Expert Tips: How to Choose the Best Acrylic Bathtub?

The main subject of the bathroom is the bath itself. Until recently, when choosing this hygiene item, there were no questions. Heavy cast iron baths dominated the market. Now plumbing stores and supermarkets offer a choice of products made from traditional cast iron, steel, copper and acrylic. And the latter are gaining more and more popularity. How to choose the right acrylic bathtub and what should you pay attention to when buying?

Choosing an acrylic bath

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

Which bath is stronger, more reliable and more durable is a moot point. Each product, whether it is cast iron, steel or anything else, will have its pros and cons. The advantages of acrylic bathtubs can be summarized as follows:

  1. Unlike cast-iron counterparts, acrylic bathtubs are quite light, on average about 40 kilograms, they can be transported and installed independently without any problems.
  2. With good workmanship, such products are durable and durable.
  3. Compared to steel tanks, acrylic bathtubs have a high degree of sound absorption, pouring water into them will not emit a piercing ringing murmur.
  4. Acrylic products perfectly retain heat.
  5. These bathtubs are easy to maintain, just soap and a soft sponge are enough for cleaning.
  6. Despite the ideal smoothness of the surface, acrylic containers are completely non-slip.
  7. Lots of options for shapes, sizes and colors.
  8. Acrylic bathtubs have excellent hygienic characteristics, their surface is unsuitable for the growth of bacteria and fungi.
  9. If scratches appear on the surface, they are easily removed with liquid acrylic.

Advantages of acrylic bathtubs

The disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs are much less. These include:

  1. Fairly high price.
  2. The sensitivity of the acrylic surface to strong mechanical stress and very high temperatures.
  3. Selectivity to cleaning agents, intolerance to alcohol-containing solutions and compositions with abrasive particles.
  4. The need to use an additional frame during installation.

Disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

Material and manufacturing method

Acrylic is a type of plastic that has characteristics such as surface smoothness, elasticity and strength. Under the influence of the desired temperature, this material is able to take the required shape, which is preserved after cooling. Typically, two types of acrylic are used to make bathtubs:

  • extruded - the basis of the material is elastic plastic, supplemented with plexiglass;
  • cast - consists entirely of plexiglass.

Products made of extruded material are characterized by a short service life; after some time of active use, they may crack. Acrylic bathtubs of this type are best used in a country house or in the country, where the intensity of use is not so high.

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Acrylic bathtubs made of cast material are durable and wear-resistant. They are more expensive, but their service life is much longer. Such plumbing is ideal for an apartment and will not lose its merits for a long time even with repeated daily use.

Production of acrylic bathtubs

With any manufacturing method, manufacturers apply reinforcing layers to acrylic products, thereby adding strength to them. The number of such layers can vary from 1 to 5. The quality of plumbing also depends on this indicator. Reinforcement layers are very well visible on the bathtub wall. But counting them on the side is not enough, it is better to check the strength of the acrylic product by pressing on the walls and bottom. If they did not sag and remained elastic, it means that the manufacturer conscientiously strengthened the entire product as a whole.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the frame of the acrylic bath.Usually it is a welded or prefabricated metal frame. This device protects the product from deformation, helps to withstand water pressure and the mass of a person. The more complex the design, the more stable and durable the acrylic bathing container will be.

Acrylic bath frames

Choosing the shape and size of the bath

Compared to cast iron and steel bathtubs, acrylic products come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Therefore, it is not easy to choose an acrylic container, because the larger the range, the more difficult it is to make the final choice.

On the market there are products made of acrylic in rectangular, oval, angular and asymmetric shapes. Features of the room in which the container will be installed is the main criterion for which configuration should be chosen.

  • Rectangular acrylic products are a classic. They will fit into any interior. However, in a small room, such plumbing will look cumbersome.
  • Oval acrylic bathtubs have pleasant smooth outlines. They are suitable for decorating a bathroom in any style. Such plumbing looks very nice on the podium.

Oval acrylic bathtub

  • Corner acrylic bathtubs are compact, but because of this they are no less functional and comfortable. Unlike steel containers of a similar shape, they are more diverse in size and color. Corner products are ideal for small bathrooms.
  • Asymmetric acrylic containers are most often used to create a certain style in the interior of the bathroom.

