Living room combined with kitchen: zoning options

An interesting design technique, which involves combining a living room with a kitchen, can be applied in several situations. The most common reason for its use is the need to expand the usable space in the apartment and create a more spacious and bright room. The combination of two different rooms can also be dictated by the requirements of such interior styles as loft, art deco, high-tech or modern, which are poorly compatible with the limited space of small rooms. Such a combination does not mean at all that the features and functions of both zones are mixed or erased. In order to prevent the transformation of the combined premises into one large kitchen, it is necessary to correctly select furniture, lighting and color schemes, as well as zoning the kitchen and living room.

zoning of the kitchen and living room

Pros and cons of a combined layout

In addition to expanding the space of the apartment and freeing up additional square meters on which you can place the necessary equipment or furniture, combining the kitchen and living room provides the following benefits:

  1. The absence of a partition between the living room and the kitchen partially solves the problem of the lack of natural light, since two windows will be located in the large room.
  2. During feasts, the living room combined with the kitchen allows the hosts not to leave the guests, interrupting the conversation in order to bring new dishes or clean the dishes. In addition, it is convenient to organize a kind of "buffet" in the kitchen area, allowing guests to take snacks on their own.
  3. The interior of the living room kitchen can be supplemented with elements that were previously inaccessible due to insufficient free space, for example, a fireplace.
  4. For the kitchen, you do not need to buy a separate TV, instead of two separate devices, it is better to purchase one large plasma panel, which will be clearly visible from the kitchen and from the hall.

plasma panel for living room with kitchen

The living room, combined with the kitchen, also has certain disadvantages, some of which can be discovered already in the process of using the new room. In order not to encounter unpleasant surprises later, it is better to know about them in advance.

  • Even with a powerful hood, the smells from cooking will spread much more freely around the apartment;
  • the noise of kitchen appliances will be clearly audible in the hall, which can cause discomfort to people in it;
  • the combined kitchen will require more regular and thorough cleaning - even a few unwashed plates will catch the eye and spoil the overall impression of the combined room, and garbage from the kitchen will quickly spread throughout the hall;
  • the design of a kitchen combined with a living room involves the creation of a holistic and organic composition while maintaining the individual functions of each zone, which can be somewhat difficult for a novice designer;
  • a new room, the so-called kitchen-studio, may require large investments, since in order to harmoniously combine two zones, it is sometimes necessary to change all the furniture and furnishings.

studio kitchen

redevelopment rules

Regardless of the type of wall separating the kitchen and living room, BTI permission must be obtained for redevelopment. If the wall in the apartment is not a carrier and is a simple interior partition, then it will be enough to make a project or sketch of redevelopment and agree on it. With a load-bearing wall, everything is much more complicated, although in some cases it is possible to remove part of the wall and strengthen the opening with a frame or lintel.

opening in load-bearing wall

Important! Do not demolish the wall yourself! If the removal of an interior wall compromises the structural strength of the house, it can lead to collapse.

After agreeing on the apartment redevelopment project, you can begin to create a diagram that will mark the places for the future placement of household appliances and lighting devices, which will help you determine the location of sockets and switches.

Ways of zoning the space of the kitchen-living room

The room, obtained by combining the living room with the kitchen, is perceived as a single whole, but in order to avoid clutter and chaos, it requires ordering and proper placement of objects. The combination of premises that differ in their purpose requires the allocation of separate functional areas, and the delimitation of space can be both visual and actual.

Constructive zoning

The so-called constructive zoning involves the use of movable partitions, folding false walls, screens or shelving. It is desirable that the partitions be light, mobile and translucent. The most suitable materials for their manufacture are plastic, wood or frosted glass. The advantage of partitions is the ability to mask the working area of ​​​​the kitchen, where it is not always possible to maintain perfect order.

movable partition

visual separation

The visual selection of individual zones is a relevant technique for small apartments, where the already limited space should remain as free and uncluttered as possible.

Zoning with color

One of the simplest ways to visually separate the independent areas of the kitchen and the hall is to use different colors. When choosing colors, do not forget that the living room and kitchen should be designed in a certain style, so you should not choose cardinally different colors for decorating combined rooms. The best solution would be to choose different shades of the same color scheme. If you decide to choose different colors for the hall and kitchen, do not forget about their competent combination.

color zoning

Various finishing materials

Visual zoning of space can be organized using various materials for finishing the floor, walls and ceiling of the kitchen and living room. As a floor covering for the kitchen, it is best to use moisture-resistant and practical materials, such as tiles or linoleum; laminate, parquet or carpet is suitable for the hall. Even if the coatings have the same color, the zones will be highlighted due to the difference in textures.

zoning with different materials

The walls can also have a different design, which will primarily depend on the conditions of the functional area. Paint, decorative plaster or different types of wallpaper can be used to finish the walls in the hall; washable wallpaper, tiles or plastic panels are suitable for the kitchen.


You can separate the working area of ​​​​the kitchen from the living room using various lighting methods. In the kitchen part, bright spotlights would be the most convenient option; in the recreation and reception area, you can hang a beautiful chandelier. To complete the division of zones, several low-hanging lamps of the same type will help, forming the so-called light curtain.

different lighting

Tiered floors

A popular way to divide space is to raise the floor in the kitchen area and create a small threshold at the border of the two parts of the room. With a sufficient ceiling height, you can build a podium 10-15 cm high, which, in addition to performing a zoning function, will allow you to hide communications or serve as a place to store things and even pieces of furniture, for example, a folding table. This additional feature is especially relevant when there is not enough space in a small apartment.

raising the floor in the kitchen area

Tiered ceiling design

You can zone the room using a multi-level stretch ceiling or plasterboard ceiling. The ceiling above individual areas may also differ in color and design.

different ceiling levels

Zoning using furniture

You can effectively separate the kitchen space from the living room with the help of various functional pieces of furniture, such as a bar, side table, large table or sofa.

bar counter

The bar counter, which is a high narrow table, can be folding and stationary. It is located on the border of the zones and is an effective separator. A kind of bar counter is obtained from a part of the wall that in the past separated two rooms, finished with facing stone, wood or tiles. The advantage of the rack is the possibility of using it as an additional work surface or a place for snacks.

bar counter

kitchen island

The island, which looks like a table-cabinet, has a lower height and a larger width of the tabletop compared to the counter. It allows you to combine the functions of a work surface from the side of the kitchen and a bar or dining table from the side of the hall. Perfectly separating different areas, such an island solves the problem of lack of workspace in a small kitchen.

kitchen island

Dinner table

The boundary of the kitchen and living room can be a large table, where all family members can gather together. Separating the kitchen from the living room, it is a self-contained dining area that, when properly designed, will make the combined room complete and cozy.

zoning with a dining table

Tip: When choosing lighting fixtures for your dining area, opt for lamps with warm-colored lampshades to make the food served look more inviting and appetizing.


A large sofa with a high back, turned towards the hall, well delimits the zones. The unpresentable view of the back of the sofa from the side of the kitchen can be hidden with the help of a rack or cabinet.

zoning with a sofa

When arranging furniture in a room, select it in such a way that it does not interfere with movement between the kitchen, dining and living areas. The minimum width of the passage should not be less than 60 cm.

Regardless of the reasons why you decide to combine the kitchen with the living room, well-executed redevelopment, well-chosen design and zoning method will help you achieve your goals and turn any apartment into a dream home.


