How to collect and use rainwater features and videos of organizing an effective gutter system with your own hands

The device of a simple system with a barrel

To assemble the easiest scheme, you will need a drain installation kit, a filter, a ready-made water tank, a short hose and mounting hardware.

The result of the work will be the simplest system for collecting water from a sloping roof with a large plastic tank as a storage tank.

Plastic gutters, trays and pipes of the required size are purchased at a hardware store. If plastic does not suit, we use parts made of galvanized steel, home-made or factory-made.

We assemble the drainage system in the following order:

  • using special brackets or hooks, we fix the gutter along the edge of the roof;
  • on the corner, in a place convenient for installing the tank, we hang the downpipe;
  • we connect the main elements with a receiving funnel;
  • seal seams and joints.

When installing gutters, we make sure that there is a slight slope towards the pipe (2-3 cm per 1 m). The dimensions of pipes and gutters depend on the area of ​​the roof. For example, a diameter of 80 mm is sufficient for equipment of a slope of 25-30 m².

When assembling the corner pipe to which the tank will be attached, do not forget to insert the filter. The same filter for retaining debris and sand can be equipped with a funnel.

Next, we need to remove a small fragment from the pipe, and in its place insert a compact collector that redirects water to the tank

We mark with a marker, determining the height of the drainage system at the level of the upper part of the tank.

We take a hacksaw for metal or plastic (depending on the pipe material) and carefully cut out a section that matches the size of the insert

We take out the sawn-off section and insert the collector in its place.

The collector is prefabricated, consists of two parts: the upper element is strung on the edge of the pipe located on top, the lower one - on the segment from below

We tightly twist the water inlet, then attach a hose to it. This is easy to do if you install the fitting in advance. Under the lid of the tank, we cut a hole of a suitable diameter, insert the second end of the hose into it.

If a flexible elastic hose is attached instead of a plastic or steel connector, the container can be moved or tilted

An important nuance: a well-prepared base will help excess water to freely go into the ground (or into a sewer well), and not spill along the house or flood the foundation.

The site for installing the tank is covered with gravel, a stand is made of ceramic blocks or bricks on top.

Another installation instruction for the Aquacan water trap:

Image gallery Photo from Step 1 - Checking the kit Step 2 - Installing the faucet and valve for the hose Step 3 - Inlet in the water trap Step 4 - Opening in the drainpipe Step 5 - Installing the connecting sleeve Step 6 - Testing the operation of the faucet Step 7 - Decorating the water trap with flowers Step 8 - Troubleshooting Installation

The assembly of factory models is good because all the necessary parts and even some of the tools come with the container.

Urban rooftop farm on an industrial scale

Created on 25.08.2013 09:50

Written by Natali

How to collect and use rainwater features and videos of organizing an effective gutter system with your own hands

A few years ago, the idea of ​​a large-scale commercial urban economy capable of providing locally produced food seemed impossible. Increasingly, urban farms or "rooftop farms" have appeared on the roofs of high-rise buildings, municipal buildings, or simply small residential buildings, helping people get the fresh fruits and vegetables they need, and pleasantly cool during the hot season.

This business development model seemed very attractive to agricultural company Lufa Farms, and now it is already opening its second, largest urban farm to date, north of Laval, Canada.

The farm is located on the roof of a building that houses a furniture store and other commercial tenants and covers 4,000 square meters.

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Rainwater harvesting and short-term treatment method

This method is great for you if you live in a rural area and rely on a well (and more importantly, electricity to pump water from a well). Or if you have a centralized water supply and want to have a backup source of water in case of an emergency. In this case, we recommend ultrafiltration plants

Ultrafiltration technology works by using an ultra-thin membrane to purify water. This method is also called reverse osmosis. It allows you to remove 99.9999% of bacteria from the water, they simply cannot pass through the pores in the membrane, which makes the water that passes through the filter safe to drink. In fact, ultrafiltration is so effective that you don't need any other filter for additional purification.

In this case, we recommend ultrafiltration plants. Ultrafiltration technology works by using an ultra-thin membrane to purify water. This method is also called reverse osmosis. It allows you to remove 99.9999% of bacteria from the water, they simply cannot pass through the pores in the membrane, which makes the water that passes through the filter safe to drink. In fact, ultrafiltration is so effective that you don't need any other filter for additional purification.

However, not everyone will be able to use such a filter in their country house or in the countryside. Firstly, such a filter is very expensive, and secondly, it is necessary to provide a sufficiently high pressure in the system in order to purify the water with high quality. You can use such a filter as a last resort, for example, when turning off the water supply, so you can save on maintenance of the installation.

Construction of an eco-mosque in Turkey

Created on 08.02.2013 09:34

Written by Natali

How to collect and use rainwater features and videos of organizing an effective gutter system with your own hands

Surrounded by mountains, Turkey's fourth largest city, Bursa is already one of the country's greenest metropolitan areas and is about to get even greener.

