How to choose a humidifier for an apartment: battery humidifiers

To make it comfortable for a person to be in a room, it is important to maintain a certain level of humidity. Everyone knows that in many apartments, especially in winter, when the heating is on, the air becomes too dry. Such a factor can have an extremely negative impact on human health. You can increase the humidity in the room using various methods and special devices. Consider a simple and affordable device that is used for these purposes - a battery humidifier.

Choosing a battery humidifier

Types of humidifiers

Before choosing a device for your apartment, you should familiarize yourself with all its types in detail.

Varieties of humidifiers

Steam humidifiers

Steam type humidifiers are quite popular. The principle of their work is that they bring water to a boil, after which it evaporates intensively, thereby moistening the air. Many devices have a built-in hygrostat (a sensor that detects the humidity in the room). It automatically turns off the device at the moment when the humidity level reaches the desired level.

A bonus when choosing a steam humidifier will be nozzles for therapeutic inhalation, which are usually attached to the device.

Ultrasonic Humidifiers

Ultrasonic devices work in a completely different way. The device converts electrical vibrations into mechanical ones. Due to fluctuations in water, waves of increased and reduced pressure are formed. In places where the pressure is lowered, the water begins to boil. Interestingly, this process occurs at room temperature. Then the fan sprays the resulting water suspension into the air, after which it becomes steam.

"Cold" humidifiers

This is the traditional type of humidifier. Cold type devices have a built-in wet filter. The principle of operation of such a device is as follows: water is poured into a special reservoir of the device, from there it enters the evaporators, through which air is driven through by a built-in fan, moistening at the outlet.

Cold humidifiers

Interestingly, the intensity of the operation of cold-type humidifiers directly depends on the degree of humidity in the room. The higher the humidity in the room, the lower the rate of water evaporation.

Humidifiers on the battery

These are compact devices that are attached or placed on the heating elements in the apartment. They can be attributed to the steam type of humidifiers, but their structure and principle of operation are much simpler.

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Humidifiers on the battery are made of two materials: plastic and ceramics, but ceramic devices are more common.

The principle of operation of such a humidifier is quite simple:

  • water is poured into the device;
  • it is placed on the radiator;
  • water gradually evaporates, humidifying the air.

Battery-operated ceramic humidifier

Steam from such a device has a temperature of about 40-50 degrees, so it does not pose a danger to either children or pets.

Why choose a battery humidifier?

A radiator-mounted humidifier has many advantages.

  • A simple device does not consume electricity.
  • Unlike electrical counterparts, the humidifier cannot make noise, so it can be used at any time of the day.
  • Humidifiers are available in different sizes and shapes, so they can be made into a beautiful interior detail or, on the contrary, placed discreetly.
  • With the help of such a device, optimal humidity is achieved for indoor plants, which are usually located on window sills above radiators.
  • The price of this type of device is more than affordable.
  • Unlike electric humidifiers, battery-powered devices are much more gentle and gradually raise the level of humidity in the room.

Humidifier as an interior detail

Another important point is the versatility of the humidifier. Almost all models of the device can be used with any radiators (aluminum, cast iron, bimetallic). Also, most of these humidifiers have fasteners that fit all radiators.

Many humidifiers can only be operated with distilled or demineralized water. Ordinary tap water is suitable for a humidifier on a battery. If it is too rigid, plaque may appear on the walls of the container, but this does not affect the quality of the main task at all.

Why is it necessary to humidify the air?

The benefits of humidifying the air in the apartment are undeniable. There are several factors that require mandatory measures to restore optimal humidity:

  1. Dryness. Even at the very beginning of the heating season, you can notice such negative signs as excessive dryness of the skin, hair and mucous membranes. At first, this is not too disturbing, but then more serious symptoms, such as nasal congestion, discomfort in the throat, and increased skin sensitivity, can begin to bother.
  2. Bacteria and viruses. In the cold season, the incidence increases greatly. However, not only cold weather and the weakening of the body's defenses are to blame here. The fact is that too dry air is a wonderful environment for the reproduction of various viruses and bacteria. Through overdried mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, they easily enter the human body. Scientists have proven that many viruses spread much less at 50-60% humidity levels.
  3. Allergy. The air of any apartment contains microscopic dust invisible to the eye, as well as various substances that emit many objects (for example, furniture, household chemicals, and much more). All of these can cause allergic reactions. Air humidification reduces the concentration of allergens in the air and purifies it.
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The negative impact of dry air in the apartment

It is worth noting that children are much more susceptible to the influence of dry air than adults. It is especially important to maintain optimal humidity in the apartment for a newborn, because his body is very susceptible to negative factors.

A battery humidifier will help solve all of these problems. Most importantly, it is safe for children because it does not contain heating elements and is not connected to the mains.

How to choose the right humidifier?

There are many tips on how to make the right choice and buy the right humidifier. Of course, there is no consensus here, since everyone selects a device for their own purposes.

A battery humidifier should be chosen in the following cases:

  1. If a child lives in the room (because the device is absolutely safe and will not create a serious excess of humidity).
  2. If the room is not too large (in this case, a humidifier for the battery will be quite enough, besides, this will save money, and subsequently - electricity).

How to choose the right humidifier

Is it possible to make a humidifier with your own hands?

How to increase the humidity in the room if there is no desire to buy special devices? You can make a humidifier on the battery with your own hands. Particularly complex or rare materials are not required. Plus, it won't take too long.

First way

So, to make a battery humidifier at home, you need to take:

  • 2 plastic bottles;
  • fabric tape (it can be made from gauze or an old towel);
  • 2 pieces of wire (copper or steel will do).

The process of making a device with your own hands is simple:

  1. From the wire we bend 2 hooks and attach them to the neck of the bottles.
  2. Then we fill the bottles with water (it is desirable to fill them less than half) and use hooks to hang them on the battery. It is desirable that the distance between the bottles is about half a meter.
  3. We fold gauze or fabric in several layers. After that, we fill one end of it into the first bottle, wrap the rest around the hot pipe, put the other end of the gauze into the second bottle.
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Do-it-yourself humidifier on a battery

With the help of such simple manipulations, you can get a device that will help humidify the air in the apartment. Periodically, the fabric will be covered with plaque, so it needs to be changed. You also need to add water to the bottles as it evaporates.

Second way

This version of making a humidifier with your own hands is somewhat different from the previous one. For it we need:

  • plastic bottle (volume 1.5 or 2 liters);
  • wide tape;
  • a long rope or piece of cloth;
  • gauze.

The manufacturing process of the device includes the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to make a hole on one side of the plastic bottle, about 10-12 cm long and about 5-7 cm wide.
  2. Then you need to take a rope or a piece of cloth and tie the bottle to the battery so that the hole we made is at the top. Those places where the bottle comes into contact with the fabric are additionally fixed with adhesive tape.
  3. Gauze must be folded several times so that the width is 10 cm and the length is 1 meter. One of its ends should be in the hole made in the bottle, the other should be wrapped around the battery.
  4. Water is poured into the opening of the bottle.


Do-it-yourself humidifier manufacturing option

Making a humidifier on a battery with your own hands at home is not at all difficult. This will require only 30 minutes of free time and materials available to everyone.


