How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

ball valve

This is the most famous type of valves. Inside it there is a smooth ball having a through hole and capable of turning 90 ° C, thus regulating the flow of water in the pipe, blocking or opening it. The design of the mechanism provides it with minimal resistance to flow in the open state. It is designed to operate in the "fully open" or "fully closed" position, to quickly shut off water or, in some cases, drain it. Intermediate positions are possible, but prohibited.

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

The material for these mechanisms will be nickel-plated brass and stainless steel; polymeric materials are also used for metal-plastic systems. There are expensive and high-quality cranes from the brands Danfoss, Giacomini, Bugatti on the market. For limited financial opportunities, Chinese and Turkish Valtec, Fado are offered. Good quality at a low price is offered by the Chinese AGUA-WORID.

The most common type of faucet is a valve. Allows you to adjust the pressure. The channel for the flow inside it is perpendicular to the flow of liquid in the supply pipes. Installation must be carried out with careful consideration of the markings so that the water flows in only one direction.

For heating systems there are valves with a conical valve. They are most effective for such conditions. Fully open, it passes the maximum amount of liquid, which makes the heat output of the battery more efficient. The mechanism allows you to reduce the flow of coolant and reduce heat transfer if the room is too warm and, thus, control the temperature.

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

There are such types:

  • adjusting (straight and angular). They have manual control. Are applied in autonomous heating. They cannot accurately adjust the heat transfer due to the lack of a scale and a temperature sensor;
  • equipped with a thermal head. Their design makes it possible to block or limit the increase in temperature by means of manual or automatic control. Installed on two- and one-pipe systems. Adjustment is simple - the required temperature is set manually using a restrictive ring;
  • with thermostat. Installed in front of the battery. The flow of the coolant is controlled by a valve mounted in front of the thermostat.

There are no plastic valves, they are made of brass, steel, or a combination of these materials.

Selection and installation of radiator valves

Connecting heating devices using properly selected shut-off and control valves improves the functionality of the heating system and makes operation more convenient. The faucet for the heating radiator must be made of high quality materials and properly installed.

Fittings for heating radiators are divided into shut-off (shuts off the flow of coolant) and control (designed to control the flow rate). Valves are only shut-off valves, control valves are valves and gates. But in everyday life, taps mean all types of shut-off and control valves.

ball valve

This is the most famous type of valves. Inside it there is a smooth ball having a through hole and capable of turning 90 ° C, thus regulating the flow of water in the pipe, blocking or opening it. The design of the mechanism provides it with minimal resistance to flow in the open state. It is designed to operate in the "fully open" or "fully closed" position, to quickly shut off water or, in some cases, drain it. Intermediate positions are possible, but prohibited.

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

The material for these mechanisms will be nickel-plated brass and stainless steel; polymeric materials are also used for metal-plastic systems. There are expensive and high-quality cranes from the brands Danfoss, Giacomini, Bugatti on the market. For limited financial opportunities, Chinese and Turkish Valtec, Fado are offered. Good quality at a low price is offered by the Chinese AGUA-WORID.

The most common type of faucet is a valve. Allows you to adjust the pressure. The channel for the flow inside it is perpendicular to the flow of liquid in the supply pipes. Installation must be carried out with careful consideration of the markings so that the water flows in only one direction.

For heating systems there are valves with a conical valve. They are most effective for such conditions. Fully open, it passes the maximum amount of liquid, which makes the heat output of the battery more efficient. The mechanism allows you to reduce the flow of coolant and reduce heat transfer if the room is too warm and, thus, control the temperature.

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

There are such types:

  • adjusting (straight and angular). They have manual control. Are applied in autonomous heating. They cannot accurately adjust the heat transfer due to the lack of a scale and a temperature sensor;
  • equipped with a thermal head. Their design makes it possible to block or limit the increase in temperature by means of manual or automatic control. Installed on two- and one-pipe systems. Adjustment is simple - the required temperature is set manually using a restrictive ring;
  • with thermostat. Installed in front of the battery. The flow of the coolant is controlled by a valve mounted in front of the thermostat.

