the problem of soundproofing rooms is not solved immediately, it becomes much more difficult to deal with it later.
When is it legal to listen to music?
In Moscow and the Moscow region
Turning on loud music in the metropolitan area is prohibited from 23:00 to 07:00. This law is enshrined in Article 3.13 of the Code of the City of Moscow on Administrative Offenses.
In St. Petersburg
In the Leningrad region, as in Moscow, the period from 11 pm to 7 am is considered the time for rest for citizens. This provision is also governed by the local code of administrative offenses.
In other cities
The statutory night time, which prohibits playing loud music, varies by region. In most cities of Russia, hours are set for rest from 23:00 to 07:00, but there are other time limits. So, in the Novosibirsk region it is forbidden to break the silence from 22:00 to 7:00 on weekdays and from 22:00 to 7:00 on weekends. To check the nightly rest times that are legal in your area, check your local malfeasance code.
Differences in the rules for private houses and high-rise buildings
If you live in your own house and celebrate a noisy holiday, neighbors have the right to complain about you if this happens between 23:00 and 07:00 and interferes with their rest.
How to write a statement to the police
When contacting the police or the district inspector through a statement, you must specify the following data:
- your exact details (full name, address);
- details of the offender (full name, address);
- date and details of what happened.
You can download a sample application to the precinct (to the police) here.
The last resort is the court. If all the ways to calm the music lovers have already been tried, then you have the right to try to get rid of the annoying neighbor and file a lawsuit with a request for eviction.
It is better that your appeal be collective (⇐ link to the manual).
You can download the application form to the court from this link.
By the way, in judicial practice there is a case when constant loud music during the day caused an exacerbation of hypertension in a grandmother. Witness testimony was collected, noise level measurements were made, certificates from the polyclinic were attached. Based on the collected evidence, the court ordered compensation for moral damages.And the perpetrators were fined. After that, they no longer turned on the music too loudly.
In order to defend your right to a relaxing holiday and not be afraid that in the evening there will again be music playing for hours, you need to seek help from an experienced lawyer. So you better protect yourself and your family from violators and calm down all music lovers.
- What to do if the neighbors are noisy at night
- Is it possible to make noise at night on New Year's Eve
- Where to complain about the precinct
If you are tired of the frequent brawls or feasts that your neighbors arrange at night, you should not knock them on the radiator or turn on the music just as loudly. It is unlikely that such measures will have the desired effect. Act in accordance with the law. You should be aware that after 11 pm or earlier than 8 am it is forbidden to carry out any repairs or organize festivities. So call the police officer on duty. Try to fix the call. With repeated appeals to the duty unit or as a result of repeated preparation of protocols, administrative responsibility may follow in relation to neighbors.
If your neighbors interfere with your sleep, try to find a common language with them, to talk like a neighbor. No need to swear or, moreover, sort things out with the help of force. In this case, you will be able to move from the category of the victim to the category of the offender. Be patient and calmly explain to the brawlers that you would like to spend the night in silence and have a good rest. It is better to call the neighbors for a conversation not on the same day, at night, but the next morning, when they can adequately respond to your claims.
If your arguments seem unconvincing to noisy neighbors and they continue to break the silence at night, team up with other neighbors who are also worried about loud music. Write a collective complaint and give it to your district inspector. He must conduct a conversation with violators, acquaint them with the possible consequences if such behavior is repeated.
If this measure also turns out to be ineffective, the district police officer can bring the noisy neighbors to administrative responsibility and collect a fine from them. And later - even arrested for several days.
Try also to influence violators through his employer. You can inform the neighbors that you will be forced to send a letter with a claim to the place of work of the brawlers. In some cases, this may have the desired effect.
In the end, negotiate with other residents and prepare a poster, "Lightning", where you report the incorrect attitude of some residents of your house. Perhaps they will become ashamed, and noisy neighbors will behave more quietly at night.