Eco Mosque is planned to be built in the western part of the city, where it will produce 120 kW of electricity from solar and wind energy. The building will consume 50 kW, selling the rest to the national electricity grid. Construction is planned to be completed in 2015.

Turkey already has one eco-mosque that generates and uses solar energy. The mosque is located in a village in Akkuyu province.

But the mosque in Bursa will be the first mosque designed to produce and consume renewable energy.

Micro-house Ecocapsule enters the market

Created on 09.02.2018 13:28

Written by Natali

How to collect and use rainwater features and videos of organizing an effective gutter system with your own hands has been following the solar and wind powered Ecocapsule micro home since the prototype stage. Now, almost 10 years after the fantastic concept was born, its Bratislava-based designers are finally making their international debut with an exclusive release of 50 off-grid micro-homes that can be installed almost anywhere.

While this set of smart, self-sufficient tiny dwellings will only be available to customers based in the United States, Japan, Australia, and the EU, a second production series will follow in late 2018.

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Scheme of the device of the system with an underground reservoir

A large tank installed near the house will be able to satisfy the need for water by 50%. Thanks to special wiring, rainwater will flow to taps that do not require high quality fluids: toilet cisterns, kitchen and watering taps. But in this case, filters are installed.

The tank can be installed under the drainage system on the surface, in the basement or in a pit dug near the house.We will choose the third option, in which the container will be completely immersed in the ground, therefore, it will not occupy a free area near the building and not spoil the beautiful landscape with its technological appearance.

Another advantage of a buried tank: chilled rainwater is not a suitable environment for bacteria to grow, therefore it will not “bloom”

We choose a container with a volume of 2.5-3.5 thousand liters, and, based on its dimensions, we are looking for a place for installation. In addition to the dimensions, when digging a pit, we must take into account the horizons of groundwater and the level of freezing.

The depth of the pit should be approximately 70 cm more than the height of the tank, since 20 cm is a gravel-sand cushion, 50 cm is a layer of earth above the tank (which freezes in the middle lane and northern regions in winter).

Next, we proceed according to the scheme:

  • we take out the soil, take the excess to the side;
  • we arrange a gravel-sand compacted pillow;
  • we install a tank in the center of the pit;
  • we fill it from all sides with a mixture of soil and sand;
  • we install pumping equipment and pipes (drainage and leading to the house).

Of course, before connecting electrical equipment, it is necessary to establish a water supply system from the roof and make internal wiring. Installation of drains occurs in the traditional way, the pipe through the hatch supplies water to the tank.

The pipeline from the reservoir leads to certain, pre-selected points. Inside the house, in the back room or in the basement, there is a place for installing a pump, filters, and control equipment.

Scheme of using the rainwater collection system: 1 - water level sensor; 2 - float device; 3 - filter; 4 - surface pump; 5 - reservoir with water; 6 - siphon; 7 - filter

After installation and connection, it is necessary to carry out a test run: pour water into the tank and turn on the pump. If everything is in order, the liquid will quickly flow to the draw-off points.

The container should not be empty, as ground movements can cause deformation of the hull. If the water runs out during a drought, it must be filled from the main source. In order not to measure the water level with the help of improvised means, you can draw a kind of scale on the inside of the wall with divisions in fractions or liters.

Options for the use of precipitation

Everything is in order with fresh water reserves in Russia, however, the most economic owners of private lands have begun to think more and more about the rational use of natural resources.

Along with solar panels and homemade windmills, they create versatile rainwater harvesting systems that work well on dry days or when the well runs out of water.

Excellent practical experience exists in Germany, Holland, Belgium and other European countries. Considering that it is simply inexpedient to waste water from a tap for flushing a toilet tank, Europeans came up with many schemes for using absolutely free, but no less useful natural water.

How to collect and use rainwater features and videos of organizing an effective gutter system with your own handsThe scheme of the home water supply system includes the following important components: a field for collecting water (roof), a pipeline, a storage tank, pumping equipment, a filtration system

Thanks to the application rainwater consumption is reduced for depreciation of pumping and cleaning equipment, there is a saving in the personal budget.

The system is so simple that in the absence of a completely finished factory model, you can always assemble it yourself.

The main purpose of the drainage system is to collect the maximum amount of rainwater and move it to a storage tank. Further, the liquid is used for various household needs: washing, washing, cleaning, watering.

For irrigation, additional purification is not needed, but for showering or washing dishes, the water must be filtered. To this end, several filters are inserted into the plumbing, and both coarse and fine cleaning will be required.

How to collect and use rainwater features and videos of organizing an effective gutter system with your own handsTo drain excess water or carry out cleaning procedures, another hole is drilled in the tank and a pipe is mounted leading to the sewer system

A reserve tank with water can help out both in case of a shortage of water from the main source, and in the event of force majeure.

