Eliminate odor problems
In fact, all sorts of options are considered here, why there is a smell of a septic tank in the house. Rooms such as the toilet, kitchen and bathroom are particularly affected. What to do in different causal variants?
- It is mandatory to install the pipe immediately during installation. If you haven't done so, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks to this work, you remove not only accumulated gases, but also be able to prevent the failure of hydraulic valves. First of all, you will protect your toilet and sinks.
- Restoring bacteria sometimes helps to normalize and make a septic tank odorless. This procedure is required after the release of chlorine or other chemicals. This will require special preparations, which include biomaterials. Usually, they are sold in places where consumer goods are sold. But here again there is one "BUT". It is necessary to provide conditions for the development of bacteria. There are only three of them: constantly use the sewer, a large amount of water, a constant flow of air. This can be done without much effort, the main thing is to ensure that there are enough drains in the septic tank chamber. If the above conditions are provided, the biological preparations will begin to act literally immediately.
- The final odor problem is waste overflow. In this situation, bioorganic additives will no longer help. Here the help of a sewer machine is required. But it's not just waste that can create a quote-smelling toilet. Sometimes silt clots prevent the pipes from being cleaned. In this case, a special installation will help.
Be that as it may, it is better to avoid problems from the very beginning, and for this, from the first days of installation, monitor the unit and its operation, use biological additives for cleaning in time. When installing, make sure that the design is correct, do not try to do it yourself. Trust the professionals who, doing their job, are responsible for it.
When buying a septic tank, it is necessary to check every detail, its tightness and the material from which it is made. All these little things affect not only the performance of the septic tank, but also the peace of mind of your family. After all, the smell can appear at any moment without asking permission.
It is unlikely that when receiving guests, you will be able to explain to them that this is just the smell of sewage dysfunction, pollution and other everyday problems. The reception of guests and your holidays will be spoiled only because of your negligence and inattention.
Ways to eliminate unpleasant odors
For each reason for the formation of odor, there are ways to eliminate:
- when filling the storage tank, cleaning is required, that is, the removal of drains and sediment from the pit;
- in the absence of sufficient ventilation, a fan riser is equipped;
- when bacteria die, they are renewed with special compounds.
Tank cleaning
How to get rid of the smell when the septic tank is overflowing? The container needs to be cleaned. You can do this in two ways:
- manually;
- specialized technology.
Manual cleaning of a pit from concrete rings, a metal or plastic container is carried out in the following way:
- liquid drains are removed from the pit with a drainage pump, buckets or other devices;
- then the sediment and solid waste accumulated at the bottom of the pit are removed;
Manual cleaning of the cesspool
- the inner surface of the storage tank is cleaned with an iron brush;
- the septic tank (pits, containers, and so on) is washed with running water. To do this, the container is completely filled with water and pumped out after 10 - 15 minutes.
Scheme of placing bacteria in a collection container
After cleaning, it is necessary to place activated sludge or biobacteria in the tank, which will contribute to the purification and processing of incoming effluents.
How self-care is done, see the video.
The cleaning process can be carried out faster with the help of a sewage machine, which is capable of pumping out not only liquid, but also silt deposits. To clean the cesspool with special equipment, it is necessary to have an access road and some capable space around the septic tank.
Cleaning a septic tank with a sewer machine
The cost of cleaning a special machine depends on the volume of the septic tank.
Ventilation building
The fan pipe allows:
- remove accumulated gases from drains, reducing the formation of an unpleasant odor;
- biobacteria work more actively due to the constant supply of oxygen inside the treatment plant.
How to eliminate the smell from the septic tank, if the reason lies in the lack of necessary ventilation? To do this, according to the following scheme, a ventilation riser is constructed:
- materials are being prepared. For the construction of a fan pipe, you must purchase:
- plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 - 110 mm and a length of 120 - 130 cm;
- any fasteners (clamps, brackets, and so on);
- sealant;
- a tip that protects the device from precipitation and third-party contaminants;
- a pipe 70–80 cm long is placed in a septic tank or cesspool and fixed in the most appropriate way;
- all joints are sealed;
- a tip is put on the top of the pipe.
Construction of a sewer pipe for a septic tank
Bacterial cleaning
Removal of an unpleasant odor is a consequence of wastewater treatment with special biological preparations.
Adding bacteria to the cesspool will not only eliminate odors, but also increase the level of wastewater treatment, which can later be disposed of using a drainage system. The use of drainage, in turn, increases the terms of use of the container without additional cleaning.
The most popular means for cleaning cesspools are:
Doctor Robik. Biological preparations of this brand contribute to the treatment of wastewater and the decomposition of solid sediment, which helps to eliminate odor
When using the products, it is important to follow the instructions on the package;
Preparations for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools
Saneks. In the line of produced drugs there are substances for cleaning toilets, latrines, septic tanks and for processing solid waste. Saneks products are optimally suited for eliminating odors from various types of septic tanks (Topas, Unilos, and so on)
When working with the drug, it is important to observe safety precautions;
Cleaning products
Tamir. Highly effective means for processing wastewater and obtaining compost. Sold in liquid form. Odorless and does not harm the environment. Ideal for cesspools, dry closets, single-chamber septic tanks.
Liquid cleaner and deodorizer
All products differ in scope, operating temperature and cost. Each user can choose the most suitable drug for certain conditions independently according to the attached description.
How to remove the smell with the help of biological preparations? Each tool is accompanied by detailed instructions for use, which must be followed.
