How to calculate the cost of repairing an apartment: in a new building, in an old fund or a separate bathroom

Sooner or later in the life of most people there comes a period referred to as "renovation in the apartment." This means that somewhere on the balcony there are rolls of brand new wallpaper, old cabinets flaunt against the background of freshly painted walls, and the phrase about the repair that has begun has become an excuse for a slight mess in the corridor for guests. And it often happens that this period is too long due to an incorrectly planned budget. But the calculation of the cost of repairing an apartment is one of the most important parts of the project, especially since an accurately drawn up estimate greatly simplifies the repair process. But how do you know this value?

Calculate how much it will cost to renovate an apartment

To calculate the cost of repairing an apartment, calculators posted on the websites of various construction companies and on our website will help.

What determines the cost of work?

First, of course, you need to decide whether you want to completely renovate the apartment or refresh only the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom. This implies the first factor by which the price of repairs is determined - the area. It is square meters that ultimately determine how many materials need to be purchased and how long it will take to complete all the work. After determining the area, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Finish type. If you are planning to put a marathon in a bedroom that has long been disgusted, it will be enough to change the wallpaper or the entire color scheme - the final costs will not be very large. But if redevelopment or replacement of plumbing, electrical wiring is required, then the final amount will increase several times.

Repair costs are made up of many factors.

  • Style decision. It will be cheaper to implement a project in the style of minimalism than, for example, in the Baroque style. This also includes various design solutions and novelties.
  • Quantity and price of materials. How much to buy a laminate or how much plaster is needed depends on the area of ​​the repaired premises. But prices change every year and even season, so it's best to estimate the approximate range of the cost of materials.
  • The quality of work performed and the services of builders. Doing everything yourself is much cheaper, but it’s not a fact that you have the necessary skills to perform high-quality repairs. Hiring a construction team also does not always mean an excellent result: depending on the desired quality, the prices for the services of workers also vary.
  • Region. In small towns it will be difficult to find high-quality inexpensive materials, but the prices for builders' services will be much lower than in megacities. For example, European-quality repairs, which will cost 8,000 rubles/m2 in Moscow and the Moscow region, 6,500 rubles/m2 in St. Petersburg, and construction companies in Kirov can make "European-quality repairs" for 4,500 rubles/m2.

Very often, after hiring a construction company and calculating all the costs according to the price list, the total amount of repairs is much higher. This is due to the presence of such firms "additional services": the choice of building materials, the use of their own tools, garbage removal, transportation of furniture. Therefore, it is important to fully view the services and prices of the selected company.

To ensure that the cost of repairs does not turn out to be much higher than planned, it is necessary to take into account the associated costs

Types of apartment renovation

Depending on what exactly you want to get in the end and how much you are willing to fork out, you can choose from several options:

  • Simple redecorating. This name implies that the changes will affect only the decoration of the rooms. It is not difficult to calculate the cost of repairs in this case, and you can do the work on it yourself. In Moscow, the average prices for "cosmetics" are from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles/m2, in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - from 1,300 to 4,000 rubles/m2.

Cosmetic repairs will only affect the decoration of rooms, therefore it will not require too much investment.

  • Overhaul. This already includes redevelopment, rough and fine finishing of the premises, various innovations, complete replacement of plumbing, electrical wiring, and so on.Most often, it is difficult to do without the help of construction companies and specialized workers in this case. Also, experts can tell you how to calculate the cost of such work. The cost of "capital" in Moscow starts from 4,000 rubles / m2, in the northern capital - from 3,000 rubles / m2.

Overhaul is a difficult and costly undertaking.

  • So-called "Renovation". With this name there are always associations about quality, aesthetics and practicality. Indeed, European-style renovation differs from the standard capital use of design ideas, interesting geometric shapes and the latest technologies. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, such repairs are done at a price of 7,000 rubles / m2, in St. Petersburg - from 5,000 rubles / m2.
  • Euroluxe finish. If you want to get a super-quality turnkey renovation using the latest design trends and hand-made decor elements, then this option is definitely for you. It will not be possible to carry out such repairs on your own, but a construction company will also calculate its cost for you. In the capital, it will cost from 10,000 rubles / m2, in St. Petersburg - from 8,500 rubles / m2.

To repair an apartment, you can hire a construction company that will take care of all the work from drawing up an estimate to taking out the garbage. This will greatly simplify your task, but you will have to pay a considerable amount of money for the services of such a company.

Upscale expensive renovation Eurolux

In addition, cosmetic and major repairs can be classified according to three levels of quality:

  1. Economy class repair.
  2. Finishes of standard quality.
  3. Comfort class.

As the names suggest, they also go in order of increasing cost and quality, the amount of finishing work.

How to calculate the cost of work in the bathroom or kitchen?

We have already figured out the fact that the required amount for the repair of a three-room apartment will differ significantly from the cost of repairing a room, and the economical option will be inferior in quality to European-quality repair. But are the factors described above suitable for calculating the cost of a major overhaul of a kitchen or bathroom, toilet?

In this case, there will be no problems with cosmetic repairs, except that a lot of garbage will have to be taken out in the bathroom or toilet, especially if it is planned to finish with tiles or mosaics. But the overhaul of these premises will require the replacement of plumbing, pipes, valves, waterproofing and other complex work, and therefore will cost more. Also, in this case, you will have to hire specialists, since it is better to pay once for the high-quality installation of all the necessary bathroom items and surface treatment than to suffer with blockages and mold later.

Before you calculate the cost of a major bathroom renovation, make a separate estimate of the cost of plumbing. This will help determine the budget for the selection of materials for finishing.

With kitchen decoration, things are a little easier. Here it is important to pay attention to the choice of easily cleaned and less toxic materials, as well as fire safety.

The list of repairs in the kitchen and bathroom is wider than in other rooms

Finishing an apartment in a new building

When buying an apartment in a newly built building, many people find it difficult to calculate the amount of money needed for repairs. The “blank slate” effect works: in an empty apartment, you can implement a huge number of ideas, but at the same time you need to fit within the budget. Very often, in the desire to equip their new home more beautifully and cheaper, people forget about basic safety rules.

It must be remembered that for a stingy person there is a risk of paying twice. When choosing the cheapest finishing materials, you can run into problems that will not only ruin a brand new finish, but also make you fork out for a rework.

An apartment in a new building needs a special approach

So how to correctly determine the cost of repairing an apartment in a new building, without sacrificing either the aesthetic side of the issue, or safety and practicality? There are two ways out here: either to repair each part of the apartment in turn, gradually accumulating money for the repair of the next room, or to initially determine the budget for the repair of a turnkey apartment.

In any case, a correctly calculated budget and an accurate estimate will help solve the complex issue of the cost of work and greatly simplify this exciting process.


