How to glue wallpaper under a stretch ceiling (video)

Stretch fabrics are a popular finishing option that has moved from the category of luxury to an ordinary attractive interior solution. They allow you to get a perfectly flat surface, reliably hide plate differences, cracks and other flaws. The service life is also pleasing, which, when using high-quality material, reaches a quarter of a century. It’s just that in the minds of the townsfolk the question has not yet been decided how to glue the wallpaper under the stretch ceiling so that both surfaces suffer minimal damage and not worsen the result of the finish.

We glue wallpaper under the stretch ceiling

The nuances of the neighborhood of wallpaper with a stretch ceiling

For a complete understanding of the issue, we recall: a stretch ceiling is a finishing technology that involves stretching a fabric made of PVC or special fabric at some distance from the draft ceiling. The material is most often fixed with plastic or metal baguettes, fixed around the perimeter of the room with dowels.

The question arises: how to stick wallpaper and not spoil the stretch ceiling? If you do the opposite and start by gluing the wallpaper strips, then the baguettes will tightly draw them to the walls and the subsequent plywood will become problematic. Let's figure out what to do in such a situation.

Features of the neighborhood of coatings

Reasons why it makes sense to glue the wallpaper first

Consider the arguments in favor of tensile structure installation wallpapering.

  • Finishing the ceiling and floor is done last, because the refining of the walls is a dirty and dusty business. However, in modern realities, the argument is controversial, since everything depends on the materials used, technologies and the skill of the finisher.
  • During the fixation of the wallpaper strips, it is possible to stain the stretched ceiling sheet with glue, after which it is difficult to wash it. It is also difficult to classify such an argument as “reinforced concrete”, because the modern building materials market offers such a useful thing as masking tape that can protect adjacent surfaces. In addition, wallpaper paste is soluble in water, so it is quite possible to wash it with warm liquid.
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Pasting wallpaper before arranging the ceiling

  • If wallpaper is used for painting, it is impossible to paint the upper section of the wall without touching the stretch fabric. As in the previous argument, masking tape is a panacea for these kinds of problems.
  • When the tails of the wallpaper strips are wound under the baguettes, the externally unattractive joint between the wall and the ceiling will not be visible. Here I would like to note that if an intelligent finisher is hired, then the joint is invisible in any case. In all other situations, you can use special skirting boards or similar shaped elements to hide the boundaries of finishing materials and aesthetically attractive design of such a transition. The photo below shows an example of the organic use of ceiling plinths when equipping a tensile structure.

Judging by the reviews of professionals, the position that wallpaper is first pasted is defended by self-named "specialists" who have little knowledge of modern building technologies. That is why they follow the most simple way, in their opinion, although its reasonableness is very doubtful.

Why it is recommended to start with the installation of a stretch fabric

We propose to start considering the arguments voiced by supporters of the priority installation of the ceiling structure.

  • During the equipment of the ceiling, a heat gun is used, which is very hot and can damage the finished wall decoration. This argument is rather controversial. It has the right to exist only if an inexperienced craftsman who does not know how to handle a heat gun is engaged in installing the canvas.In all other cases, the room will not warm up much, and the flow of hot air will not be directed directly to the wall.
  • The cost of tensile structure equipment is several times higher than the price of a wall covering, and its service life significantly exceeds the lifespan of the wallpaper, so we focus on the fact that over time it will be they who will be replaced, and not the ceiling sheet. This argument is completely logical, it is difficult to argue with it.

Installation of PVC sheets before finishing the walls

  • During the installation of the tension structure, a large number of holes are drilled, which will lead to dusting of the finish, especially if there are concrete walls in the room. The resulting dust will settle on fresh wallpaper and spoil their appearance. The pollution that has arisen in this way can, of course, be removed, but the argument is quite weighty and makes you think.
  • The instructions for installing film ceilings indicate that the installation of baguettes is carried out on a wall that is fully prepared for final finishing. Simply put, the manufacturers themselves advocate just such an order of work.
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Note that this argument is usually followed by experienced installers. They do not see anything super complicated in the neat wallpapering after installing the stretch fabric.

We glue wallpaper under a stretch ceiling

The technology of wallpapering in a room where a stretch ceiling is already installed will be as follows:

  • To prevent lagging of the material, apply a layer of primer. You need to process the entire surface of the walls, corners, and joints, not excluding those that are adjacent to the ceiling structure.

Important! The primer is quite difficult to wash off, therefore, to protect the new ceiling, masking tape is attached at the points of contact with the walls.

  • Cutting the wallpaper after gluing is not recommended, since there is a high risk of damage to the stretched PVC film, so you need to carefully measure the length of the strips and accurately cut the roll in advance, on the floor or on the table.

Gluing process

  • When the primer dries, the walls are smeared with adhesive (if we are talking about non-woven or non-woven vinyl sheets). This process is also accompanied by the risk of staining the fabric of the tension structure. Here, too, you should use masking tape. When gluing paper-based material, glue is applied not to the wall, but to the canvas, but you do not need to refuse adhesive tape, it will protect the coating in case the ceiling is accidentally touched by the edge of the wallpaper impregnated with adhesive.

When working with cutting tools, be extremely careful, because even the slightest cut can cause irreparable harm to expensive material. If you still need to trim the strip, you can attach a spatula to the wall, pressing the wallpaper with it, and cut off the excess part, leaning on it like a ruler.

Wallpaper clipping

  • Wallpaper gluing begins immediately after applying the adhesive. Alignment is carried out under the ceiling line. You can read about all the intricacies of gluing paper-based vinyl sheets here, about the rules for working with vinyl coating on non-woven fabric - in this article.

If it was not possible to glue the wallpaper so that the upper edges that meet the ceiling form a perfectly even line, you just need to hide the flaws with a beautiful ceiling plinth or edging.

If you glue the baguette in advance, the risk of damage to the ceiling is reduced
You can get acquainted with the algorithm of the process with the help of training videos.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to glue wallpaper correctly

Having made repairs in the room, you should not expect that all types of finishes used will last the same period of time. To change the interior, it is much easier and cheaper to change boring wallpapers than to dismantle the stretch fabric. The main thing is to act carefully and thoughtfully.


