Tiles and mosaics for the bathroom: 26 photos, design with mosaic elements

Bathroom interior design is a difficult task, because in conditions of high humidity, abundant vaporization and sudden temperature changes, durable waterproof materials are required for surface cladding. Mosaics in the bathroom will help ensure the reliability and durability of wall and floor coverings and create an elegant interior.

Design variety

Mosaic in the bathroom: the nuances

Mosaic looks great both as the main facing material and in combination with other coatings - large and medium-sized tiles, vinyl wallpaper, painted surfaces, structural plaster. Suitable for decorating tiny rooms in Khrushchev and spacious rooms, it can transform the most standard bathroom in a typical panel house. Examples of bathroom interior design with mosaics can be seen in the photo.

Combination with painted walls

An important advantage of mosaic tiles is the possibility of facing convex or concave surfaces: the outside of the bathtub and sink, a figured wall niche.

Cladding curved surfaces

When choosing a mosaic for a bathroom, consider:

  • the material from which the tile is made;
  • the shape of the elements;
  • color.

Tiles must be of good quality.

Mosaic types

Variants of mosaic tiles according to the material of manufacture:

  • Ceramic is a practical material, one of the most affordable of all types of mosaics. Presented in a wide range of colors and shades, it can be used to decorate wall panels, paintings, frescoes.

Ceramic mosaic picture

  • Plastic mosaic made of polymers - a budget option - is strong enough and suitable for wall and floor cladding in rooms with high air humidity. The tile is used for full and partial wall cladding, perfectly adheres to the floor. A decorative rug in front of the bathroom lined with plastic elements is less traumatic than a slippery tile floor.
  • Glass, for the production of which siliceous sand is used with the addition of various impurities.

Glass options

  • Onyx tile - a layered translucent mineral of red-brown, brown, honey, white tones with veins of different colors. Mosaic made of natural onyx has a high cost, but you can choose a more affordable imitation. Also popular are small tiles imitating obsidian (volcanic glass), amber, lapis lazuli, jade, jasper.
  • Mosaic made of travertine, brownish, white, light yellow, brown, cream shades with golden splashes.
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Travertine product

  • Smalt tiles, for the manufacture of which colored glass pieces are used.
  • Mirror, in the production of which small mirror fragments are used. Decorating with gold or silver plating gives the tile a special appeal.
  • Metal, made of soft plastic, on top of which a thin metal plate is attached. Mosaic imitating brass, bronze, steel, decorated with embossing, suitable for decorative cladding of surfaces in spacious rooms in areas with a minimum moisture concentration.

metal mosaic

  • Tiles made of artificial stone imitating granite, marble, tuff, suitable for flooring.

Shape of elements

Of great importance for the decorative design of the interior is the shape of the product. Tiles can be:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • hexagonal;
  • round;
  • irregular shape (stones, beveled rectangle, uneven oval).

Mosaic in a small bathroom

small bathroom it is desirable to try to increase visually. This will help different methods of laying tiles. Visually expand the space:

  • walls lined from floor to ceiling with light-colored square mosaics with a glossy surface;

Solid light tile finish

  • the use of rectangular, diamond-shaped, hexagonal elements in the decoration;
  • narrow vertical mosaic inserts on the background standard tiles;

Vertical inserts

  • shower tray, lined with mosaics;

Decoration with small tiles of a shower tray, niches, mirrors

  • the play of color combinations in monochrome - the lower surfaces are laid out with darker elements, the upper fragments of the walls are decorated with lighter tiles;
  • vertical patterns, flowers, paintings;

Neutral flower panel

  • use of a contrast palette;

Contrasting black and white trim

  • a bathtub tiled on the outside with square or rectangular tiles in harmony with the flooring.

A popular solution - facing the edge of the bath

Important! In a small bathroom, you should not experiment with a variety of colors. Two or three light colors are enough. Combinations of blue, beige, light green, lilac, cream shades with white, coffee with milk or pearl gray with blue look advantageous. For contrasting finishes, you can choose no more than two colors of elements and strictly adhere to a single concept.

Successful color combination of elements

Spacious bathroom design

The possibilities for decorating a large bathroom are almost endless.

  • A wall lined with a single-color mosaic from floor to ceiling looks great, when adjacent and opposite sides are decorated with large rectangular or square tiles in a contrasting color. Malachite is combined with beige and brown, crimson - with azure, golden - with black.
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A combination of mosaic and large tiles

  • A monochromatic mosaic tile that completely covers the walls and floor looks rather dull, no matter how bright it is. Monochrome or contrasting mosaic compositions enliven the interior and add an element of diversity.

Composition of light mosaic enlivening the interior

  • Large-scale figured compositions lined with bright mosaics, tiled partitions and large patterns on the floor will be useful decor details.

Simple mosaic composition

  • The color and texture of mosaic tiles play a significant role in dividing the area into zones. A light glossy finish is best used for functional areas - shower, bath, mirror, heated towel rail, toilet. Dark matte focuses on accessories, furniture, decorative elements.

Separate zones in the bathroom using different tiles

Decorative elements in the interior of the bathroom

The following tips will help you create a decorative bathroom design using mosaics:

  • Spectacular decoration of the interior - a mosaic panel, a picture or a fresco in the entire wall. The opposite and adjacent sides should be decorated with small separate elements of the main image.

Mosaic mural in the bathroom

Important! It is undesirable to decorate the room with drawings different in content and color palette.

  • The plots of the picture should be chosen in accordance with the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating the interior. Large flowers or pastoral scenes with shepherdesses and lambs are suitable for a classic-style bathroom, savannahs with grazing giraffes, elephants and antelopes in African, the sea, rocks, ships in the Mediterranean, sakura branches, bamboo thickets, Fujiyama in Japanese.

Panel in Mediterranean style

You should not try to create an artistic composition from tiles of different colors on your own, it is better to buy a ready-made set for panels at the construction market or in an online store.

It's very hard to paint a picture like this.

  • If there are potted houseplants with large leaves in the bathroom interior, decorating the wall with a bright picture will be superfluous.

Another decoration option is the design of a mirror.

What do you need for quality design?

Decorating the interior with mosaic tiles is a laborious and complex process that requires patience and concentration. Without experience, it is better not to risk expensive materials and turn to specialists.

ibuilder.decorexpro.com/en/ recommends: for self-laying, choose not small pieces in bulk, but ready-made canvases on a substrate. They are easier to work with and more economical.

Gluing fragments on the substrate

Interesting design options will demonstrate the following video.


