Types of batteries: choose a heating radiator for an apartment

Batteries are an important part of the heating system in an apartment building. The temperature in the room depends not only on how hot the water runs through the pipes. The quality of space heating depends on the design, material, power and method of placement of heating radiators.

battery in the interior

An extremely wide range of heating equipment can make it difficult to select suitable batteries. In order to find out which devices to give preference to, you will first have to study the features of existing types of batteries.

steel battery

Various types of heating appliances

There are several classifications of batteries.

Depending on the type of heat or energy carrier, they are divided into the following types:

  • electric radiators;
  • oil coolers powered by electricity;
  • water batteries.

Depending on the material of the battery, there are:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • bimetallic;
  • plastic.

Depending on the design, heating radiators are divided into the following types:

  • sectional - due to the presence of separate sections, they allow you to adjust the size and power of the installed heating device;
  • tubular - batteries designed specifically for a centralized heating system. Represent an all-metal design with a horizontal collector and vertical tubes;
  • panel - made of steel and even concrete. In the second case, such batteries are located inside the walls and transfer heat in the form of radiation;
  • lamellar - have a core with lamellar ribs mounted on it from thin sheets of metal, carry out convection-type heat exchange.

plate battery on the wall

Types of batteries suitable for an apartment

Consider what types of radiators are suitable for a standard centralized heating system in an apartment building. It is characterized by the use of technical water as a heat carrier, high operating pressure and temperature. The characteristics of heating devices for an apartment must correspond to the features of this system. You can compare the parameters of devices from different materials in order to understand which types are suitable for your home using the table.

Table of heating battery parameters

Cast iron batteries

Classic radiators made of cast iron, despite the large number of modern analogues made from other materials, are not going to retire yet. Cast iron is resistant to corrosion and high temperatures, durable. Some manufacturers have changed the appearance of cast iron products for the better, decorating them with carvings and turning this device into a design element.

Tip: The radiation intensity of the radiator can be increased by painting it dark.

cast iron radiators in different colors

Bimetal radiators

The efficiency and reliability of bimetallic radiators are achieved through a combination of two types of materials: steel and aluminum. The high thermal conductivity of aluminum makes it an excellent material for a battery case, while the strength of steel provides resistance to pressure drops and corrosion processes. Bimetallic products of Italian manufacturers are considered the best on the Russian market.

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It must be borne in mind that this type of heating device has one peculiarity: the steel begins to rust after the water is drained from the system. Models in which a copper core is used instead of a steel core are deprived of such a drawback.

bimetal radiator

Steel radiators

Steel radiators can be panel, tubular and sectional. The first type is the most popular due to the optimal combination of characteristics and cost. However, steel batteries are practically not used in multi-storey buildings with central heating, since they are not designed for high pressure systems.

steel radiator

aluminum batteries

Aluminum radiators have very attractive characteristics, including excellent heat dissipation and low inertia, which allows you to quickly change the temperature in the room. But they are very demanding on the quality of the coolant, therefore they are also not suitable for a centralized heating system.

aluminum radiator

Copper radiators

Copper batteries have a lot of advantages and only one drawback - a very high cost. Their performance characteristics are impressive: copper radiators surpass all existing types in terms of efficiency, reliability and durability, as well as resistance to corrosion and water hammer.

Installing copper radiators is expensive, not only because of the cost of the battery itself. They can only be connected to all-metal pipes, which are also expensive. You can take advantage of the advantages of copper, and at the same time purchase a product at a more affordable price, if you choose a copper-aluminum radiator, the tubes of which are made of copper and the fins are made of aluminum.

copper radiator

Plastic batteries

The newest type of heating devices are plastic batteries. Such products are easy to install, have a wide choice of colors and do not require additional care. However, many apartment owners who are interested in the novelty will be disappointed: plastic radiators cannot be installed in a house with a centralized heating system. The reasons for this are the limitations of the maximum operating temperature and pressure, which should not exceed 80 degrees and 2 bar, respectively.

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How to determine the required power of the heater

In order to feel comfortable in the apartment in winter, you need to choose the right radiator power. The power of a classic sectional device will depend on the number of sections. When calculating, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • wall material in the house - brick or concrete;
  • area of ​​rooms;
  • the number of windows and their location on the cardinal points;
  • the number of external walls;
  • window quality;
  • use of screens for radiators.

heat radiation from a heating radiator

Attention: for a standard room with a three-meter ceiling height, having one door and one window, each square meter will require a radiator power of 90 to 125 watts.

The required number of sections will depend on the material the radiator is made of. Power of one section of different types of batteries:

  • Cast iron - from 80 to 150 W;
  • Aluminum - 190 W;
  • Bimetallic - 200 W;
  • Steel - from 450 to 5700 W (meaning the power of the entire battery).


