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I think that a column is better, since you can drill quite deep. The deeper the water is clearer. In my country house, 15 meters have been drilled, and the water is icy, I have never seen such a temperature in the wells ...
a well is better - at least 7 rings, and the water is good and you don’t have to change all sorts of filters forever, etc. like in a well, and a well with 4 rings is not a deck - it’s such a hole
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It's a question of geography. If there is a large city nearby and there is the possibility of a column, it is better than it (civilization, after all). If not, the well is more expensive, because its machine drills, but the water is fresher. But both the well and the well without a constant output of water either fall asleep or fade. P.S. A standpipe is a government-provided access point to regulated water sources. A well is a drilled access point to some permanent layer of water (usually a pipe). Well - the same point made by hand (usually not a pipe).
With a depth of the aquifer (and not a perch, like its neighbors) layer of up to 10 meters, you can get by with a well, and deeper - only a well.
The financial component of such structures
Of course, basically all people will be interested in the cost of construction. If you make a well, it will be cheaper. But its use can then fly into a pretty penny. After all, the quality of the water will not be perfect. Therefore, it will be necessary to purchase a purification system. Then it will be necessary to constantly clean the well and disinfect.
If groundwater is deep on the site, then such a structure will be more expensive. And if a quicksand is caught, then it will be impossible to make a well at all. You can reduce the cost of water supply if you make one well with your neighbors and use it together.
When people ask themselves: what is better to make a well or a well? In this case, they usually first of all think about the cost of such a structure. But we must not forget that the quality of the liquid directly affects human health. Of course, an artesian well can provide the best and highest quality water. Also, with it, the water supply to the house will be without interruption. But each owner of a country house must decide for himself what he needs.
Where will there be more water?
It cannot be argued that a well and a well give the same amount of water in the same aquifer. A large storage area of the well does not guarantee sufficient water flow. For example, a depth of 13 rings can give water inflow of only 1 ring per day. Much depends on the width of the free-flow formation: if it is narrow, the pressure in the well will be insufficient, and the well will become beneficial due to the storage system. Conversely, the first aquifers may be undrinkable, then a well is installed, but deeper. In this case, the amount of water at the outlet will be much larger.
The artesian well gives the greatest inflow. Its productivity reaches 10 m3/hour. For comparison: the ground aquifer gives an average of 1 m3/hour. It is distinguished by clean water suitable for drinking, however, there are artesian layers with a high content of iron. In this case, you will need to install a special filter, which will be reflected in an increase in costs.
Water supply at home has 2 goals: to get water of high quality and in the required quantity. What will become a priority, a well or a well, also depends on natural factors, for example, the only disadvantage of a well is its dependence on rainfall. However, it does not manifest itself in everyone, sometimes during a drought the water level becomes lower, but it does not disappear completely.
In which case is it easier to pass the quicksand?
If a quicksand is encountered while drilling a well, further deepening becomes impossible.In this case, the well can be constantly filled with sand to a certain level. However, experienced drillers go through quicksand using the method of forced landing of pipes. For drilling the quicksands themselves, the following device is used: a bailer from 2 m long with a valve.
If digging a well ends with a meeting with a quicksand, the problem can be solved as follows: with an increased amount of water, sand is manually selected. At the same time, it should be prevented from pulling towards the well shaft, as this can lead to tightening of the lower ring. For this, for example, spacers are used, which must be rested on the quicksand with the lower ends, and in the concrete ring - with the upper ones.
Other comparative characteristics:
- access to water does not depend on the supply of electricity,
- no additional water purification is required,
- it is possible to monitor the condition of the well, carry out repairs,
- low cost turnkey construction,
- minus: dependence on the weather.
- lack of electricity makes it impossible to use water,
- cleaning filters are required,
- there is no way to control the state of the system,
- does not depend on weather factors,
- installation cost is higher than digging a well.
The water supply device for a private house or cottage begins with determining the location of aquifers. Then they evaluate the complexity of installation, investment, efficiency, productivity. Even if the main work is done independently, the search for water should be carried out by specialists.
