How to glue wide meter wallpaper

Everything flows and changes, including the world of wallpapers. Recently, along with the traditional ones, rolls have appeared on sale, called meter rolls. For their manufacture, different materials are used: interlining, paper, fabric, bamboo. Possessing undoubted advantages, they have not yet found the scale of application that they deserve. People are accustomed to the standard, 53-centimeter, width. Or maybe you should move away from stereotypes and learn how to glue meter-long wallpapers correctly and beautifully?

Pasting wide wallpapers

Advantages and disadvantages

The term "meter wallpaper" is arbitrary: under this name you can find both 90-centimeter rolls and tubes much wider than a meter. Belgian manufacturers, for example, produce canvases reaching a width of 1.4 m.

Meter wallpapers came to us from abroad, where their merits have long been appreciated:

  • They make pasting better, reducing the number of joints on the walls at least twice.
  • They save time and effort: it is easier to cut and paste 5 strips of meter-long wallpaper instead of 9-10 standard sizes.
  • They cost less than traditional material: the price of one wide tube is less than the cost of two standard ones.

Meter wallpaper: width - 90-140 cm


  • It can only be placed on a flat surface: with defects, good docking of wallpaper panels cannot be achieved.
  • Consumption, compared to standard ones, may increase: due to a strip of several centimeters, you will have to buy an additional wide roll.
  • Sticking meter-long wallpapers alone is difficult, sometimes completely unrealistic.

Tools and materials

For work you will need:

  • pencil;
  • plumb;
  • tape measure or measuring tape;
  • roller or spatula;
  • masking tape;
  • wide brush;
  • knife;
  • clean rag or sponge.


With significant flaws in the pasted surfaces, putty, primer, sandpaper will be needed.

In advance, you need to take care of wallpaper glue. When choosing it, do not forget that different types of wallpaper (non-woven for painting, paper, vinyl and others) require their own type of adhesive.

Wall preparation

The base for meter-long wallpaper should be perfectly flat. The operations themselves are traditional, but they must be carried out with great care so that subsequently there are no insoluble problems with the joining of the wallpaper.

  1. Nails, screws, self-tapping screws are removed from the walls, switches and sockets are removed, the holes are sealed with masking tape.
  2. The old coating is removed: wallpaper, plaster, paint, etc. How to do it correctly is described in this article.
  3. The next step is cleaning the walls with sandpaper.
  4. In case of serious irregularities, putty will have to be used.
  5. The surface is covered with 1-2 layers of primer. So it will not absorb wallpaper glue, and the adhesion of the canvas to the wall will improve.
  6. If scheduled glue non-woven wallpaper, which tend to shine through, a white primer or paint is applied last.
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Priming the wall with a white compound for interlining or light wallpaper

Tip: you can start applying glue to the base only after the primer has become completely dry.

Marking walls and cutting canvases

Wide wallpapers are glued end-to-end, so work can be started from any convenient place.

  • In order for the first strip to lie on the wall as evenly as possible, a vertical line is drawn with a plumb line and a pencil. It will become the starting place for the sticker.


  • Before cutting, it will not be superfluous to measure the length of the wall and determine the number of strips that fit on it.
  • When cutting, you need to leave a margin of 10 cm above and below each wallpaper. Do not forget about the allowance for combining the pattern. Excess is easy to remove with a sharp knife after the glue dries.
  • Rolls are rolled out on a dry clean surface face down, measure the desired length. Having made a notch, bend and cut along the resulting seam.


Important! High humidity in the room where the wallpaper is applied is undesirable.Draft is completely unacceptable, great coolness is also contraindicated. It is best to glue at a temperature of 15-25 ˚С.

Sticker process

Depending on the type of fastening of meter wallpaper, it is done in different ways:

  1. Paper canvases. The material is first smeared with glue, then there is a sticker on a dry base.
  2. Varieties on non-woven base. The technology is exactly the opposite: the wall is covered with glue, the strips are applied to it dry.
  3. Heavy vinyl wallpapers. Both the wallpaper panels and the wall are smeared with adhesive.

Baguettes should be placed before gluing. About why they should not be mounted on top of the finish coat, it is written here.

To work with meter-long wallpaper, a partner is needed: the first person holds one edge of the strip, the second holds it from the opposite side. It is convenient to use two ladders at once - it is much easier and faster to level the wallpaper on the walls.

