When buying a home in a new building, many future property owners choose the option with minimal finishing. Firstly, it allows you to avoid unnecessary expenses and not pay for repairs made by the developer. Compared to the cost of an apartment, the amount is not very significant, but the quality of the materials and work used often leaves much to be desired. Secondly, even with minimal financial investment, you can choose finishes in accordance with your taste and wishes. However, the repair of an apartment in a new building from scratch has its own specifics, which must be taken into account when performing construction work.
Preparatory stage
First you need to formulate the requirements for future housing and determine the number of rooms, their functions and location in the apartment, the style and color schemes of the premises. In this case, you need to take into account:
- estimated amount of financial investments;
- maximum repair time;
- shrinkage of the building;
- degree of habitability.
Shrinkage is an essential attribute of any new building. Monolithic or prefabricated-frame buildings settle evenly and usually without distortions, therefore, if there is housing in such a house, you can almost not limit yourself in the scale and cost of repairs. Panel structures combine the flexibility of load-bearing railings and high weight, resulting in large and uneven, but transient shrinkage. After about a year, you can start decorating the premises.
Brick houses settle smoothly and evenly, but for a longer period, so it is not advisable to use expensive materials for repairs: due to shrinkage, both high-quality wall panels and exclusive parquet can be deformed.
Where to start finishing from scratch also depends on the degree of suitability of the premises for occupancy. In monolithic houses, housing is rented out for a free layout, in which there are no partitions and communications wiring in the apartment.
When rough finishing in new buildings, the floor is usually leveled coupler, walls and ceilings plastered, done plumbing pipes to the taps and heating appliances are connected.
Repairs in a new building with a free layout and rough finish differ in the list of work performed, but are similar in stages of their implementation.
The nuances of redevelopment
Competent organization of the internal space in residential premises allows you to use them more efficiently. However, the installation of partitions of glass blocks, brick or shell rock in open-plan apartments must be coordinated with regulatory authorities. Similarly, you will have to do the same, if you wish, to demolish the wall to be destroyed in a new building with a rough finish.
Often during repairs, living rooms are combined with a balcony or loggia, getting larger premises. To make them comfortable, they carry out a set of measures for warming, for which they sometimes take out radiators or installing a water floor system. Such options are prohibited and subject to fines.
After obtaining the necessary permits, and before you start building walls or destroying partitions, you need to familiarize yourself with the regulations for construction and installation work in a new building. It is usually set by the management company or HOA, describing the following:
- the procedure for using elevators, including cargo ones;
- requirements for packaging materials and construction waste;
- the beginning of work, which is accompanied by loud noise and vibration.
Then, having bought the necessary materials in accordance with the intended design, they begin to repair the housing.
Windows and doors
When renting a house in a new building installing pvc windows and front door.During repairs from scratch, their condition and quality of installation should be assessed, and a decision should be made on a possible replacement. If it is decided to leave the windows for now, then it is advisable to insulate them and check the tightness. It is advisable to replace the front door, since the one installed by the developer does not ensure the safety of the apartment. How should it be hung? When installed according to the complete scheme, the door frame can lead due to shrinkage of the house.
At first, especially in panel houses, it is advisable to hang the doors on safety anchors, and after a year install them thoroughly. To do this, you need to knock down the plaster from the door slope, align the canvas and the box and firmly fix their position.
Due to possible shrinkage, it is advisable to refrain from replacing in the apartment interior doors. At the very least, expensive models with glass inserts should not be installed in the first year.
Engineering Communication
One of the important stages of the repair from scratch is the wiring of the electrical network, water supply and sewerage. In addition, fiber optics is installed in many homes, in which all low-voltage systems are brought together: TV, Internet and telephone.
Electrical wiring perform, taking into account the number of regularly used devices. The leader in this regard is the kitchen, where a set of appliances sometimes resembles a small store.
Where do you start electrical wiring? First you need to install RCD and electrical panel with automatics. Then calculate the power consumption in each room and mark the location of the cable. It is laid along the walls from the outside, closed with special boxes, or stretched along the strobes. The cable connection to the ceiling lights is done using corrugation. Sockets also recessed in the wall, for which a recess of the desired size is made in it.
Depending on the degree of readiness of the apartment, before putting the house into operation, it will be necessary to install or replace the sink and toilet.
Surface leveling
Work on the alignment of walls and ceilings is carried out, taking into account the shrinkage of the house. The floor screed in a new building can be immediately done thoroughly, and laid:
- waterproofing;
- thermal insulation;
- reinforcing mesh;
- cement-sand mix lighthouses.
You should not be afraid of deformation of the screed, since plates are used for floors that do not change their linear dimensions.
Wall alignment can be done in several ways. In panel and monolithic houses with differences of less than 50 mm, it is advisable to use plaster for leveling, followed by painting or pasting.
With significant curvature, the walls are leveled with drywall. It is desirable to use this method for repairs in brick residential buildings.
They start with the construction of a frame made of metal profiles, to which they are attached with self-tapping screws. plasterboard sheets. The joints between them should be minimal, for which they are sealed along the reinforcing tape using puttiesand after drying the surfaces are polished.
The ceiling in the apartment can be leveled in the same way as the walls, using putty or constructing a structure from drywall and rails. Another option is install suspended ceilings.
The final stage of the repair in a new building is finishing. It includes:
- staining or pasting walls with wallpaper;
- laying flooring.
It is not advisable to use expensive vinyl or textile wallpapers for temporary decoration of an apartment in panel or monolithic houses: in this case, when shrinking, the cracks will hide under the baseboards. The bathroom and the bathroom can be pasted over with washable wallpaper, plastic tiles or revetted with similar panels.
As a floor covering in the first year after the delivery of the apartment, it is better to choose linoleum.Since the flooring is done, leaving an indent around the perimeter of the wall, the laminate and parquet will quickly become unusable due to excess moisture given off by concrete.
Temporary decoration is quite suitable for living for several years. In a year, all the defects of the building will appear, and it will be possible to make repairs, completely relying on your own taste, and without looking for opportunities due to shrinkage. However, first you have to eliminate the deformations that have appeared: fill cracks in the screed, check the condition of the walls, and, if necessary, correct the plaster.
An alternative to allocating time for shrinkage is the use of special building and finishing materials. They are plastic and stretch behind the walls, so they are not damaged. However, in addition to the high cost, the disadvantage of such materials is the inability to detect cracks and the formation of cracks under the finish. foci of fungal infection.