Installation of electric baseboard heaters

Standard centralized heating is not always able to create a comfortable temperature in the apartment. In particular, this is due to the fact that the heat from the batteries is distributed unevenly throughout the room. One of the ways to solve this problem can be the arrangement underfloor heating systems, but it is worth considering that it will require serious labor costs. Modern plinth heaters can become a worthy alternative to underfloor heating.

Electric baseboard heater

If you are seriously thinking about which heating elements to use in an apartment, you need to start when choosing from the following points:

  1. Efficiency (the ability to perform its role of heating well).
  2. Ergonomics (convenience combined with energy and time savings).
  3. Availability at cost.
  4. Reliability (durability, simplicity of design).
  5. Aesthetics (ability to fit into the interior, beauty).

Consider baseboard electric heaters for their compliance with the above criteria.

What are baseboard electric heaters?

The name comes from the word "plinth" and indicates that these heaters are located as close as possible to the floor against the walls, and their appearance, reminiscent of the corresponding interior element. Often such heaters are a kind of floor-type convectors disguised as decorative skirting boards.

Like plinth, the plinth heater has a considerable length with a small width (up to 65 mm) and height (up to 150 mm). The length can vary depending on the source of energy, ranging from 50 cm to several meters.

Plinth type heaters can be:

  • water, working due to the circulation of a liquid heat carrier through pipes;
  • electric, the basis of which is the heating element.

Water plinth convector

Electric convectors are more mobile than their skirting counterparts with a liquid heat carrier circulating through pipes. Their individual modules are connected in series or independently of each other to pre-prepared sockets.

Important! Sockets for connecting a warm baseboard must have a built-in ground contact and all of them must be connected to a separate circuit breaker.

Improved heating system layout

How well skirting heaters perform their role can be understood by looking at diagram 1. It shows how heat spreads throughout the room:

  • The device, which is a kind of convector and at the same time a radiator, creates a flow of heat from the bottom up, along the walls.
  • Also, heat from the heater is absorbed by surrounding objects, which, like walls, eventually become emitters of heat flows themselves.
  • Approximately equal temperature is created throughout the space of the room.

Such a scheme operates in a well-insulated apartment with a standard ceiling height and in the absence of drafts. If these conditions are not met, it would be wise to use a warm baseboard as auxiliary heating.

Scheme of heat circulation when using a warm skirting board

Scheme 1. Heat circulation when using a warm baseboard

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You can notice the absence of unnecessary heat losses that are present when using conventional batteries, when the floor is cold, and the ceiling (and the floor of the neighbor above) is excessively warm. Heat is saved especially noticeably when using radiant type heaters. Then the air remains cool, and objects and walls are warm, which creates an atmosphere of comfort.

Benefits of a warm baseboard

Let's note some advantages of switching to a skirting convector:

  • such a heater fits easily into any interior due to its shape and design (manufacturers offer a wide choice of body colors);
  • promotes uniform heating of the room;
  • saving on installation, since it is not at all difficult to assemble a warm plinth with your own hands;
  • heat is spent sparingly, distributed evenly and lasts longer;
  • protection of the apartment from mold and dampness;
  • no dust circulation due to the absence of temperature difference between cold lower and upper warm air;
  • light weight of a warm skirting board.

Benefits of a warm baseboard

And now let's talk about the disadvantages inherent in baseboard-type heaters using electricity:

  • rather slow heating of the room (1-2 hours);
  • unreasonably high energy costs with large volumes of rooms or with high ceilings.

And perhaps another disadvantage for people of below average means: the price. The approximate cost of a meter warm baseboard is 10,000 rubles.

Skirting convector device

The electric baseboard heater as a heating element has a heating element made of a special alloy that is resistant to high temperatures and ensures durability. The tube into which the heating element is inserted has a large length.

The principle of operation of the baseboard heater is the same as that of electric underfloor heating. Its design includes:

  • A thermostat that maintains the set temperature inside the apartment. With it, you can set various modes within the framework of its functions.
  • Thermal sensors installed on the wall at the height of human growth to take the values ​​of the existing temperature and transfer them to the temperature controller.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Types of batteries: choose a heating radiator for an apartment

Electric baseboard heater device

How to mount a warm plinth yourself

An electric convector of this type is mobile and allows you to install it wherever there is a grounded socket.

The ideal option is to install a warm baseboard around the entire perimeter of the room, although it is possible to place it only along one or more walls.

Separate heater modules are connected together in series, but there should not be more than 17 of them in one block, otherwise the cable may not withstand the load. If this amount is not enough for the whole room, the next unit must be connected separately or in parallel.

Do-it-yourself warm plinth is very easy to install. The installation order will be as follows:

  • We determine the installation height of the plinth heater. The minimum gap between the floor and the plinth is 1 cm, between the device and the wall - 15 mm.
  • We carry out markings in advance according to the level so that the plinth line is even and does not spoil the overall interior.
  • First, we glue the heat-insulating tape to the entire section of the wall where the plinth-type heater will be located. This must be done so that the heat goes inside the room.
  • Special brackets or holders are mounted along the entire length, on which the heating module will then be installed. In some designs, the heating element simply lies inside the groove made in the plinth. The holders are attached with screws to dowels pre-installed in the wall every 40–50 cm.

Connection diagram of a warm skirting board

  • We install the heating element on the brackets specially made for it. We connect the individual modules together.
  • Install thermostat and thermostats. Installation height - 120–150 cm. If there is no desire to ditch the walls, the wires can be hidden in decorative boxes. Remember that the thermostat must not be blocked by furniture.
  • After connecting all the wires, check how the warm baseboard works in all available modes. You should make sure that when the required temperature is reached, the thermostat turns off the system.
  • With gentle pressure, we insert the decorative cladding panel into the corresponding grooves of the brackets. A slight click and installation is complete.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Ways to adjust the temperature in radiators

Installation of a warm plinth

Plinth type convector is a new word in heat engineering. It brings comfort to our apartments and saves money and energy.


