Stretch ceiling in the corridor: design, 9 photos

Stretch ceilings in the corridor are one of the preferred interior design options for any apartment, including a small-sized Khrushchev, in which a tiny narrow dark hallway-corridor looks especially depressing. The right choice of color and texture of the canvas in combination with combined spotlights will help to visually increase the height of the room and expand the cramped space. In a wide long corridor, it is possible to install multi-level stretch ceilings, create spectacular color compositions and use built-in and suspended ceiling and wall lighting fixtures.

Choosing a stretch ceiling for the corridor

Types of stretch ceilings

Stretch ceiling is a structure consisting of a special fastening system in the form of special profiles, or baguettes, which is installed under the ceiling, and a thin durable film or fabric web.

We understand the types of stretch ceiling coverings

Advantages of film stretch ceilings

Film sheet, or PVC film, is the most economical and versatile coating that can be used in almost any room. Among its advantages:

  • strength;
  • the ability to stretch;
  • waterproof without condensation;
  • antistatic;
  • varied design;
  • wide range of operating temperatures;
  • high soundproofing characteristics.

PVC film is the most popular solution

Film stretch ceiling in the corridor and hallway does not attract dust, does not absorb grease, is easily washed with a damp cloth, is not subject to the formation and spread of mold microorganisms. In emergency situations during flooding, a good ceiling is able to withstand several tens of liters of water, the film, stretching, sags until liquid is pumped out from under the inner surface.

Damage to the film can be repaired by welding a patch of similar material in the problem area. On a canvas with patterns or a floral pattern, it is easier to mask the seams.

According to the type of texture, film stretch ceilings are divided into three groups:

  • With matte surface.
  • With glossy surface with high reflective properties.
  • With a satin texture, which is an average option between matte and glossy ceilings. The surface of the satin ceiling can be perfectly smooth with a golden or silver sheen, covered with patterns and drawings.
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Satin ceiling in the hallway

Advantages and disadvantages of fabric stretch ceilings

Unlike film ceilings, fabric ceilings are a fabric woven from polyester by knitting and impregnated with a polyurethane composition. They have the following benefits:

  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high strength;
  • breathability;
  • absence of foreign odors.

Fabric as a stretch material has its pros and cons.

Among the main disadvantages:

  • water permeability;
  • lack of elasticity;
  • ability to absorb foreign odors;
  • high absorbency;
  • contamination through the pores of the fabric, which is difficult to clean;
  • unsuitability for repair - with minor damage to a small fragment, a complete replacement of the canvas is required.

Fabric ceilings are an excellent material for residential premises: a living room, a bedroom, a nursery, but in the corridor or hallway, as well as in the kitchen, bathroom, and bathroom, it is much more practical to use film coatings.

How to choose a stretch ceiling

On construction markets and in specialized stores, it presents a huge range of stretch ceilings for any residential and non-residential premises, so it can be quite difficult to decide which option is suitable for a particular case.

You need to choose the material for the ceiling individually for each case.

Which stretch ceiling to choose for a narrow small corridor

The winning element of the interior of a small cramped corridor with a low ceiling will be a glossy canvas, the reflective surface of which visually increases the height of the room, with built-in spotlights.

It is permissible to install two or three flat ceiling lights with square, rectangular or oval matte shades.

Instead of ceiling lights, you can focus on a bright light ceiling panel depicting the sky, sunlit trees, flowers, water surface, constellations. It is better to refuse suspended structures so as not to clutter up the space with unnecessary details.

A narrow corridor dictates its own design rules

The design of the ceiling should be in harmony with the color scheme of the walls and floor. Since a small dark room is usually finished in light colors, the ceiling covering can be one or two shades lighter.

How to choose a stretch ceiling for a long corridor

A long and wide room presents many possible ways to decorate the interior.

  • An excellent choice of stretch ceiling in a hallway with a high height - two- and three-level design with a photo print in the central part. Various color combinations are allowed.
  • A glossy black canvas combined with a contrasting wall and floor finish will emphasize the individual style, an elegant pendant lamp in the center of a multi-tiered ceiling structure will create a sophisticated atmosphere.
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An interesting solution for a long corridor

  • Groups of point light sources in the lower levels of the ceiling contribute to an increase in the area of ​​illuminated surfaces.

Important! Spotlights and other types of ceiling lighting fixtures must be installed before the stretch ceiling is installed. For incandescent lamps and halogen lamps, fasteners with thermal rings should be used to protect the film web, which melts when exposed to high temperatures.

You can choose the right stretch ceilings in the corridor with the help of a photo. Without experience, it is dangerous to install such structures on your own, since special equipment is used during installation. Experienced specialists, who can be found on sites dedicated to construction and repair, will help to ideally decorate the interior.


