Methods for checking ventilation in an apartment and their features

One of the parameters that determine the comfort of the microclimate in the apartment is the purity of the air in the room. Its characteristics must comply with the requirements of SNiP 41‑01‑2003 and other regulatory documents. In most apartment buildings, the desired composition of the air is provided by a supply and exhaust ventilation system with a natural impulse. Fresh masses enter through vents, windows, doors and special valves, and unpleasant odors are removed through special channels in the bathroom and kitchen. To analyze their effectiveness, you need to know how to check the ventilation in the apartment. Based on the data obtained, measures are taken to maintain the air in the room at the proper level.

the importance of home ventilation

Causes of violation of air exchange

The principles of operation of supply and exhaust ventilation with natural impulses are based on the difference in density and temperature of the air inside and outside. Light and warm masses escape through the ventilation duct to the street, and fresh ones come in instead. The performance of such a system depends on many nuances that should be taken into account, otherwise its work will be inefficient. And most importantly, you need to find out the causes of poor ventilation in order to eliminate them in a timely manner.

ventilation system diagram

No air flow

Replacing old wooden frames new plastic windows with double-glazed windows allows you to reduce the noise level in the apartment and get rid of drafts. However, complete sealing prevents the penetration of fresh air into the premises, resulting in increased humidity and appearance of mustiness and dampness. Regular and long-term ventilation increases the loss of thermal energy and heating costs.

dampness in the corners

Clogged ventilation ducts

It happens for several reasons. First, as a result of natural collapse, which occurs in old houses. Secondly, because of redevelopment and repair. In this case, there is another threat to the effectiveness of ventilation. The output of more powerful channels in the main mines can completely disrupt the air exchange of the apartment.

blockage of the ventilation shaft

In addition, the cause of poor ventilation are:

  • kitchen hood installation, the power of which is greater than provided by the area of ​​the ventilation duct;
  • installation of climatic equipment that increases the temperature difference inside and outside the room;
  • insufficient vertical channel length, which should be about 2 m (relevant for apartments located on the top floor of the building).

It is also important to observe the temperature regime, since this determines the effectiveness of ventilation. In hot weather, it is significantly reduced.

Ways to check ventilation

The simplest method for studying the efficiency of air exchange is performed using a sheet of paper or newspaper. To do this, a strip 2-3 cm wide and 15-20 cm long is placed at a distance from the ventilation duct. If it rests on the grid without assistance, then the system is functioning normally. In the case of short-term sticking of the sheet ─ the air flow is weak and needs to be strengthened. The deviation of the paper from the grid indicates the presence of reverse thrust.

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traction test

Advice! In the absence of supply valves, ventilation checks should be carried out with ajar vents or windows.

There are recommendations to use a lit match or lighter to check the draft in the ventilation duct. However, this method is unsafe, and not only in houses with central gas supply. In clogged ventilation ducts, the decay process is often activated, resulting in the formation of combustible gas. Open fire can cause explosion and destruction.

test by fire

A more accurate result is obtained by checking ventilation using a special device ─ anemometer, which shows the speed of air passage in the ventilation duct. Using the data obtained and special tables, as well as the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vent, the volume of masses passing through it for an hour is determined.

checking ventilation with a device

According to the established standards for a bathroom, toilet and kitchen with an electric stove, this figure should be equal to 25, 25 and 60 m3 / h, respectively.

Advice! You can focus on the condition of the air in the apartment. If the CO2 content does not exceed the established norms and the level of relative humidity is within acceptable limits, then the ventilation is functioning. In the event of moisture condensation on windows and corners, corrective action should be taken.

CO2 in the air

Ensuring air circulation

For proper air exchange in the apartment, it is necessary to remove the blockage of the ventilation duct and keep it clean and tidy. You can also apply the following measures:

  • install double-glazed windows with a micro-ventilation function, which will ensure the flow of fresh air and avoid isolation of the room;

double-glazed window with micro-ventilation function

  • provide for the installation of a kitchen hood, which must be equipped with an odor neutralizer;
  • purchase an electric fan and mount it in an vent, or mount a similar unit in a section of a ventilation duct.

If the above measures have not yielded results, then you should consider installing a more efficient system.

ventilation unit