If you decide to clean the well, then the volumetric tank will allow you to wash, and wash, and water the summer crops. Instead of one container, you can install several, then you do not have to save.

underground tank

Placed underground. The smallest underground tanks can be connected to each other and have a total capacity of about 2000 liters or made in the form of one single tank. Thus, we will get a larger tank, the capacity of which will provide for our needs. Rainwater enters the tank directly from the pipes of the house's drainage system. Some manufacturers offer more advanced systems that include special filters and sensors. This is necessary if you want to use rainwater to flush the toilet or wash your car.

Above ground tank

How to collect and use rainwater features and videos of organizing an effective gutter system with your own hands

Collects water that also flows from downpipes. Ground tanks are usually located on the facade of the building. The standard capacity is from 300 to 2000 liters. Modern elevated containers meet decorative qualities and are made in accordance with landscape architecture. Thus, each owner of the house can easily choose a tank that will fit into the architecture of the buildings.
Remember that both aboveground and underground rainwater tanks should not be made of metal. Rainwater can contain acids that are corrosive and will increase the concentration of iron in the water. Thus, the best solution would be a product made of plastic.

Where is the best place to install a tank?

Most of our rainwater comes from rooftops or balconies. Also, the quantity and quality of water depends on the type of roof and roof structure. It is easiest to collect rainwater from pitched or hip roofs, where the angle of inclination is more than 12 degrees. Water here does not accumulate on the surface and quickly enters the gutters and downpipes. In addition, less dust, silt and dirt accumulate on steep inclined surfaces. The optimal roof covering is traditional shingles or soft roofing. Too much dirt does not stick to the surfaces of these roofing materials. On flat roofs, such good performance is not achieved. They accumulate more impurities on the surface, which fall into rainwater. Some roof coverings also form a green film. This is a clear indication that rainwater harvesting for these types of roofs is not a good solution, as the water entering the tank will contain a lot of bacteria and contaminants. The types of gutters and downpipes also have a great influence on the quality of the collected rainwater. Here the best use of plastic products. Sheet metal steel gutters lead to increased levels of iron in the water.

How much rainwater can be collected per season?

A sufficiently large rainwater container can hold quite a lot of water. With an average annual rainfall of about 600 mm / m 2 and a roof area of ​​200 m 2, theoretically, 120 m 3 of rainwater can be obtained. However, in practice, this result is not obtained. During periods of the most intense rainfall, only some of the water can be collected. Its actual amount per season can reach up to 60% of precipitation. In our case, this will be 72 m 3. Thus, for the season you can decently save.

What is the best water collection solution?

Rainwater collected in a tank is well suited for household needs. In many cases, the main criterion for its collection is the price of the container.For a small private house, an above-ground tank can be successfully used, which is placed directly under the drainpipe. Water is selected using a special tap installed in the tank or using a high-pressure submersible pump

Attention should be paid to the location of the tank, it would be better to place it in the shade, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to the growth of bacteria and algae.

For more demanding owners, we recommend an underground tank. Although the price of a rainwater container will be slightly higher, there will be other advantages - the underground container will be hidden and free up the territory in the yard. A simple water tank to dig directly into the ground or hiding in the basement

This is especially important in small yards with dense buildings.

Toilets, washing machines or alternate use of rainwater and piped water require more complex designs and can result in high investment costs.

Rainwater treatment for domestic use

If you want to use rainwater for domestic use and want to install a filter to further purify it, there are a few things you need to do to ensure you have fresh, clean water.

Water purification from bacteria

Because most bacteria enters the rainwater from the roof and gutter of the system (where the water picks up bird feces, etc., as well as other organic matter), pre-filtration is a very important step to clean and store fresh water.

If you use a roof and gutters to collect rainwater, then you need to install a special device that will allow you to dump the water received in the first few minutes after the start of a downpour into the sewer. The fact is that in the first minutes after the onset of rain, all contamination from the roof and other structural elements for collecting rainwater is washed off and enters the fresh water storage tank.

It is especially important to drain such water if the weather was dry for several days before the rain, in such weather pollution accumulates on the roof very actively. In addition to bird feces, there may also be foliage and branches on the roof.

Filtering such water is very difficult, and not rational, because mechanical debris will quickly pollute the filter, and further water purification will no longer be possible.

We drain the water obtained in the first five minutes into the rainwater drainage trays and purify the rest of the water. Despite the fact that we will get rid of the bulk of the garbage, you still need to purify the remaining water from bacteria, as well as from mechanical debris.


The pre-filter is necessary in order to prepare the water with the highest quality for further storage in the tank. The fact is that if raw water is sent to the tank, it will be stored for so long. Reducing the shelf life is not desirable, because it is unlikely that you will be able to use rainwater immediately after a rainstorm. It is best to provide cleaning not only from debris, but also from bacteria. Although it all depends on the purpose for which rainwater will be used. For example, water for watering a garden can only be cleaned of debris. Bacteria do not need to be removed.