Neighbors from another house or dacha listen loudly to music, what to do
Summer cottages today are increasingly bought not for growing potatoes and tomatoes, but for relaxing with family or with a group of friends. But this does not mean that outside the city you can turn on all the basses at maximum volume.
The Silence Law applies in full measure to dachas and the private sector.
Do not think that since there is much more to another section than between apartments in a multi-storey building, then you can make a little noise, turn on the music louder. You are perfectly audible. And the maximum allowable 55 decibels also apply to rural areas. So you can't make too much noise.
The problem here is that getting the police to come out of town at night is very problematic. And it will be more difficult to calm down noisy neighbors.
Ways to fight
Neighbors have to carry out repairs and listen to music no earlier than 8 am and no later than 20 pm. On weekends, this time period for noise is longer, which also starts at 8 am and ends no later than 11 pm. In case of non-compliance with this regime, an administrative fine or moral compensation may be imposed on the neighbor.
- conflict resolution by bringing the tenant to conscience (ordinary conversation);
- calling a district police officer;
- notification of a violation of public order;
- a statement to government agencies such as the prosecutor's office and the police.
What Law Enforcement Officers Can Do
Do neighbors listen to music loudly and make noise at the wrong time and do not compromise? Immediately call the police, they will be able to resolve the conflict. Such public violations are classified as administrative offenses and have a material or moral penalty.
The first call to the police for disturbing the peace, as a rule, ends with an unpleasant conversation with a police officer. Or verbal reprimand to the violator.
If the district police officer does not take any action to resolve the situation, you should contact the local prosecutor's office to resolve the situation with both the district police officer and the noisy tenant.
Resolution of the conflict in court
The court will definitely help to force a noisy apartment resident to reduce the noise level. To hold a neighbor accountable, a written statement to the prosecutor's office or the police will help. Court decisions will force to answer for a public offense in accordance with the current law of the Russian Federation.
If we consider the problem from the legal side, then household noises produced by residents of other apartments can be considered as an obstacle to the use of housing space at any time of the day. In other words, when neighbors make too much noise and interfere with pastime, then the law on the subjective right of the owner or landlord comes into force.
Noise reduction
In order not to fight with a neighbor because of constant noise and not to conflict, you can install modern insulating protections that can reduce the noise level, or completely eliminate it, such devices in most cases reduce noise up to 40 dB. Modern technology, such as a floating floor, is excellent for noise neutralization.
What are the types of household noise
Experts in acoustics distinguish several types of household noise. The sounds that we produce in apartments have a special conditional division:
- A type of impact noise that spreads over floors. This type includes the sounds of stomping and the work of various working construction tools. Or the work of kitchen appliances, for example, a blender. This type of noise is the most common and more uncomfortable in relation to all nearby neighbors, side and apartments above and below hear noise.
- Airborne noise. This type of noise refers to loud music that spreads through the air. This type can also include the playing of musical instruments and the crying of a child.
Neighbors loudly listening to music what to do
Almost every tenant of an apartment building has an unpleasant situation with other tenants.
Who often do not know their rights and listen to music too loudly or too late or work with construction tools.
How to explain to a neighbor that silence in apartments is a good factor in pleasant relationships and a way to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary problems with the state?
How to deal with loud neighbors
Docking between tenants is one of the most famous and painful topics for people living in apartment buildings. And how loudly it is allowed to listen to music, or until what time it is allowed to carry out construction work.
Not every neighbor wants to harm other residents with noisy music or construction work, often people do not know until what time it is allowed to carry out repairs and listen to music loudly. However, it is necessary to analyze all possible similar situations.
Ways to resolve the conflict are often not the easiest, so you should set yourself up for all sorts of solutions to the problem.
Sometimes it helps to bring a neighbor to conscience to resolve the conflict, in most situations this method is successful and does not destroy the relationship.
What to do if a resident through the wall is not going to decide anything with the help of a normal conversation? With this method, law enforcement officers will help, who will settle the problem, or you can receive moral compensation in court from a violator of public order.
