Glue for linoleum cold welding, price

Linoleum has been a popular floor covering for many years due to its low cost, large selection of colors, durability and practicality. In addition, this material is unpretentious in maintenance and quite simple to install, and if you need to join several canvases, you can independently use cold welding for linoleum.

Choosing glue welding for joining linoleum seams


According to the chemical composition, the adhesive for welding joints is a kind of solvent, which first converts the edges of both sheets into a liquid state, then the joint gradually hardens and is firmly “welded”. The seam thus obtained is practically invisible, and the coating in the treated areas becomes monolithic and resistant to wear.

Important! The composition of the cold welding adhesive used for linoleum is toxic, so it is worth working with gloves and a mask with open windows.

Cold seam processing

Types of cold welding

At docking linoleum There are three main types of adhesives for cold welding, which have significant differences in chemical composition, as well as applications.

When deciding which glue is better to use in a particular case, you need to pay attention to:

  • on the type and composition of the coating itself;
  • on the edges of the canvas that are supposed to be glued (sheets are cut in the factory or cut out independently).

The use of welding technology with glue is not only a method of joining new linoleum, but also a good option for repairing / restoring a damaged one.

So, after purchasing the flooring, you can immediately choose the right one. seam welding adhesive.

  • Glue type "A". The adhesive composition for welding type "A" linoleum contains a large percentage of solvent, so it is the most liquid of the varieties presented. With it, you can glue canvases with a gap of no more than 2 mm to each other, most often these are sheets of a new coating, cut as accurately as possible.
  • Type "C". The “C” type weld contains a lower percentage of solvent, but the amount of PVC is increased, as a result of which the adhesive consistency becomes more viscous and thick. Such a chemical composition allows you to fill cracks or crevices up to 4 mm wide, which makes it indispensable for repairing damaged coatings, it is also better to stop at this variety when working with sheets that are imperfectly cut at home.
  • Type "T". With the help of type “T” glue, complex multi-component types of linoleum (PVC and polyester) are reliably glued together, such as multi-layer foam “Tarkett” or a felt-based coating with a pile. Professional masters with the necessary skill often use this type of composition as a universal one.
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Types of adhesives for PVC coatings

Overview of compositions for welding linoleum

Numerous reviews recommend the use of several popular brands of glue for joining flooring in a “cold” way. As a rule, manufacturers offer a full range of types of welding compositions.

Important! To choose a composition that is convenient to use, pay attention to the presence of a special nozzle in the form of a needle for type “A” or a nozzle for type “C”. For example, Axton glue does not have a needle, which makes it impossible to use it on a floor covering already fixed on the floor.


A good price / quality ratio has a cold welding Tytan 100 ml Polish production. Adhesive for linoleum, belonging to type "C", is intended for welding surfaces with gaps from 0.5 to 4 mm. A 100 ml tube is enough to create approximately 45 meters of seams (recommended coating thickness is 3 mm). The cost is about 230 rubles.

Welding compound Tytan-100

Werner Müller

Popular means of type “A” include glue for welding linoleum manufactured by the German concern Werner Müller, the balanced connection of the components of which firmly and imperceptibly solder factory or overlapped sheets with a minimum gap.

The disadvantage of this glue may seem to be a relatively high price (480 rubles), but the amount of the product (44 g) contained in a 50 ml tube is enough to connect about 20 meters of coverage.

Adhesive type A from Werner Müller


A frequently used adhesive for linoleum joints from the Bostic concern - "Linokol" - is also available in 50 mm tubes. The consumption of this tool is similar to the previous one, and the cost is lower (240 rubles).

All three compositions have approximately the same parameters:

  • working time - 5-10 minutes;
  • dry to touch - 30 min;
  • the period of complete polymerization is 24 hours.

Note! The packaging must be accompanied by instructions for using the adhesive.

Special formulation of Bostic Linocol

Step-by-step application guide

The procedure for carrying out work will be as follows:

  1. The surfaces to be bonded are joined as tightly and thoroughly as possible. Then, along the line of the future seam, you need to glue a strip of construction tape, which will protect the floor covering from accidental contact with the adhesive mass.
  2. With a sharp clerical knife (carefully, trying not to damage the linoleum), the protective tape is cut exactly along the joint.
  3. The tip of the tube with glue, equipped with a needle nozzle, is inserted into the incision, which is then evenly, with light pressure, filled with transparent welding.
  4. After passing the entire length of the seam, the glue should be allowed to dry (how long you need to wait - indicated in the instructions, for example, the composition "Titan" will need 30 minutes), on average - 15-30 minutes.
  5. The adhesive tape is carefully removed, if necessary, excess glue is removed with a sharp knife, after which the quality of the resulting seam is checked along the entire length.
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Sequence of work

Cold welding method has become widespread due to its undeniable advantages, including:

  • High quality and reliable connection. The seam is almost invisible, and the soldering area has the properties of a solid coating, so the result will last a long time.
  • Low cost, depending only on the price of the adhesive, since there is no need for other special materials and tools.
  • The process does not require special knowledge and skills, which will allow the owner to cope with it on their own without losing the quality of the result.

We suggest watching video tutorials on how to use cold welding to glue linoleum.