When the ideal variant of the shape of the main object of the bathroom is found, it is worth choosing its dimensions.

It is believed that the most convenient bath is 65–70 cm high. It is called the family option. This product is suitable for use by all family members from children to adults.

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The optimal depth for a bath is a range of 50 to 60 cm.

The depth of the bath is considered to be the distance from the bottom to the overflow hole of the bowl.

If you stop at an acrylic container smaller than 50 cm, then there may not be enough water when bathing. If the depth of the product is more than 60 cm, then it will be quite difficult to climb into it.

The right acrylic bathtub

What capacity will be in width and length depends on the specific conditions. In this case, the choice should be made based on the configuration and height of the family members who will use it, as well as on the dimensions of the room.

A properly selected version of an acrylic bathtub will harmoniously fit into the interior of the bathroom and will be convenient to use.

The secrets of choosing an acrylic bath: how not to be deceived

In a plumbing store or supermarket, each consultant will readily give a lot of advice and recommendations on which acrylic bathtub to buy. But we should not forget the folk wisdom: trust, but verify. After selecting the options you like and listening to the stories of sellers about them, you should carefully examine them yourself.

  • A new plumbing product should not be the owner of scratches, cracks or chips. Its color should be uniform.
  • A quality acrylic bathtub must be stable. This parameter is affected by the quantity and quality of the supports on which it is attached. Classic rectangular containers and corner products in the form of an isosceles triangle are distinguished by excellent stability.
  • The slippery surface of an acrylic bath causes discomfort when using it and is fraught with health hazards in the form of bruises and even fractures. Especially at this point, attention should be paid to families with small children and the elderly. The surface of a high-quality and safe acrylic bathtub should be smooth to the touch, but non-slip. The feeling of roughness when touching the inner coating means that the product is of poor quality.

Choosing a bath in the store

Real experts recommend a simple test. To do this, touch the inner surface of the acrylic container with your hand.Feelings should resemble touching glass, but the hand should not slip.

  • It is necessary to pay attention to which country is indicated as the manufacturer of the sanitary ware. Acrylic bathtubs from Poland, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic or Spain belong to a higher price category, but low-quality containers from these countries are extremely rare. Plumbing from China or Turkey is much cheaper. Bathtubs from manufacturers from these countries should be chosen especially carefully.
  • Experts share a little trick. The quality of an acrylic product can be checked with a regular flashlight. With this device it is convenient to view the thickness of the bath. As you know, it should be the same in any part of it. Everything is quite simple. The included flashlight is brought to different parts of the acrylic product and the result is observed from the opposite side. If the light spot is not visible through the walls, then the product is of high quality. If in some places you managed to notice the light of a flashlight, it is better to refrain from buying.
  • You can learn about the strength of an acrylic bathtub by tapping on it. A dull sound indicates a sufficient number of layers, and hence the quality and reliability of the product.
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Following the above tips, it will be easier to decide on the choice of an acrylic bath. They will help prevent mistakes that will lead to disappointment from a new acquisition.

Nice extras

Modern acrylic containers can be equipped with various additional features.

  • The most common and popular is hydromassage or jacuzzi. This function is possible thanks to the nozzles built into the sides of the bathroom, through which air enters the water, forming a lot of bubbles. The result is a very pleasant and useful procedure.

Acrylic bathtub with additional features

  • No less useful is the function of chromotherapy. This procedure is based on the effect on the skin of UV rays, which come from chrome-plated nozzles built into the walls of the container. Before buying an acrylic product with this option, it would be useful to ask about what power the lamps have and whether reflectors are available.
  • For people who cannot part with a laptop and TV even in the bathroom, manufacturers offer designs equipped with a gadget shelf or a built-in plasma panel.

Chromotherapy in an acrylic bath

As a result, its price depends on what options will be mounted in an acrylic container. Such additions definitely cannot be cheap, and only serious manufacturers “with a name” can guarantee their high-quality and uninterrupted work.

Choosing a quality acrylic bathtub is not an easy task. Therefore, before you go to the store for a purchase, it's a good idea to arm yourself with at least a minimal set of information about this product. Read articles about plumbing, reviews of its owners, advice from masters and experts in this matter. They will help you make the right choice. Properly selected plumbing will delight its owners for many years and will become the favorite of the whole family.


