The procedure for operating the heating system
Heating radiator thermostatic valve
During operation, the following tasks must be performed:
- Uniform distribution of heat in heated rooms;
- Trouble-free operation of equipment, control over the magnitude of pressure and temperature - they should not reach critical values;
- No air pockets;
- Minimum fuel consumption - maximum system efficiency;
- Operational regulation of operating parameters.
To accomplish these tasks, it is necessary to perform the following activities at regular intervals:
- Visual inspection of hard-to-reach system components - once a month.
- Inspection of shut-off and control valves, pumping units, automation and safety devices - 1 time in 10 days;
- Removal of air from the system (when using manual devices) - as it accumulates, but at least 1 time per week;
- Cleaning the heat-releasing surfaces of heating devices (radiators, convectors) - as they get dirty, it is recommended at least 1 time per month;
- Periodic inspection of shut-off valves, checking them by closing them for tightness. In addition, regular closing / opening of taps (1 time in 2 weeks) prevents “sticking”, jamming of working elements - balls and valves.
- Timely replacement of seals - in case of leakage;
- Regular (according to the degree of contamination) washing of the coolant cleaning filters;
- Daily monitoring of the pressure, temperature, mass flow rate of the coolant, timely replenishment of the system with water (if necessary);
- Checking radiators and pipelines for the formation of air locks or blockages - when the temperature in the room decreases. Formations that impede the normal circulation of the coolant are most often easy to determine by touch;
- For open type heating systems with natural circulation - regular monitoring of the presence of water in the open expansion tank.
As for the magnitude temperature and pressure coolant, then for autonomous systems they usually do not exceed 75C and 3.0 kgf/cm2. An increase in temperature above 90 ° C often leads to the formation of hard deposits - scale. High temperatures and pressures significantly reduce the service life of plastic (polymer) pipelines used for the installation of heating complexes.
Maintenance and repair of heating systems of a private house and enterprise
Heating is a complex and at the same time important communicative structure, consisting of active nodes and connecting elements. Today, many heating options are known, involving the introduction of gas, electric and other equipment with air, water and other heat transfer through the heated room. Many parameters depend on the quality of this system, such as the comfort of staying in a private house or cottage, the level of efficiency of personnel at the enterprise, as well as the objectivity of the implementation of production processes. Therefore, it is important not only to install a practical heating communication, but also to carry out its maintenance at the highest level. Regular execution of this service will increase the efficiency level of the heating structure to the maximum, maintaining the set parameters for a long time of operation.
The essence of service maintenance of the heating system
The service of heating equipment is a large complex of all kinds of activities, including organizational and technical actions that are designed to ensure the uninterrupted performance of the intended functions of this system. The service process includes the following service steps:
- inspection of the state and taking readings from control devices;
- drawing up an action plan;
– service for stabilization and modernization of heating lines and elements.
The last point may imply a general or partial repair of equipment or a complete replacement of the same equipment. The ideal option is to carry out a repair and maintenance service at intervals of 1-2 times a year, which depends on the level of operation and the quality of the heating system itself. A guarantee of high-quality measures for the maintenance of the system will be the conclusion of an agreement with the appropriate company for periodic maintenance services.
The Importance of Heating Maintenance
Carrying out the service of this system includes two important elements as diagnostics and prevention. In the operation of even the most seemingly stable communication during operation, technical interruptions and deviations occur, such as a lack of pressure or partial depressurization of equipment connection points and / or heat-conducting lines. Most of all, destabilization does not occur due to poor installation, but as a direct consequence of the inadequacy of the operation of main networks, for example, when a natural gas consumption boiler is used or as a consequence of energy losses and power surges in electrical networks during heating by electrical means.
The task of the performed service allows you to detect all deviations in time and prevent emergency situations
The same importance of such procedures is in seasonal actions, when the heating system is switched to another mode or equipment is being prepared for higher operation.