There are no plastic valves, they are made of brass, steel, or a combination of these materials.

Types of heating systems and the principle of adjusting radiators

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

Handle with valve

In order to properly adjust the temperature of the radiators, you need to know the general structure of the heating system and the layout of the coolant pipes.

In the case of individual heating, adjustment is easier when:

  1. The system is powered by a powerful boiler.
  2. Each battery is equipped with a three-way valve.
  3. Forced pumping of the coolant has been installed.

At the stage of installation work for individual heating, it is necessary to take into account the minimum number of bends in the system. This is necessary in order to reduce heat loss and not reduce the pressure of the coolant supplied to the radiators.

For uniform heating and rational use of heat, a valve is mounted on each battery. With it, you can reduce the water supply or disconnect it from the general heating system in an unused room.

  • In the central heating system of multi-storey buildings, equipped with a supply of coolant through a pipeline from top to bottom vertically, it is impossible to adjust the radiators. In this situation, the upper floors open windows due to the heat, and it is cold in the rooms of the lower floors, since the radiators there are barely warm.
  • More perfect one-pipe network. Here, the coolant is supplied to each battery with its subsequent return to the central riser. Therefore, there is no noticeable temperature difference in the apartments of the upper and lower floors of these houses. In this case, the supply pipe of each radiator is equipped with a control valve.
  • A two-pipe system, where two risers are mounted, provides the supply of coolant to the heating radiator and vice versa. To increase or decrease the coolant flow, each battery is equipped with a separate valve with a manual or automatic thermostat.

Types of materials used

When deciding which tap to put on a heating radiator, you should pay attention to the material of its manufacture. First of all, the main requirement for the material is its anti-corrosion properties.

Most often, synthetic brass is used for production, and products made from high-quality polypropylene are also popular. The top layer can be additionally protected by a metal coating.

Depending on the material, the types of fasteners also differ. So, a brass faucet is attached with a fitting or thread to pipes made of plastic or metal. To install a polypropylene valve, you will need to choose a welding method.

Useful information for those who want to choose a universal locking device

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

Battery valve

Choosing a faucet for a heating battery

It is important to pay attention to the material from which it is made. The locking device works in the most aggressive environment. It is constantly in the water, exposed to high temperatures and hydraulic shocks.

Therefore, it is important that the material can withstand all these negative factors.

It is constantly in the water, exposed to high temperatures and hydraulic shocks.

Therefore, it is important that the material can withstand all these negative factors.

Most often, radiator valves are made of alloys. Most models are made of brass. This is a very durable metal that is not afraid of corrosion. But for even greater strength, brass is coated on top with a protective metal composition. This is the best option for use in the heating system.

Sometimes, instead of brass taps, sellers can slip them a fake - silumin control valves, which outwardly, like two drops of water, look like original models.

After a year of operation, breakdowns often occur that can lead to utility accidents. Indeed, from the inside, silumin rusts very quickly, and corrosion instantly corrodes the body, making its walls very thin. Therefore, any water hammer easily breaks the locking device. Even if this does not happen, there are cases when, when simply opening or closing a tap, it simply remains in the hands of a person, having fallen off the base. If there is hot water inside the battery at this time, burns are sure to occur. So beware of fakes!

So, the faucet for the heating battery must be made of brass - only this alloy easily tolerates high temperatures and hydraulic shocks. It is better to choose ball locking mechanisms that have high warranty periods and demonstrate increased tightness. This faucet can be installed both horizontally and vertically.

Functional purpose

Why complete the radiator with taps? Their installation when connecting heating devices makes it possible :

  • completely turn off the radiators if for some reason the room does not temporarily need to be heated;
  • block the supply of coolant for flushing or revision of individual radiators without draining the coolant from the entire system;
  • regulate in manual or automatic mode the intensity of the heat transfer of the batteries, maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room;
  • remove air pockets from radiators, increasing system efficiency and reducing the risk of corrosion of metal elements.

Types of control valves

Existing modern heat supply technologies make it possible to install a special tap on each radiator that controls the quality of heat. This control valve is a shut-off valve heat exchanger, which is connected via pipes to the radiator.

