Vertical modular paintings for the hallway and corridor (11 photos)

The house begins with a hallway. Spacious, regular shape, with good initial space or small, narrow, not well lit. In both cases, it must be a worthy vestibule of a dwelling, where the disadvantages are skillfully compensated by its advantages. Just such a way to correct problematic points can be Modular pictures in the hallway.

Choosing modular paintings for the hallway

Selection and placement of modular paintings in the hallway

In order for the picture to harmoniously fit into the interior, you need to adhere to the general rules for the selection and placement of images.

  • Of great importance when placing modular paintings in the corridor is the geometry of the room. Properly selected and hung compositions can visually correct space errors. For example, vertical narrow modules located at a short distance from each other create the effect of high ceilings, while horizontal ones allow you to make the room visually wider and more spacious.
  • The nuances of perception and how organically the image will merge into the general hallway and hallway design. The reference point here should be an imaginary line passing through the center of the picture. The classic option for placing paintings is 152 cm from this line to the floor. That is, the center of the picture should be located slightly below the eye level of a standing person.

Proper positioning of segmented image modules

  • The choice of plot is limited to the function of the hallway, most often utilitarian, and therefore works of a serious content will be out of place here. Deep dramatic plots claim attention and thoughtful contemplation, which the very purpose of the hallway as a transit room does not have. The most suitable subjects here can be abstraction, landscapes, ornamental images, city views.

Suitable plot for the canvas in the hallway

Advice. Pleasing to the eye and evoking warm memories will be modules with family photos of loved ones, located, for example, on the wall opposite the banquette for changing shoes or the front door.

  • Pictures with modules of the same size can be placed symmetrically on the grid: the modules are placed at regular intervals on the same line. Small modules can be grouped around the central image of a larger image, or the semantic center can be shifted by about 30 cm to the right or left. If this is a diptych of modules of different sizes, placement of the larger one just above the smaller one can improve perception.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  The best interior decoration - modular composite wall paintings

Arrangement of modules with offset

Important. Paintings should not be hung next to tall cabinets. In the wall between them and in other niches, the paintings, most likely, will be invisible, lost and will not justify the function assigned to them.

  • Illumination significantly enhances the effect of the perception of any picture. Especially if we are talking about a picture in the corridor, where natural light, as a rule, is practically absent. It is best to use halogen bulbs for illumination, which have a stable light and improved color rendering. The image under such lighting does not fade. The lamp light is adjusted until there are no extra highlights or shadows in the image.

Top lighting for paintings in the hallway

Advice. Placed above a low, wide chest of drawers with two lamps on the sides and illuminated from above, the modular image will brighten up any hallway.

For the purity of the experiment, let's consider how modular paintings for the hallway are selected, and their photos in polar situations - in a spacious hallway and a small narrow corridor.

If the hallway is narrow and small

A small space always requires a lot of attention and scrupulous approach. What and where to place, how to combine objects and decor elements, and is it really necessary to place something in a tiny corridor?

A small hallway is a difficult case.And if it is also narrow, the task is doubly complicated.

Pentaptych well placed in a small corridor

And yet, a narrow corridor is not a sentence, but an occasion to think carefully. Like that:

  1. Small space. We choose vertical modules in bright colors with a simple plot that does not pretend to deep understanding. After all, as you know, “big things are seen at a distance”, but we don’t have it.
  2. Insufficient illumination. Not so often there are hallways in typical apartments with a window. There is practically no natural light here, and electric lighting is not always involved. Let's leave cases with simultaneous front illumination throughout the apartment to Mexican TV shows. The real situation from life is artificial lighting, turned on as needed. That is, all interior tricks for the most part go to waste in such half-light. Here you can not do without the special lighting mentioned above. Natural light from neighboring rooms and local lighting above the paintings will enliven a small corridor and make the modular painting an active participant in the interior ensemble of the apartment.
  3. Visually, the shortcomings of a narrow hallway can be corrected by hanging a diptych of two large and bright modules on its end side.
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Such a picture with a vertical arrangement of modules is suitable for a small hallway.

If the hallway is large

At first glance, choosing a picture in a spacious hallway seems to be a simple matter. However, competently managing such a luxury as free space is a task no less difficult than decorating a small corridor. All the nuances require attention: do not make a mistake with the theme of the image and the number of modules, choose the right place for the picture, do not miscalculate with the color scheme. The arrangement of furniture, the color scheme of the hallway, the general interior style and the mood of the picture, the lighting - all the details should fit into a beautiful puzzle.

Decoration with modular canvases of a spacious corridor

Advice. The modular image in the large hall has the right to be large and bright. Everything contributes to this - space, lighting, the presence of furniture and other decor.

How can you arrange paintings in such a hallway? Let's take a look at a few helpful tips.

  • A polyptych of different format parts, located along a long, narrow hanging chest of drawers, will look beautiful. The theme here can be completely different: from a collage of photos of dear people to views of a metropolis or natural landscapes. It all depends on the style of the interior of the apartment itself.

Triptych of different sizes, located above the chest of drawers

  • If there is a sofa or armchair in the hallway, a large bright diptych or triptych with a large-scale image may be allowed opposite them. Notice - it is a large-scale, large, but not a thoughtful and capacious plot. Pictures for contemplation and reflection are best left for the living room.

Advice. For the same reason, you should not get carried away with 3D images, especially abstract ones. Obscure, foggy tunnels, geometric labyrinths, and chaotic circular patterns can inspire anxiety and scatter attention.

Large bright image without serious semantic load for a spacious room

  • A simple and win-win option for placement: on one wall - one picture, occupying no more than one third of the wall area.
  • A long and narrow hall can be effectively played up with modules of the same size, placed symmetrically along each wall. The theme of the plot is concise and unobtrusive: ornamental drawing, symbols and abstractions, photos and engravings.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  The design of the hallway and corridor in the apartment

Canvases for a long and narrow hall


Despite the fact that the entrance hall is a preparatory, service part of the apartment, it does not have the right to be ill-conceived. Attention to the details of the interior of the hallway and healthy scrupulousness in the choice of decor characterize the inhabitants of the apartment as people with good taste.