Order maintenance of the heating system
The implementation of these operations is allowed only to experienced personnel who are on the staff of professional companies and specialized firms and have the skills and permits to organize the necessary events and perform maintenance of heating systems. In this case, the conclusion of the contract is a guarantee:
- systematic visits and inspections of communication facilities for heat supply:
- the quality of the performance of the proposed service activities;
- responsibility for the operation of heating and heat-transferring elements in the set parameters that correspond to production needs and technological characteristics of heat supply facilities.
The company "Been Group", as a proven experienced organization for the implementation of installation and maintenance operations of various communication lines, has extensive practical experience in organizing installation and the necessary service of heating lines. This also allowed her to become one of the leading Moscow firms in this direction. Among the advantages of "Been Group":
— theoretical and practical superiority of personnel;
– use only original materials and technical means;
- a guarantee for the work performed;
– the ability to perform installation work and maintenance of both heating and water supply, gas supply equipment, electrical communications and automation.
Thanks to the experience and skills of our employees, all maintenance is carried out taking into account the efficiency of keeping at the required level or increasing the performance of heating systems to the maximum value.
5. Hot water system
hot water systems
water supplies are centralized
and local. Hot water supply
is to prepare hot
water in special water heaters,
which are installed in boiler rooms
or in heating stations.
Hot water supply
carried out in open and closed
With open
hot water system
water is taken from the supply or return
heating mains. At hours
maximum water consumption hot
water is taken only from the return
pipeline, and during minimum hours
water consumption only from the supply,
to compensate for the cooling of the water
hours of minimum water consumption and,
thus ensure its normal
temperature. Maintenance of regulatory
hot water temperature
water supply is provided through
regulation of the amount of water entering
from the main supply pipeline.
To do this, the heat unit is equipped with
liquid thermostat (TRZh). By
in relation to the heating system hotter
water supply can be
parallel and series circuit.
With a parallel connection scheme
hot water from the outdoor heating system
the heat point can be divided into two
flow. One is fed into the hot
water supply, the other - for the needs of heating.
With a sequential scheme, water on
hot water needs are taken
from the return line of the heating system.
In St. Petersburg
usually used open
When closed
hot water system hot
water is obtained by heating cold
tap water in high-speed and
capacitive water heaters (boilers).
hot water temperature in open
hot water systems should
be no higher than 75 ° C
and not lower than 60 ° C,
and in closed - 50-60 ° C.
hot water systems
water supplies come from the top or from
lower wiring, dead ends and
circulation. The disadvantage of dead ends
systems is that at the top
distributing water can cool down when
lack of water intake, and with lower
wiring provides insufficient
head. With circulation system
lay two risers, one of which
water-folding, and the other circulation.
Water heaters
and hot water systems
required at least once a year
check for density and subject
hydraulic pressure test
0.75 - 1 MPa (7.5-1.0 kgf / cm2).
Shutdown systems
hot water supply for repair
should be carried out for a period of not more than two
Twice a month
to check the functionality of the shut-off valve
and control valves of the hot
water supply needs to be slow
open and close all valves and
valves. Must be done once a month
checking the operation of automatic
thermostats (TRZH) and regulators
In progress
operation must be monitored
no leaks in risers and piping
to water fittings and eliminate
causes of failure and
water leak.
Control questions
Dependent and
independent scheme of heat supply systems
buildings. -
device and
purpose of the elevator. -
Calculation procedure
heating surface area
devices with one-pipe and two-pipe
building heating systems. -
heating appliances. -
Scope of work for
technical operation of systems
heating. -
open and closed
diagrams of hot water supply systems.
SNiP 2.04.05 - 91
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. -
Rules and Regulations
technical operation of housing
fund. Ed. N.M. Vavulo - M.
Military Publishing, 1998. -
V.M. Svistunov,
N.K. Pushnyakov. Heating, ventilation and
air conditioning. Textbook
for universities. - St. Petersburg: Polytechnic, 2001. -
engineering systems,
equipment of buildings and structures:
Textbook / E.N. Bukharkin, V.M. Ovsyanikov,
K.S. Orlov and others, ed. Yu.P. Sosnin. —
Moscow: Higher school, 2001.
