Toilet design in Khrushchev: tiles, PVC panels, painting and wallpaper (18 photos)

Residents of large full-length apartments cannot understand how difficult it is to create a functional, ergonomic and comfortable space in apartments that are more than modest in size, where literally every free millimeter is fought for. Special efforts are made when the design of the toilet in Khrushchev is created, because the bathrooms in such houses are very small in size. Approaching the issue of space planning thoughtlessly, you simply simply run the risk of resting your knees on the door when visiting the toilet, your elbows on the walls, and your head on the boiler.

Toilet design in Khrushchev

We draw up a work plan

Any business requires a thoughtful and measured approach. The task of giving the toilet a modern, functional look is no exception. You will need to think through everything to the smallest detail, and the photos presented in the article will help you choose the design of the toilet in Khrushchev.

If it is planned to overhaul in this small room, a rough list of planned work will be as follows:

  • Preparation for the final finishing of the surface of walls, floors and ceilings.
  • Door replacement.
  • Installation of new communications and wiring.
  • Installation of boxes or false walls covering pipes and household appliances.
  • Finishing.
  • Connection of lighting equipment and plumbing.
  • Arrangement of furniture.

What materials can be chosen for finishing the toilet?

Among all the wealth offered by today's stores, give preference to reliable, moisture-resistant, wear-resistant, safe materials. The most widespread at the moment are:


A universal solution for rooms of any area, regardless of the level of humidity in them. Used for wall and floor decoration.

However, choose a tile that is suitable in quality and performance, which can organically fit into the interior of the toilet in Khrushchev:

  1. For narrow bathrooms, it is recommended to choose rectangular tiles.
  2. If the room is narrow, but the ceilings in it are high enough, a special border, made approximately at the middle of the height of the walls, will help to optically expand the space. Moreover, it is desirable to make the tile located under it darker, and above it - lighter.
  3. If the width of the toilet suits you, but the ceilings are low, vertical inserts from tiles of contrasting colors will help to visually correct the situation.
  4. In toilets with a low ceiling and modest dimensions, tiles laid diagonally will help expand the space. However, when implementing such an option, the material consumption can be quite large, since trimming of the tile will be required.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to decorate a bathroom with your own hands photo


Performing such a finish will not take you much time and effort. Most often, PVC panels are used, but you can choose another material, such as MDF.

However, it should be borne in mind that their installation is impossible without creating a crate, and this will “steal” at least a few centimeters from each side from a small room.

Also keep in mind that plastic panels in the toilet will not give it a "designer" look, they will look neat, but "budgetary".


Waterproof acrylic, latex and silicone paints are suitable for the toilet.

The benefits of painted walls include:

  • moisture resistance;
  • decorative appeal;
  • ease of care;
  • acceptable price;
  • durability.

The main difficulty in choosing this type of finish is the need for very careful preparation of the walls, which consists in leveling with plaster or putty. It is easier to level the walls with drywall, but its frame will further reduce an already cramped room.


A simple and affordable option for finishing the toilet. When choosing a suitable design, do not forget that not every type of wallpaper is suitable for this type of room, especially if your apartment has a toilet combined with a bathroom.

Give preference to vinyl, non-woven or glass wallpapers that are labeled on the packaging indicating their moisture resistance.

Having chosen a suitable finishing material for the toilet, also think about the functionality of the room. With a reasonable approach, even in the smallest toilet, you can equip several convenient shelves for storing household chemicals and all sorts of little things needed in the household. At the same time, the overall appearance of the room will not suffer, and the toilet will look more neat and stylish.