According to the principle of their work, these cranes are:

Ball valves, which serve primarily as 100% protection against emergencies. These locking devices are a design that can rotate 90 degrees, and can let water in or prevent the passage of coolant.

The ball valve must not be left in a half-open state, as in this case the sealing ring may be damaged and a leak may occur.

  • Standard, where there is no temperature scale. They are represented by traditional budget gates. They do not give absolute accuracy of adjustment. Partially blocking the access of the coolant to the radiator, they change the temperature in the apartment to an indefinite value.
  • With a thermal head, which allow you to adjust and control the parameters of the heating system. Such thermostats are automatic and mechanical.

Conventional direct acting thermostat

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

A direct acting thermostat is a simple device for controlling the temperature in a heating radiator, which is installed near it. By its design, it is a sealed cylinder into which a siphon is inserted with a special liquid or gas that clearly reacts to changes in the temperature of the coolant.

When it rises, the liquid or gas expands. This leads to an increase in pressure on the stem in the thermostatic valve. He, in turn, moving, blocks the flow of coolant. When the radiator cools, the reverse process occurs.

Temperature controller with electronic sensor

This device according to the principle of operation does not differ from the previous version, the only difference is in the settings. If in a conventional thermostat they are performed manually, then the electronic sensor does not need this.

Here the temperature is set in advance, and the sensor monitors its maintenance within the specified limits. The electronic thermostatic sensor adjusts the air temperature control parameters in the range from 6 to 26 degrees.

Risers and a valve that cuts off heating areas

The recommendations of experts in this case do not differ in the originality of the solution, since plug valves are considered the best choice. In the risers, it is necessary to create conditions for the discharge of the liquid coolant and plugs are chosen for this purpose, but they are not always convenient, since it will be quite problematic to unscrew the plug on the supply riser, through which a water flow with a water temperature of about 90 degrees circulates.

As a result, the conclusion is obvious: valves should be installed to discharge water.

In this situation, screw devices can be used, since they will not have significant drawbacks:

  • if the stuffing box is installed correctly, it will not be in contact with the pressurized water stream;
  • water hammer becomes impossible, since the valve is mostly closed;
  • you don't need to reset the whole house system to change the gaskets, just stop the riser.

Elevator node

In apartment buildings at the entrance and exit from the elevator unit of the heating system. as a rule, valves are mounted. In their body there are two rings made of corrosion-resistant steel, which encircle the passage for the coolant (mirrors). Another pair of mirrors is located on the surface of the valve - its moving part.

When the damper is in the lower position and lowers, it blocks the movement of water, but if it goes to the upper position, it goes beyond the circulating flow. To close the valve, the consumer needs to rotate the handwheel, which drives the stem, which has a screw thread. An oil seal stuffed around the stem will help ensure tightness. For heating and hot water, the product must be graphite. There is no alternative to this device with a pipe diameter of 50 millimeters. It is necessary to determine which taps for heating radiators are best.

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

If this parameter is lower, it is recommended to use modern plug valves, such as in the photo, since valves have serious drawbacks:

  • it is necessary to periodically stuff the stuffing box, even in the case when the valve is not used, since the stuffing, in contact with water, gradually collapses;
  • after a short period of time, the cheeks begin to overgrow with deposits. If the valve has been idle for several years without use, it will not be possible to completely close it;
  • In case of emergencies, every second can be decisive. If it takes literally a moment to close the plug valve, then it will take a long time to rotate the valve wheel, even when it is fully operational.

It should be noted that cork valves, which are a ball with a water channel surrounded by a plastic shell, differ in:

  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • reliable fluid retention;
  • no need for maintenance.

Plumbing specialists do not recommend purchasing and installing a screw valve on a heating battery or the same products of any other type.