Sticking technology


  • Glue is applied to the reverse side of paper and vinyl wallpapers with a paper base. Non-woven fabrics are left without it. Paper ones are applied to a dry base. For the rest, the glue is applied with a roller to the wall along the width of the wallpaper with an additional grip of approximately 20 cm.
  • Joints and corners are carefully smeared with a brush. Especially high-quality glue is applied on the upper part of the wall.
  • Start gluing the cut from above, aligning it along the intended vertical. To do this, holding the cloth by the upper edge, climb the ladder and attach it strictly to the junction of the ceiling and wall. Coincidence with the intended vertical is controlled by a partner.
  • After checking, the strip is leveled with a plastic spatula or a rubber roller. The choice of fixture depends on the type of wallpaper: a hard tool can damage textured canvases. You should start from the middle of the strip, expanding the range of motion: from the center - to the sides, up and down.
  • To get rid of air bubbles, the wallpaper is carefully smoothed from the center to the edges. Pressing with the tip of the spatula, they additionally work out the corners, the joints of the wallpaper with the baguette and the plinth.
  • With the same 20 cm margin, a second adhesive line is applied. This is necessary so that during further actions the glue does not get on the wallpaper. It is glued and joined with the first next cut.
  • After smoothing, you need to walk with a rubber roller along the joint.
  • All subsequent canvases are glued in the same way.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Various types of wall painting

The process of gluing wide canvases

Tip: you need to have time to stick new wallpapers before the start of the heating season, since the hot air near the batteries wrinkles the canvases.

Work in difficult areas

Large-format wallpaper complicates the pasting of corners, spaces behind batteries and above openings. For inconvenient places, experienced craftsmen advise cutting the canvas into more compact parts and using glue, which dries slowly and gives time to correct errors.


An attempt to draw a corner with a solid canvas is guaranteed to lead to failure: it will warp, folds without trimming, which will not affect the look of the wallpaper in the best way, will be impossible to eliminate. But if this does not happen, the curvature of the corner will necessarily violate the perpendicularity of the canvas, and then the amount of marriage will only increase.

Correct actions:

  1. A strip is cut out 5 cm larger than the width from the corner to the glued wallpaper.
  2. The wall and corner are carefully coated with glue.
  3. The wallpaper is glued with the placement of a 5-centimeter margin on the adjacent side of the corner.
  4. The narrowest place of the overlap is determined, where a mark is placed at a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the wallpaper, through which a vertical line is drawn.
  5. With an orientation to it, the next canvas is glued with an overlap.
  6. The seam is trimmed with a spatula, ruler, stationery knife.

Working with corners


Wallpaper under the windowsill is glued last. The work will require patience and accuracy, bordering on virtuosity.

  • The wallpaper sheet is cut to the size of the radiator niche.
  • In areas coinciding with the battery mounts, vertical cuts are made.
  • The section covered with glue is carefully inserted behind the pipes.
  • The next task is to straighten the folds formed on the sheet and press it against the wall. Due to tightness, it is impossible to use a paint roller, so smooth it with a rag.
  • Excess overlap is applied to the edge of already pasted wallpaper
  • Firmly pressing both layers with a spatula, make a vertical cut.
  • The joint left after removing the cut strips will become invisible upon drying.
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sticker behind the radiator

If such an operation could not be performed, the wallpaper is cut into smaller pieces and the pasting of the hard-to-reach place continues.

Sockets and switches

The wallpaper is glued directly onto the holes remaining after removing the switches and sockets, the contours of which will be visible. Then, in these places, the cloth is crosswise cut with a wallpaper knife. The incised sections of the wallpaper are tucked inside. For round rosettes, the cuts are made star-shaped.

Cutting a hole for a socket

Some switches cannot be removed without dismantling the entire mechanism. In this case, trimming is carried out without removing the protective panel.

  • The wallpaper strip is glued only up to the switch, punctures are made with a sharp knife at the corners of its frame, serving as a guide for a cross-shaped cut.
  • After cutting with a spatula, the edges are pressed tightly, the excess is removed, the edges are carefully rolled to the wall and the sticker of the rest of the panel is continued.


On the doorways, the wallpaper is cut off. On arches and windows, they are also cut to the size of the opening, not forgetting to carefully monitor that the pattern is aligned.

What if you have to glue alone?

Sometimes you can do without an assistant when fixing meter-long wallpapers - non-woven varieties of material will help out, because glue in this case is applied only to the wall. Interlining will help you easily join the seams, even in the corners. There are no particular difficulties with the alignment of the stripes. If it was not possible to correctly stick the sheet right away, the panel is removed and the operation is repeated again - the non-woven fabric allows this. But meter-long wallpapers made of other materials will not allow this, a partner is needed in such cases.

A lesson on gluing wide canvases is in the video below.


