Design of a small bath in Khrushchev (16 photos)

At one time, the so-called Khrushchev houses became a real gift to the working class from the Soviet government. Inexpensive, small-sized, but at the same time comfortable for the people of that time, housing was equipped according to the latest trends of Soviet fashion by our grandparents. Carpets on the walls, huge secretaries lined with service and furniture walls, tiled walls and floors of small bathrooms - all these attributes fit perfectly into the design of Khrushchev's buildings. But what should modern residents of the same apartments do? Creating a modern, beautiful, and at the same time practical design for small spaces can be very difficult, especially for bathrooms. To figure out how to correctly choose the design of bathrooms in Khrushchev, photos and expert advice will help.

We choose high-quality design of a small bathroom in Khrushchev

Interior styles for the bathroom in Khrushchev

First of all, you need to decide on the style of the interior - the choice of finishing materials and the color scheme of the bathroom will directly depend on this.

Since the bathroom in Khrushchev is always small in size, it is best for it to choose concise and minimalist interior solutions. For example, these could be styles such as:

  • Minimalism - it is suitable for those who like to leave a maximum of free space.

Minimalist two-tone bathroom design

  • The classic style is ideal for lovers of antiquity with a claim to luxury, but, unlike baroque or renaissance, it is not overloaded with a lot of decor.

Classic interior in a small bathroom

  • Japanese style, which, like minimalism, is distinguished by the least amount of unnecessary details.

Japanese motifs in a compact bathroom

  • Marine style in the interior of the bathroom will keep the feeling of summer holidays throughout the year.

Khrushchev bathroom in a marine style

  • Modern style - contemporary - the most practical and functional, suitable for those who love simple, strict lines and soothing colors.

Contemporary style

  • Ecostyle will be a great option for those who love minimalism, but want to add bright colors and comfort to the bathroom interior.
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Notes of eco-style in the bathroom

These are just a few of the styles that will fit perfectly into the design of a small bathroom.

Choice of colors and materials

The main condition for choosing colors is light shades with bright or contrasting details. Their combination will make the space brighter and visually larger. The design shown in the photo perfectly combines all the basic tips and tricks for the interior of a small bathroom.

Bright small room with bright accents

From materials it is best to use:

  • waterproof wallpaper;
  • tiles with various imitations;
  • paint;
  • panels.

The combination of different finishing materials will create unique visual effects that can visually enlarge the space.

A great alternative to boring tiles is mosaic. You can choose an option with many different shades of the same color, randomly located on the surface of the wall. This technique will help to bring a special zest even to a minimalist interior.

Mosaic in a small bathroom

Lighting Tips

Another indispensable tool for creating “expanding” visual effects is lighting.

Bathroom in Khrushchev does not have natural light sources, that is, windows, and therefore the light from artificial lamps must necessarily be close to daylight. But placing a sconce on the walls of a small bathtub or a huge chandelier on the ceiling is not permissible, therefore the best solution would be lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling and spotlights.

Lighting is an important part of design

One of the latest interior trends looks original and stylish - lighting furniture and plumbing. It can be of absolutely any shade, the main task is to create the feeling that the interior items do not stand on the floor, but hover in the air.In cases where hidden lighting is organically combined with the main light sources and the color scheme of the bathroom, the space seems free, and objects seem almost weightless.

soaring bath

By placing hidden lighting, you can make the bathroom interior ultra-modern even in Khrushchev - the photo above confirms this.

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Placement of furniture, plumbing, decor

The final and very important stage of repair in the bathroom is the arrangement of plumbing and furniture. In this process, it is important to consider that you should eventually have free access to any interior items, and they, in turn, should not block the entrance and exit from the room, doors and sashes.

The project of a small bathroom with an area of ​​​​3 square meters. m

Although the bathtub has an unusual shape and fits perfectly into the room, its size makes the bathroom feel too small.

Spacious bath in a small room

Designers' tips for placing furniture and fixtures in a small bathroom:

  • A combined bathroom is a great opportunity to carve out a few more tens of square centimeters. At first it seems that such redevelopment cannot play a significant role, but in the end, an amazing result always comes out: all the necessary furniture and plumbing can easily fit in the combined space.

Combining a toilet and a bathroom is a smart solution

A fashion trend in the field of plumbing has become the combination of various items into one. For example, it can be a toilet with a small sink above the cistern, a cabinet sink with a built-in washing machine, or a small corner bath attached to the shower. This modern and practical solution saves a lot of space.

Toilet bowl with built-in small hand basin

  • Instead of bulky hanging drawers, shelves and chests of drawers, it is best to take care of creating small niches in the walls of the bathroom. This option for storing household chemicals and hygiene products looks much more harmonious and does not “eat up” valuable centimeters of room space.

Wall niches used as shelves

  • The bath will have to be replaced with a shower stall if you want to squeeze the maximum functionality out of the square meters of the bathroom.
  • A large amount of decor will interfere in a small bathroom, and will also create a feeling of clutter in the room.

Mirror, glossy, chrome, smooth surfaces are great for small spaces, as they visually expand the space and mask volumetric details.

Following these tips, you can easily create the perfect interior design for your bathroom, even in Khrushchev.