They have significant design flaws:

  • the stuffing box will need to be stuffed periodically if there is no desire to put up with a constant leak along the stem. When it is difficult to replace the valve or stuff the stuffing box, then to eliminate leakage, the valve must be opened to failure with little effort. The leak will stop due to the fact that the thread on the stem will press the stuffing box:
  • rubber gaskets for elements of heating structures have a limited shelf life. A radiator valve with flat brass valves does not hold water after a certain time due to deposits on the valve and seat. The same locking elements with wedge-shaped valves made of brass, after closing them with effort, often wedged in the saddle;
  • all screw valves are installed only in the direction of the water. For orientation on the body of many products, a pointer is depicted - an arrow. The installation of a valve against the water inflow will certainly end with the fact that the valve will tear off and then the water will be tightly shut off.

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

Another undesirable prospect is associated with the operation of the valve - the possibility of water hammer if the valve is not completely closed and turbulence occurs in the water flow, periodically blocking the seat. Water hammer - these are short-term pressure surges, as a result of which the weakest sections of the heating circuit are destroyed.

Useful tips for choosing

Several features are described below in order to determine which products are best to use.

Locking mechanism

Thermoregulators have two types of locking mechanism: valve and valve with a cone (stem). The last preferred one allows smooth adjustment. The temperature is set manually using a restrictive ring mechanically. There are also electronic mechanisms, they are more autonomous.

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

It is better to install ball valves than gate valves, which have a number of disadvantages: the stuffing box wears out faster, overgrows with deposits, and closes for a long time. Disadvantages of the Mayevsky crane: low permeability, it requires a special key or screwdriver, which is inconvenient to use. If its stem is accidentally unscrewed, it is very difficult to screw it back, overcoming the pressure of water. Instead, it is recommended to install a conventional valve or special automatic radiator air vents. The optimal and affordable option if temperature control is required is a faucet with a thermal head.

Housing and connections

It is better to install not standard ball valves on batteries, but full bore ones. In residential, houses and apartments, such mechanisms with a coupling connection are used.

It is better to choose taps for heating radiators with a steel or bronze body, but most often they put brass ones, as they are cheaper. Imitation of brass is silumin. You should not buy a product made from it, it is a very soft metal. Polymer ones are no less reliable, but they have large dimensions. To replace them, you need to cut a piece of pipe.

Products with polymer rather than rubber gaskets are more durable. Taps for adjusting the coolant on heating radiators exclude the possibility of changing them without draining the water, this can be done with through taps or with an American installed (towards the battery).

The products of Itap (Italy), Danfoss are considered to be of the highest quality. Approximate price range 700–2000 rubles. In the middle price range there are Oventrop brand products - 550–950 rubles. For a limited budget, Luxor is suitable - 450–800 rubles. Chinese or Turkish brands.

Useful tips for choosing

Several features are described below in order to determine which products are best to use.

Locking mechanism

Thermoregulators have two types of locking mechanism: valve and valve with a cone (stem). The last preferred one allows smooth adjustment. The temperature is set manually using a restrictive ring mechanically. There are also electronic mechanisms, they are more autonomous.

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

It is better to install ball valves than gate valves, which have a number of disadvantages: the stuffing box wears out faster, overgrows with deposits, and closes for a long time. Disadvantages of the Mayevsky crane: low permeability, it requires a special key or screwdriver, which is inconvenient to use. If its stem is accidentally unscrewed, it is very difficult to screw it back, overcoming the pressure of water. Instead, it is recommended to install a conventional valve or special automatic radiator air vents. The optimal and affordable option if temperature control is required is a faucet with a thermal head.

Housing and connections

It is better to install not standard ball valves on batteries, but full bore ones. In residential, houses and apartments, such mechanisms with a coupling connection are used.

It is better to choose taps for heating radiators with a steel or bronze body, but most often they put brass ones, as they are cheaper. Imitation of brass is silumin. You should not buy a product made from it, it is a very soft metal. Polymer ones are no less reliable, but they have large dimensions. To replace them, you need to cut a piece of pipe.

Products with polymer rather than rubber gaskets are more durable. Taps for adjusting the coolant on heating radiators exclude the possibility of changing them without draining the water, this can be done with through taps or with an American installed (towards the battery).

