Features of cleaning apartments after repair

After the repair work, a lot of garbage remains in the apartment, so high-quality cleaning is required. This procedure is quite lengthy and laborious, but still not to do without it. Comprehensive cleaning can be ordered from professionals who will put the room in order in a short time. But since it requires a financial investment, many prefer to do everything on their own. Cleaning an apartment after repair has several features that every homeowner should definitely take into account.

We clean the apartment after renovation

Cleaning of construction debris

First you need to collect dust in the room and remove debris. But before that, you need to prepare protective equipment: gloves, glasses, overalls. General cleaning of the premises after repair work includes the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to prepare large plastic bags that are useful for cleaning up construction waste.
  2. Cuts of wallpaper and linoleum are best stacked to save space in bags.
  3. It is advisable to collect plastic and wooden parts in bags.
  4. After collecting bulky debris, you need to sweep the room, as well as wipe dust from all surfaces.
  5. Rubbish must be taken to the landfill.

Plastic bags for construction debris

Construction debris should be disposed of at specially designated sites. Do not throw it into a regular container - this can be fraught with a fine.

Floor, wall, ceiling cleaning

After taking out the garbage, you need to inspect the apartment to find out which surfaces require thorough cleaning. Particular attention is paid to the floor, walls and ceiling. Dust must be removed from them, and then they must be washed. Also, residues of cement, paint and whitewash may remain on the surfaces, which require a spatula or a clerical knife to remove. The paint must be removed immediately, otherwise it will be much more difficult to do after drying.

We clean the floor, walls and ceiling

In order to make cleaning construction dust and other contaminants as comfortable as possible, use the following tips and recommendations:

  • Dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner, which cleans the room well from even the smallest particles of debris.
  • If there is no vacuum cleaner at hand, then you can use a solution of water with vinegar or salt for wiping, wetting a microfiber cloth in it.
  • Surfaces made of marble, glass and ceramics are also well washed with the same solution. But in this case, a regular waffle towel is used.
  • Cleaning of cement residues is done with water and a hard sponge. Metal surfaces are best cleaned with a special tool, such as Neomid remover.
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Floor cleaning after repair

  • You can get rid of limescale with the help of acid-containing products.
  • General cleaning involves the most thorough cleaning of the floor: you need to remove construction dust, wash the surface with water, and after drying, vacuum it.
  • The method of cleaning depends on the type of flooring - laminate and linoleum do not withstand rough machining and exposure to chemicals, you need to use a soft sponge.
  • It is best to remove dust from the walls with a vacuum cleaner.
  • To eliminate traces of adhesive tape and glue, use White Spirit, since ordinary alcohol will not be able to fully cope with this task.
  • The remains of the mounting foam must be removed after drying and hardening. To do this, use a metal washcloth.
  • Rust is perfectly removed with a solution of copper sulfate.
  • Lacquer or paint on the floor will help remove denatured alcohol.

Cleaning walls from dust with a vacuum cleaner

Before using any tool on a large area, you need to try it on a small, inconspicuous area.

Furniture and interior cleaning

In order for the furniture to be suitable for use after repair work, it must be covered with polyethylene before they begin.If contamination does appear, you can try to remove them with the help of improvised means.

  • Dirt on carpets and furniture upholstery is removed with ordinary milk. It is enough to dip a cotton swab into it and leave it on the stain for 1 minute. Then, removing the swab, this place must be carefully wiped with a sponge. The casein found in milk successfully fights dirt. Such cleaning of an apartment after repair can be carried out even in a room where allergy sufferers and small children live.

Removing dirt from carpets

  • Any alkaline agent is used against fatty and acidic dirt on furniture, which will help to remove them without any extra effort. Vinegar and citric acid, which can be easily found in every kitchen, are also quite suitable for these purposes.

Removing grease stains from furniture

  • To remove traces of paint after repair work, a cotton swab dipped in white spirit will help.
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Glass and mirror cleaning

General cleaning after repair also includes window washing. PVC structures are much easier to clean than wooden ones. In the first case, you need to use a kitchen sponge and a standard household glass cleaner for cleaning. And in order to wash wooden frames, you will have to use dishwashing detergent, which is diluted with water.

Glass washing after repair

Doors and mirrors should also be treated: remove dust, and clean dirt with special products.

Attention! Washing windows from the outside on upper floors is unsafe. Therefore, in this case, it is worth resorting to the help of specialists. Many cleaning companies provide this service.

Disposal of hazardous waste

After the completion of the repair work, it is necessary to remove dangerous garbage from the apartment: you should get rid of the remnants of glass wool, glass wallpaper, and chemicals. It is desirable to dispose of such materials immediately after completion of work, but this is not always possible. In this case, they must be placed in plastic bags along with packaging from acid- and alkali-containing products until cleaning, and then taken out with the rest of the construction waste.

Disposal of hazardous waste

Glass wool is a popular thermal insulation material used for interior decoration. But it has a significant disadvantage - its fibers easily cling to the skin and clothes. After working with glass wool, the apartment must be carefully vacuumed or a comprehensive wet cleaning done. Do not touch the glass wool with unprotected hands to avoid contact with the fibers on the skin. If this still happened, then remember the following:

  • do not scratch the skin - it will only get worse;
  • if the fibers get into the hair, immediately wash your hair carefully to avoid getting dangerous particles into your eyes;
  • you need to take a shower without a washcloth and detergents;
  • if glass wool gets into your eyes, rinse them with clean water and contact an ophthalmologist immediately;
  • clothing that has glass wool left on it will have to be thrown away.
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The final stage of cleaning

At the end of the main part of the cleaning, it is necessary to clean other items: chandeliers, radiators, lamps, etc. After repair work, they are usually dusty, so you need to rinse and dry them completely. The result of high-quality cleaning and processing of all surfaces will be a clean, well-groomed apartment.

The final stage of cleaning after repair

General cleaning after the completion of construction work is a complex process in which it is not always possible to get by with only household solvents and detergents. In some cases, it is difficult to cope on your own, so you need to call the specialists of a cleaning company. Remember that all stages of cleaning must be thought out even before it begins, and before using any chemicals, be sure to read the instructions, not forgetting the necessary protective equipment.