Maintenance of the well consists in replacing the bottom filter, deepening if the water level has decreased significantly. If the quality of the water has deteriorated (it has become cloudy, an extraneous taste, smell has appeared), an update of the sealing of the seams is required. At the same time, the complexity of the work depends on the top water: whether it constantly enters the mine or not.
Well maintenance consists in cleaning filters and pipes from sand and silt. An artesian well becomes clogged with salt and limestone, which require more effort to clean than sand. Work is carried out when the throughput of the system drops, breakdowns of mechanisms begin. Preventive maintenance and timely maintenance of the well helps to avoid serious problems, for example, cleaning until it is completely clogged will help save a lot of money for repairs. Thus, it requires somewhat more maintenance than a well.
Where is the water supply from?
First of all, you need to know what sources are there and from which water can be taken? Layers that carry water are of three types:
- The top is the layer closest to the surface. Its maximum depth is four meters. The filling of such a layer depends on rainfall, snowmelt. In autumn and winter, the level can be small. This water is better for watering the garden. If you need a good well, then in this case it is necessary to isolate it so that nothing superfluous gets into it.
- Groundwater, they are below this layer. His horizon is unchanged. Therefore, the water level in the well will always be the same. Groundwater is formed by filtering ode, which enters the soil from above, river water also enters here. This layer is at a depth of ten meters, but can reach up to forty.
- Artesian waters are between the layers under pressure. If you drill wells, they rise above the aquifer. Sometimes a fountain may appear. Since they are located between the layers, the dirt cannot get into the water. Their water is the best. But the problem is that such water is located at a depth of more than 40 meters.
It is clear that the lower the well, the better the water in it. On the territory of the Russian Federation, their depth is different. For individual use, you can make the following options:
- Abyssinian well.
- Simple well.
- The well is filtered.
- Artesian well.
Well or well, pros and cons
First, let's talk about the well. So, its main advantages are as follows:
- Ease of operation and maintenance - cleaning during silting is not a particular problem;
- There is no rigid connection to electricity; if necessary, water can be obtained without a pump;
- Insignificant expenses for arrangement;
- Ability to do most of the work on your own.
Among the shortcomings, the following should be highlighted:
- It is possible for various human wastes to enter the water, especially at its shallow depth;
- Problems with the removal of land excavated to the surface during the construction of the well;
- Water may simply run out - that is why a well should be dug in winter or autumn with a minimum level of groundwater;
- There is no certainty of hitting the aquifer on the first try.
Speaking about the well, one cannot fail to mention its following advantages:
- Cleaner water;
- Minimum terms of arrangement;
- Huge reserves of water.
There are also disadvantages, they are the following:
- Significant financial costs for the arrangement;
- A well, performed poorly, will fail very soon;
- Difficulty self-cleaning;
- The need for constant use of the well, otherwise, it may be silting;
- Higher hardness of water is possible, which requires the purchase of additional filters.
Well for water
Well for waterThe well combines three elements:
(part of the well protruding above the surface), shaft (trunk), water intake.
The depth of the well depends on the location of the aquifer and its debit
(the amount of water that enters the well per unit of time). Because more
saturated aquifers are located at a depth of more than 8 meters, then the depth of the well
can reach 10-16 m.
Although, in fairness, we note that there are
wells up to 300 m deep (Turkmenistan).
The well is dug in most cases by hand, the earth
removed, and the walls of the mine are strengthened with concrete rings, piece finishing
material (brick, stone) or wood (oak, pine, larch). Use
well involves its periodic cleaning, and the service life may exceed
a hundred years.
Pros and cons of a well
In favor of digging a well, such arguments speak as:
- low cost of work;
- the ability to dig a well with your own hands;
- significant diameter, which simplifies the care of the well;
- continuous water supply. Even without electricity
water can be supplied manually; - ease of operation.