The products of Itap (Italy), Danfoss are considered to be of the highest quality. Approximate price range 700–2000 rubles. In the middle price range there are Oventrop brand products - 550–950 rubles. For a limited budget, Luxor is suitable - 450–800 rubles. Chinese or Turkish brands.

Types of control valves

Existing modern heat supply technologies make it possible to install a special tap on each radiator that controls the quality of heat. This control valve is a shut-off valve heat exchanger, which is connected via pipes to the radiator.

According to the principle of their work, these cranes are:

Ball valves, which serve primarily as 100% protection against emergencies. These locking devices are a design that can rotate 90 degrees, and can let water in or prevent the passage of coolant.

The ball valve must not be left in a half-open state, as in this case the sealing ring may be damaged and a leak may occur.

  • Standard, where there is no temperature scale. They are represented by traditional budget gates. They do not give absolute accuracy of adjustment. Partially blocking the access of the coolant to the radiator, they change the temperature in the apartment to an indefinite value.
  • With a thermal head, which allow you to adjust and control the parameters of the heating system. Such thermostats are automatic and mechanical.

Conventional direct acting thermostat

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

A direct acting thermostat is a simple device for controlling the temperature in a heating radiator, which is installed near it.By its design, it is a sealed cylinder into which a siphon is inserted with a special liquid or gas that clearly reacts to changes in the temperature of the coolant.

When it rises, the liquid or gas expands. This leads to an increase in pressure on the stem in the thermostatic valve. He, in turn, moving, blocks the flow of coolant. When the radiator cools, the reverse process occurs.

Temperature controller with electronic sensor

This device according to the principle of operation does not differ from the previous version, the only difference is in the settings. If in a conventional thermostat they are performed manually, then the electronic sensor does not need this.

Here the temperature is set in advance, and the sensor monitors its maintenance within the specified limits. The electronic thermostatic sensor adjusts the air temperature control parameters in the range from 6 to 26 degrees.

Features of installation and maintenance of regulators

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

Temperature controller installation diagram

After choosing the optimal model of a thermostat or a tap for adjusting the heating temperature, you should perform their correct installation. The location of the reinforcement directly depends on its function and design.

Most often, the adjustment components are mounted in the piping of a specific heating radiator. They are installed on the supply pipe or on the bypass. At the same time, in order to comfortably adjust the temperature of the heating batteries, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • The device should not be covered with decorative panels or other interior items;
  • The service life of thermostats largely depends on the quality of the coolant. Therefore, a strainer should be installed in front of it, which will protect the valve seat from limescale;
  • When installing the heating temperature control valve, follow the installation diagram. Arrows on the body of the device show the direction of movement of the coolant;
  • Many thermostats and servos are connected to the mains. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a power supply to them.

Before installing and further adjusting the heating batteries in the apartment, you must read the manufacturer's instructions. It prescribes the installation conditions for the operation of a particular adjusting element.

One of the important indicators of apartment heating control valves is maximum and minimum throughput. They must match the current system settings.

Maintenance of regulators and taps

How to choose and install a faucet for a radiator of a heating system

Pressurization is carried out only after the installation of control valves

After installation, pre-adjust the taps on the heating radiators. To do this, the temperature regime of operation and the pressure in the system must be normal. Then, by changing the degree of heating of the coolant, the operation of the control valves is checked. The system is tested in several modes. Alas, it will not work to independently adjust the heating in an apartment-type house according to this scheme, since consumers do not have the opportunity to change the degree of heating of the coolant.

In fact, it is possible to check the performance of a particular element only when starting the central heating supply. Those. correct adjustment of heating radiators in the apartment is carried out during the heating season.

During the launch of the heating system, a complete adjustment of the heating system of a private house is necessarily carried out. It should include the following steps:

  • Checking the performance of taps and thermostats;
  • Compliance of their actual parameters with passport data;
  • If a defective element is detected during the control adjustment of the degree of heating of the heating batteries, it must be replaced.

In addition, it must be remembered that a number of external factors affect the operation of the system: the degree of thermal insulation of the house, the climatic features of a particular region.This must also be taken into account when adjusting the temperature of the heating radiator.

The video shows an example of organizing the adjustment of heating radiators in a house:


