Which stretch ceiling is better to choose for the kitchen?

When planning repairs in an apartment, many people think: is it possible to use stretch ceiling on the kitchen? Will the temperature difference caused by the operation of the gas stove burners damage this type of coating? To answer this question, you should understand what materials and structures are used for stretch ceilings, what are their strengths and weaknesses.

Choosing a stretch ceiling for the kitchen

Advantages of stretch ceilings in the kitchen

The material for modern tension structures is most often vinyl film. According to its properties, it is almost ideally suited to the conditions of the microclimate in the kitchen. This is due to the following characteristics of the PVC film, which is used to make ceilings of this type:

Vinyl film for stretch ceilings

  • Excellent moisture resistance. The kitchen is a room with high humidity, therefore, by installing stretch ceilings in the kitchen, you can additionally protect the ceiling base from the penetration of unwanted moisture.
  • High fire safety parameters. Vinyl film not only does not burn, but is also capable of not changing its structure up to a temperature of 70 ° C. This allows you to calmly make a ceiling of this kind in the kitchen, because it is almost impossible to reach this temperature in the room. However, for peace of mind and to facilitate the maintenance of the ceiling covering over the gas stove, it is better to install a hood.
  • Ease of maintenance. Stretch ceilings in the kitchen made of PVC film are most often made in a glossy version. Caring for them is very simple: grease, soot and any stains can be easily removed by wiping the surface with a flannel cloth. In case of severe contamination, you can use ordinary non-abrasive detergents, the main thing is to do everything carefully and without pressure so as not to damage the coating.

Stretch ceiling care in the kitchen

To restore shine to a dull ceiling, it is best to use a 10% solution of ammonia.

Advantages of a tensile structure

In addition to the outstanding qualities of the material of manufacture, the design of stretch ceilings itself has advantageous differences from other ceiling covering options.

  • The stretched canvas allows you to get some additional insurance against the frequent misfortune of apartment buildings - flooding by neighbors from above. In such houses, rooms of the same type are located on the same vertical axis, and the risk of leakage is greatest in bathrooms and kitchens, above which rooms with water sources are located.
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PVC ceiling saves the kitchen from flooding

A square meter of PVC film is able to withstand up to 100 liters of water. And after pumping it out, the ceiling will restore its original shape within a few days.

  • Stretch ceilings can be installed without preliminary surface preparation. There is no need for time-consuming leveling of the ceiling, and the service life of such a structure is 20-30 years.
  • The variety of color schemes and models allows you to choose the best option for a particular kitchen, which will fit better into the overall interior of the apartment. Which final option to use depends on the personal preferences of the owner. If desired, even photo printing can be done on such a coating.
  • Under the design of the stretch ceiling, you can hide wires and communications, and it also increases the sound insulation of the room.

General Disadvantages

However, tensile structures have their drawbacks:

  • The materials used in the manufacture of stretch ceilings are quite durable, but they are afraid of the impact of sharp objects that can easily make a cut in the film, after which the entire structure will need to be replaced. However, if no one is going to juggle knives in the kitchen or swing billiard cues, then nothing will happen to the coating.

Tension fabric rupture

  • During installation, the design will take at least a few centimeters from the total height of the kitchen.With modest dimensions of apartments, this can become a problem, which can be solved with the help of a stretch ceiling design. The visual impression of the interior space of the kitchen will depend on which variety and which color is chosen. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to consult an experienced designer.
  • Run do-it-yourself stretch ceiling installation not everyone decides. The cost of a heat gun used to stretch the film is several times higher than the cost of materials - canvas and fasteners - so you have to hire professionals.
  • Another inconvenience associated with a tensile structure is that it is necessary to decide in advance which lighting devices will be placed in the room. According to this scheme, even during the installation of the ceiling, it is better to place special embedded parts.
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Stretch ceiling installation

With a stretched and fully mounted coating, it is unlikely that an additional chandelier will be placed on the ceiling.

  • The floor slab covered with PVC film is poorly ventilated. Because of this, fungus or mold can subsequently develop on it. To avoid this negative point, even before the start of installation, it is necessary to do surface treatment from microorganisms. The kitchen room should be regularly ventilated, and it is better to use ventilation grills in the design. On the PVC film itself, the formation of fungus and mold is impossible, and all dirt is easily removed during the maintenance process.
  • In large kitchens, it is difficult to make the ceiling covering a single array. The PVC film has a maximum width of 5 meters, and the butt joints on a well-lit ceiling surface will be clearly visible. To avoid this, it is better to make a two-level design or use different colors of the film.

Two-level stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings for the kitchen from PVC film

Stretch ceilings based on PVC film are the most common. They are durable, moisture resistant, easy to care for and inexpensive.

Also, their advantages include a huge selection of colors of the film material. Which particular color to choose depends on the tastes of the owner and the nature of the room. Light colors will expand the kitchen visually, dark glossy shades will achieve a mirror effect.

Light glossy ceiling - a great solution for a small kitchen

Such material is well suited for multi-level structures that allow you to give individuality to any kitchen. The type of film from which the stretch ceiling is made determines whether it will be matte or glossy.

Matte ceiling features

Matte ceilings are not recommended for use in small rooms, as they will visually reduce the already small kitchen space. In addition, matte coatings are a little rough, because of this, dust and soot from a gas stove can settle on them, which will require more careful maintenance and reduce the life of such a coating.

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Matt stretch ceiling

White matte ceilings are well suited for large and tall kitchens, made in a classic style.

Stretch ceiling made of glossy film

For the vast majority of apartments, it is better to choose a glossy canvas for the kitchen. It will visually increase the space, does not require special care and will organically fit into the overall design of the kitchen.

Glossy stretch ceiling

If bright colors are chosen for the glossy ceiling, it is better that they echo the colors of kitchen furniture and finishes.

fabric ceiling

In addition to the film, a special fabric can be used to make a stretch ceiling. Fabric ceilings attract with their environmental friendliness, they also allow the room to breathe.

The main disadvantage of such a coating is the difficulty of washing it during the care process. It is hardly worth using them in the kitchen, where soot and grease from a gas stove will quickly render it unusable.Polymer-impregnated fabric ceilings have higher performance, but are quite expensive and do not have a wide variety of colors. In addition, they are not used in multi-level structures, where the material needs to be given a complex shape.

Printed fabric ceiling

To finish the kitchen in the apartment, it is quite possible to use stretch ceiling structures. The main thing is to correctly determine which material and color will suit a particular room, and do not forget about the rules for caring for the ceiling.


