Many do not even suspect that it is possible to equip individual heating in an apartment, as well as in a private house. However, for some apartment owners, the issue of heating is so acute that they are seriously considering this option. We will find out how realistic this is, what permits will be required and which autonomous heating system to prefer.
What makes the tenants of high-rise buildings think about abandoning the central heating supply and connecting an autonomous heating system? There are many reasons for this:
- unjustified cost of utility bills;
- poor-quality heating, which cannot cope with maintaining a comfortable temperature in the home during the cold season without the use of additional heat sources;
- unfavorable location of the apartment, requiring more heat - corner room, first floor;
- dependence on the established dates for the beginning and end of the heating season, which makes you feel cold in autumn and suffer from heat in spring;
- the need to maintain the desired temperature at all times, paying only for actual heat consumption.
Advantages and disadvantages of independent heating
To understand whether it makes sense to abandon central heating in favor of an autonomous one, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons of a separate option.
- Substantial savings. According to the reviews of owners who have switched to autonomous gas heating, the cost of heating an apartment is reduced by 6-7 times.
- Complete independence from the timing of the beginning and end of the heating season.
- The ability to adjust the temperature to your liking. Some systems allow you to set the desired mode, in which the intensity of heating changes at specified intervals. For example, when all family members are at work or school, the temperature drops by several degrees, and rises again in the evening. This allows you to further increase your savings.
- Uninterrupted supply of hot water.
- Free choice of radiators. Any batteries are suitable for an individual system, since there is no possibility of water hammer.
- High cost of equipment.
- Dependence of modern models of boilers on power supply.
- The need to install a new heating circuit.
- In many cases - the need for arranging a suitable exhaust duct.
You can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of autonomous heating in an apartment in a multi-storey building from the words of the owners by watching the video.
What is autonomous heating
The transition to individual heating of an apartment involves the rejection of the use of a common house heat supply system and the dismantling of radiators and pipes related to it. Instead, new lines and batteries are installed, which are connected to the heater. Two types of installations are traditionally used in apartments - gas and electric boilers. The principle of operation of the device is simple: it raises the degree of water and makes it circulate through the system, heating the room in the desired mode.
Boiler types
All devices can also be divided into two types:
- single-circuit - working exclusively for heating;
- double-circuit - additionally providing hot water supply.
Depending on the installation method, heating boilers are wall-mounted (as in the next photo) and floor-standing. The former are more popular because of their compactness and lower price. The latter have greater power and a long service life.
Electric boilers
Electrical installations are affordable and have a high level of safety. They can be installed anywhere in the apartment.Unfortunately, such a unit is not suitable for a house with old wiring due to the risk of constantly knocking out traffic jams.
gas boilers
Gas appliances are more expensive, but they last a long time and quickly pay for themselves during operation, since they use a cheaper energy source. The gas-fired heater has a special chamber for fuel combustion and a smoke exhaust system to avoid any inconvenience to the inhabitants of the apartment.
The choice of a boiler depends on many conditions, including the size of the housing, so its choice must be approached very responsibly.
Advice. It is believed that to heat a standard room with a ceiling of three meters in height, the area of which is 10 m2, you need 1 kW of heating boiler power. To calculate the required resource of the heating device, divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe room by 10.
Heating scheme
District heating uses a single-pipe scheme, which is inferior in efficiency two-pipe. The one-pipe system is used only for a small number of radiators in a situation where savings are needed.
The best choice for individual heating is a two-pipe scheme. It has such advantages:
- use of pipes and fittings of smaller diameter;
- high pressure stability in the system;
- the possibility of installing automatic flow regulators on all batteries that will work without prejudice to the heating of others radiators;
- independent connection of each heating section, allowing it to be removed for maintenance or gaining access to a niche during repairs.
Is it legal to install an individual heating system?
There is a lot of controversy and litigation on the topic of the legality of autonomous heat supply equipment in a separate apartment. It all started with the fact that in 2010 the Government of the Russian Federation banned the disconnection from the general heat supply and the transfer to individual heating complexes, forcing many people to give up. However, already in 2012, a new decree was adopted regarding the procedure for connecting heating systems. It provides a list of heat sources that are prohibited for use in apartments. This list does not include modern certified heating boilers. Therefore, the legislation does not prohibit the installation of own heating, and all restrictions apply only to the technical characteristics of heating devices.
This does not mean that the owner of the premises can freely make individual heating. Before you start re-equipment, you need to obtain permission from local governments. If the administration refuses to issue it on the basis of Art. 14 of the Federal Law "On Heat Supply", you can safely go to court, since such a refusal is illegal.
How to get permission
For approval for the arrangement of autonomous heating, they apply to the district administration, or rather to the interdepartmental commission responsible for the use of the housing stock. Not later than a month and a half later, officials give an official answer. The administration can take a list of papers that you need to provide to obtain permission.
Approximate list of documents
Since the installation of your own heating system refers to the refurbishment of a residential building, the list will include:
- an application made in a special form;
- documents establishing the right to own housing: a certificate of state registration, an act of transfer of ownership, a donation agreement, a document confirming the right of inheritance (originals or copies certified by a notary);
- certified copies for each owner and a statement signed by all owners (if the apartment is in shared ownership);
- a copy of the registration certificate of the premises;
- the consent of the family members of the tenant and the tenants of the apartment building, drawn up in the form of a protocol of the meeting of apartment owners (if the area is municipal);
- conclusion of the body responsible for the protection of architectural, historical or cultural heritage about the possibility of redevelopment (if the house is an architectural, cultural or historical value).
The most difficult thing will be to prepare and submit technical documentation. It includes:
- redevelopment project during the installation of a gas boiler, including gasification of the premises and changes to the central heating system;
- a copy of the passport for the electric boiler, technical conditions, an agreement confirming the permission of the maximum power that exceeds the capabilities of the boiler (when choosing an electric heating device);
- TU for disconnecting the wiring in the apartment from the common house heating system;
- TU ventilation;
- Specifications for supplying gas networks.
Where to get the necessary documents
Collecting the required papers can take a lot of time and effort, because you will have to contact many services and organizations.
- For permission to turn off the apartment from the general house heating, go to the city heating network. A refusal can be obtained only in one case: if the removal of radiators will lead to a disruption in the operation of equipment in neighboring apartments.
- Technical specifications for the installation of a gas installation are given by the gas service. To receive them, you need to go to the district housing office, from where a letter with a request is sent to the department.
- The design organization is in charge of the refurbishment plan. This document should contain all information about the future system, technical solutions and calculations.
- The finished redevelopment project requires coordination with the authorities from which the specifications were obtained, as well as with the fire service and SES authorities.
What to do when permission is granted
If everything is done correctly and it was possible to get a positive answer, the next step will be the purchase of equipment and the conclusion of an agreement with an organization that will install autonomous heating.
When, finally, the re-equipment is completed, and all the work on the installation of the new system has been completed, it remains to go through a few more city organizations and receive an acceptance certificate. This will be the end of the official registration of the installation of individual heating.
If there are no financial restrictions, you can save yourself from walking around the offices and, for a separate fee, entrust the execution of all approvals and documents to the design service.
The following video discusses the operation features of the most popular heater model - a gas boiler.