Requirements for the device of the heating system
There are a number of general requirements for the installation of water heating systems, regardless of configuration:
- Separate elements of the system (radiators, heat generators, pumps, expansion tanks, other components) must be equipped with shut-off or control valves - depending on the functional purpose and mode of operation;
- Heating appliances should be placed in areas of greatest heat loss, while free access should be provided to them for cleaning, shutting down and removing the device;
- In systems with a horizontal orientation of pipelines, a normative slope of at least 2% (2 cm per 1 linear meter of communications) must be observed to ensure free draining of the coolant and prevent the formation of air locks;
- External sections of heating pipelines must be well insulated to avoid heat loss or defrosting;
- The selection of the design and installation of screens should be carried out taking into account their minimum impact on the heat transfer of heating devices;
- Heating systems must be equipped with taps for draining the coolant and devices (manual or automatic) for removing accumulated air;
- Autonomous systems must be equipped with mandatory elements - safety groups and expansion tanks;
- In the case of seasonal use of the heating complex as a heat carrier, it is recommended to use antifreeze liquids - antifreezes.
Thermal insulation of heating pipes in the attic
The requirements for an apartment plot of centralized heating are somewhat simpler. It is recommended to equip radiators with shut-off and control valves, devices for air removal. Regardless of the configuration of the common building heating system, one requirement must be met - as a result of adjusting individual radiators, the heat supply to adjacent apartments should not be limited.
1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes the responsibility for in-house maintenance of the central heating system and equipment of an individual heating point, further maintenance, _________________. at the address: __________________ within the terms and on the terms stipulated by this agreement. The total serviced area is defined as ______________ m2.
1.2. When fulfilling this agreement on all issues, the Parties are guided by:
· Current legislation of the Russian Federation.
· Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants. Approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 000.
4.2. The customer has the right:
4.2.1. Require the Contractor to timely and efficiently provide the entire scope of work on the maintenance of the central heating system and ITP.
5.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with applicable law.
7.2. The terms of the contract may be revised at the initiative of one or both Parties when the working conditions of the Customer or the Contractor change, the cost of service, as well as when laws and regulations change. At the same time, none of the Parties has the right to evade consideration of proposals to revise the terms of the agreement.
7.3. Any changes to the terms of the contract are formalized by an additional agreement of the Parties, which becomes an integral part of this contract.
7.4. If force majeure circumstances continue for more than 2 months, then each of the Parties has the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally by notifying the other party 15 days in advance. In this case, neither Party will be entitled to damages.
8.1. This document is the full text of the contract and after its conclusion, any other, previously existing agreements, agreements and statements of the parties of an oral or written nature, all previous negotiations and correspondence that contradict the terms of this contract, lose their legal force.
8.2. All annexes and additions to the contract are its integral part and must be agreed upon and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.
8.3. The Contractor may accept for execution additional repair work not included in the list of maintenance (section 2), in accordance with Appendix No. 2. The basis for accepting work for execution is the conclusion of an additional contract for repair work at the request of the Customer.
8.4. The responsible person from the Customer is appointed: __________________________
tel. _________________. The responsible person from the Contractor is appointed:
9.1. This agreement enters into force on _________________ and is valid on ______________________, and according to calculations, until their full completion.
9.2. This Agreement is made in duplicate, on six sheets of equal legal force and kept by each of the Parties.
9.3. The Agreement is considered to be renewed annually under the same conditions, if 30 days before the expiration of its validity, none of the Parties has declared its termination or amendment.
10.1. Annexes are an integral part of the contract.
10.1.1 Application. ACT delimiting the operational responsibility of the Parties for the maintenance of in-house engineering systems of heat consumption.
10.1.2 Application. List of additional contract works performed by the Customer with payment in the form of KS 2.
10.1.3 Application. The act of performed work on the maintenance of the central heating system and ITP.
EXECUTOR: 355037 Stavropol North Caucasian Bank of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Additional office No. 000 |
CUSTOMER: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
___________________ |
___________________ |
to contract No. ____ T dated ""____""___________20___