Arguments to the contrary:
the probability of flooding the well with perched water, i.e. water with
surface or melt water. The quality of the top water is very low, so the water in
the well may become unfit for human consumption. However, experienced diggers
eliminate the possibility of flooding by creating a "clay stocking". For this
clay is placed in the well pit to a depth of 2-3 rings (depending on
rainfall and groundwater levels). as well as devices
capital blind area near the head;
the complexity of digging;
the probability of "leaving" water from the well. Perhaps in that case
if the well is not dug deep, and the period is dry, or the well is dug in
high water period (winter or spring);
the need to clean the walls of the well and the bottom;
the difficulty of complying with safety regulations. Cases are known
when the ring of the mine, laid in the floater, went to the side, causing damage
How to protect a well from surface water in a country house
We have already said that water from above or various debris can enter the well due to its openness. And this, in turn, can cause the emergence and spread of various kinds of microbes in the water. But you can protect yourself from such problems.
When the rings are laid, the gaps in the lower two joints can be sealed with a special solution. This will make it possible to protect yourself from the waters from above. And the water intake will occur from below. After the solution hardens, it is necessary to continue driving the well. All connections between the rings are best sealed with a mixture of liquid glass. At the bottom of the well it is necessary to pour a layer of gravel, its height should be twenty or thirty centimeters. This will be an additional water filter. All the space left behind the pipes must be well covered with sand and gravel, and compacted with a layer of clay on top. It will also contain the ingress of melt or rainwater into the structure. Because clay does not let liquid through. The top ring should be on the outside. This will make it possible to protect the well from snow, rain and dirt. With special quality, it is necessary to perform waterproofing work at the joints between the upper ring and the entire resulting column.
When water has just accumulated in the rebuilt structure, you will need to pump it out completely with a pump. This will have to be done several times. Such a procedure is necessary for the buildup of the well.
And answering the question of which is better is not always possible. Since different structures can be used in different conditions. For example, a sand well may be better than a well in terms of its technological qualities. When you start building a well, you need to consider where you have a septic tank. According to the norms of sanitation, they must have a distance of at least two hundred meters between them. And this is very problematic to do if you have a plot of six acres.
If you build a well on limestone, you can solve all your water supply problems. Such limestone is found everywhere today, but only it can be located at different depths. For example, from 20 to 200 meters. But such a well has been serving without interruption for fifty years, the water supply is good in terms of volume. This will also depend on the power of your pump. And this will give you the opportunity to fully automate the supply of water to a country house or cottage.
And besides, it’s not yet a fact that a well will cost less than a well. In order to dig a pit for a well of medium depth, it will take about a thousand dollars. Moreover, you can talk about the quality of water only after you get it. And it is possible that it will not be very good. Maybe you can't even drink it. Also, the water level in it will depend on precipitation and seasonal fluctuations. If there is a drought in the summer, then the water in the well may disappear altogether.
Types of wells
There are several types of wells that you can arrange with your own hands. They differ in design elements, as well as the materials from which they are made.
Pit cladding.
It is considered the simplest arrangement option. It is a recess arranged around the head of the well. It installs a shutoff valve.
The standard depth of the pit is no more than 1.5 m. The walls are strengthened - they are concreted or lined with bricks. The upper part is made overlapping, although this does not provide complete tightness.
In areas with severe winters, with a large depth of soil freezing, the well requires additional insulation.
The pit does not require the help of specialists; everything can be done by hand using inexpensive materials.
Features of mounting the adapter.
The downhole adapter is more complex than the pit. It is installed directly on the casing string. Most often, such structures are made of steel or plastic. The first option is considered more durable and durable, besides, only it provides tightness.
The adapter is installed so that the water pipe runs below ground level.
But the adapter can only be installed if 1 casing string is provided for the water intake. In addition, the well pump must be fixed to the pipe. Suspension systems require a device of a different design.
The most popular and practical option for a well device is a caisson. It is a sealed container that is installed on the head of the well.
Inside the caisson there are pipes, valves, automatic devices. Outwardly, such a system looks like a pit. But the advantages are high rates of thermal insulation and water resistance.