Ways to fight
Neighbors have to carry out repairs and listen to music no earlier than 8 am and no later than 20 pm. On weekends, this time period for noise is longer, which also starts at 8 am and ends no later than 11 pm. In case of non-compliance with this regime, an administrative fine or moral compensation may be imposed on the neighbor.
- conflict resolution by bringing the tenant to conscience (ordinary conversation);
- calling a district police officer;
- notification of a violation of public order;
- a statement to government agencies such as the prosecutor's office and the police.
What Law Enforcement Officers Can Do
Do neighbors listen to music loudly and make noise at the wrong time and do not compromise? Immediately call the police, they will be able to resolve the conflict. Such public violations are classified as administrative offenses and have a material or moral penalty.
The first call to the police for disturbing the peace, as a rule, ends with an unpleasant conversation with a police officer. Or verbal reprimand to the violator.
If the district police officer does not take any action to resolve the situation, you should contact the local prosecutor's office to resolve the situation with both the district police officer and the noisy tenant.
Resolution of the conflict in court
The court will definitely help to force a noisy apartment resident to reduce the noise level. To hold a neighbor accountable, a written statement to the prosecutor's office or the police will help. Court decisions will force to answer for a public offense in accordance with the current law of the Russian Federation.
If we consider the problem from the legal side, then household noises produced by residents of other apartments can be considered as an obstacle to the use of housing space at any time of the day. In other words, when neighbors make too much noise and interfere with pastime, then the law on the subjective right of the owner or landlord comes into force.
Noise reduction
In order not to fight with a neighbor because of constant noise and not to conflict, you can install modern insulating protections that can reduce the noise level, or completely eliminate it, such devices in most cases reduce noise up to 40 dB. Modern technology, such as a floating floor, is excellent for noise neutralization.
What are the types of household noise
Experts in acoustics distinguish several types of household noise. The sounds that we produce in apartments have a special conditional division:
- A type of impact noise that spreads over floors. This type includes the sounds of stomping and the work of various working construction tools. Or the work of kitchen appliances, for example, a blender. This type of noise is the most common and more uncomfortable in relation to all nearby neighbors, side and apartments above and below hear noise.
- Airborne noise. This type of noise refers to loud music that spreads through the air. This type can also include the playing of musical instruments and the crying of a child.
How to write a statement to the police
In order to attract those responsible for disturbing peaceful sleep, you can use a sample application for noisy neighbors to the district police officer:
To the head of the police department of the _____________ district of the city of ____________ of the residents of the house No. __, entrance No. ______, st.
APPLICATION We ask you to take measures of responsibility to the tenant (s) living (s) in the apartment. No. ____ apartment building No. _______, entrance No. _____, street ______, city of _______.For a long time (indicate which one) the specified tenant disturbs the peace of citizens at night: deliberately carries out repairs (explodes firecrackers, listens to music, etc. - indicate the fact, specifically what disturbed the peace), be sure to reflect the time. The tenant does not respond to repeated attempts to convince them to stop their actions, continuing to violate the right to rest of all residents of the entrance (house). On criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation warned (signatures of all applicants).
Signatures of all residents ____________ ____________ Date Attachment: photo, video material on electronic media, printouts of conversation fragments, etc.
How to wean irresponsible neighbors to listen to music loudly
Before you start fighting your neighbors in court, try to wean them from disrupting the peace in a peaceful way. Talk to them. Let them know that their music is too loud and disturbs others. Explain that they are breaking laws, such as the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises in an Apartment Building.
Warn of possible consequences, let your words sound convincing!
Hang posters “Territory of silence”, “Night is sleep time”, announcements, etc. in the entrance.
Connect with other neighbors. A collective conversation (namely, a conversation, not a scandal) may give the desired result. Connect ZhEK (HOA, UK).
Call the district or a representative from the committee on legal issues. Let him issue only a verbal warning for the first time, but this can affect violators.
You can install a soundproofing system in your apartment. And then no music lovers from above will be afraid. But it takes money and time.