Scheme of using the drug Dr. Robik
Thus, if it stinks from a cesspool or septic tank, then you must first find out the cause of the smell, and then find a way to eliminate it.
Why there is a smell from the sink, from the bath, from the toilet and how to eliminate it
Waste products accumulate in the drains of sinks, bathtubs and toilets. These are fats, food residues, detergents, hair and so on. Over time, they begin to decompose and emit a strong fetid odor.This odor can only be permanently removed by removing these deposits from siphons and sewer pipes. But getting there is often not possible. To quickly eliminate odors from sinks, from bathtubs, from toilets, use Likvazym, which is introduced into the sewer pipes. After that, dormant bacteria begin to actively wake up and absorb all organic matter, hair, fats and growths in the pipes, thereby eliminating the cause of the smell.
If in the sewer pipes in the country or in the house, and not just in a city apartment, fats begin to settle. then hair sticks to them, skin residues, soap flakes after taking a shower, food particles after washing dishes, and so on.
Eliminate odor and troubleshoot yourself
How to remove the smell? There are times when the owner independently installs, and then diagnoses the systems. Here is a hint that will help everyone identify the causes themselves and tell you how to get rid of the smell.
There is no ventilation riser for venting gases. The smell of a septic tank in the house can spread wherever there are water or sewer pipes.
The use of large amounts of chlorine in the water leads to a lack of biomass for processing and an odor in the septic tank. To avoid such problems, it is not recommended to use chemicals such as chlorine. This is especially true for drinking water and filter cleaning liquids.
Foaming agents can also affect the operation of drains. So the toilet can simply foam, and the pipes will stop passing the desired liquid. The fact is that the necessary bacteria do not function normally.
To do this, carefully read the instructions for use on the packaging in proportions (this is especially important when using washing powder).
If using a unit with aerators, insufficient oxygen regulation can also be the cause.
Odor is especially common (whether in a toilet or bathroom) when the treatment equipment is not maintained. This refers to the prevention and cleaning of cameras.
Lack of cleaning of the septic tank - the cause of the smell
Cesspools and toilets
There are quite a lot of such funds on the shelves of specialized stores now. To facilitate the choice, consider a few of the most popular drugs to date.
"Biosept" for septic tanks and cesspools
The bioactivator "Biosept" helps not only to clean the sewer, but also prevents the inevitable re-formation of blockages in the pipes. The composition of the drug includes a large number of food enzymes and biologically active selection bacteria. Highly environmentally friendly. Distributed in a convenient package, specially designed for 24 doses of the drug.
- Eliminates unpleasant odors
- Liquefies sediment and crust
- Reduces sediment volume
- Eliminates deposits in pipes
- Doubles the performance of a septic tank
- More than 98% biodegradable. Biologically pure product, does not have side effects on humans and animals
"Doctor Robik" for cesspools and septic tanks
"Doctor Robik" is able to dissolve not only organic substances, but also contributes well to the dissolution of paper, fabric, various kinds of phenols and detergents. Its only drawback is that for greater effectiveness, this drug has to be used about once a month, while other drugs are used much less frequently.
- Effectively decomposes organics, feces, fats, paper;
- Destroys unpleasant odors of organic decomposition;
- Does not contain chemicals;
- Environmentally friendly product;
- Safe for people, animals and plants;
- Reduces several times the need for auto-cleaning.
"Gorynych" for cesspools
Binary bioactivator "Gorynych" is a fairly new tool to combat bad odor. It helps to actively reduce the amount of sludge in sewer systems. It can also break down active fats and organic compounds. It contains a large number of spores of beneficial bacteria.
"Saneks" for cesspools
Saneks preparation for septic tanks and cesspools is one of the latest Polish developments. It is a reddish powder with a slight yeasty odor. The drug can process the contents of the cesspool surrounding it into water suitable for further use. This water is chemically neutral and environmentally safe. It can be safely used for watering the garden plot or drained into the nearest reservoirs. In addition, Saneks has a beneficial effect on drainage systems, preventing the formation of silt deposits on pipes.
"Tamir" for cesspools
The microbiological agent "Tamir" is used to eliminate unpleasant odors in toilets, sewer systems, as well as on various agricultural farms. In addition to cleaning sewer pipes, it contributes to the most rapid composting of waste from agricultural, domestic and industrial human activities. This compost can be safely used when fertilizing the garden plot.
This is not all the tools that can now be found in stores. Their huge variety in this case is not a bad feature, because thanks to this everyone will be able to choose only the tool that is most suitable for his site. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to remove the smell from the cesspool yourself, you can always call a team of experienced sewage specialists. They will pump out all the waste from the cesspool for a fee.
How can you identify the causes and remove the smell
The most famous and simplest is the pit-drain option and the smell from the septic tank will not be so problematic. To date, they are trying to use storage tanks, which, in principle, should not become a source of such problems. This is with the correct operation of the capacity you purchased.
At its core, septic tanks are ideal devices that can not only accumulate, but also process. Thanks to septic tanks, it is possible to purify water from microbes living in it. But still. How to get rid of the smell, if this has already happened.
The very appearance of a smell indicates a failure of the system and its functions. In this case, you can contact the installation organization that was specifically involved in the installation of the device. Many, one might even say, all such organizations, as usual, give a guarantee for their work and prescribe this in the contract, which facilitates troubleshooting.
After diagnostic work, you can already judge the problems. No matter how trite it sounds, but if the unit is handled incorrectly, it breaks.
The third reason is defective spare parts, or incorrect connection.
In all described cases, problems can be solved either under an agreement or for a separate fee from the owner of the septic tank.