Graffiti on the wall in the room: 3D graffiti, types of drawings

Street fine art, regarded by law enforcement agencies as petty hooliganism, is reflected in the design of the interiors of houses and apartments. Moreover, graffiti on the walls of apartments has become a new, popular design trend.

Graffiti in the interior of the apartment

The specifics of using graffiti in modern interiors

There are many options for wall decoration, but none of them will allow you to express and emphasize your individuality in such a way as it can be done with the help of graffiti. Such an interior design is suitable for everyone who wants to bring bright, juicy and unexpected notes into their own lives. The world painted on the wall will border on the world of your unbridled imagination, and at the same time seem quite realistic.

The images on the walls will not fit into every interior.

In design circles, graffiti on a wall is considered progressive, innovative and very trendy. The artist transfers his view of life, worldview and a piece of his soul into his work. But at the same time, such work will cost much less than the same artistic painting.

There are different approaches to the implementation process. The drawings on the walls can become a bright, flashy highlight, overflow with feelings and emotions, or serve as a background that is pleasing to the eye, not distracting attention from the general interior stylistics. A few examples of such images on the walls can be seen in the photo below.

Graffiti background

Creating graffiti on the walls: stages

Even before the start of finishing work, we recommend that you decide which piece of graffiti you want to see in the apartment.

  1. In order not to violate the integrity of the interior design, carefully consider the overall storyline. Colors should be combined with each other, uniting in a harmonious picture.
  2. While looking for ideas, look at examples of artists' work, photos on the Internet.
  3. Determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future drawing, because in a small space a large picture will spoil the entire visual effect, will not allow you to realize the meaning.

You can start creating an image only with a complete understanding of the desired result.

Where is graffiti used?

The decision to paint graffiti on the wall is made most often for teenagers' rooms. They, like no one else, prefer bright pictures, a riot of colors. The graphic style is the best way to transfer the desires and experiences of your child to the wall. Popular topics today are extreme sports and hip-hop, as in the following photos. Street graffiti font will be an organic and optimal solution for the interior of a teenage room.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Creative wall decor ideas

Graffiti in a teenager's room

You can also order graffiti to decorate the walls of the bathroom. Don't worry, permanent acrylic paints will last at least five years unchanged.

A riot of colors on the walls of the bathroom

What will help to achieve the use of graffiti in the interior

So, using graffiti in an apartment will give you the following benefits:

  • Spectacularly accentuate the modern interior.
  • It will create a visual and color accent necessary for a holistic perception of a stylistic solution.
  • It will make it possible to get rid of the banal elements of wall decor, such as photos, paintings, etc. At the same time, the feeling of comfort will not go anywhere.
  • Attention from the inexpressive atmosphere of the room will be diverted to beautiful images on the walls.

Great decoration for a boring white wall

With the help of graffiti, you can correct the obvious visual imperfections of the room, smooth out the corners.

  • Wall images will help profitably zone space, emphasize the arrangement of interior items.
  • By adding graphic elements to the wall and ceiling decoration and decorating the furniture in the same style, you will create a truly unique interior.

The painting of the walls is always unique and unrepeatable.

How to draw graffiti, you can learn from the numerous video tutorials posted on the network, and you can get ideas from the photo.If there is no confidence in one's own artistic talents, then it is quite possible to find talented young masters who can do this work at a very low cost. The image can be plain, monochrome or color, but regardless of which option you prefer, it will become a real extraordinary decoration of the room.


