The preparation of everyday dinners and festive dishes is accompanied by the appearance of various aromas that quickly spread throughout the apartment. Many of them are unpleasant, especially when frying foods. A kitchen hood with recirculation helps to get rid of suffocating odors and fumes. It purifies the air in the room, giving it freshness. Its main working element is the filter for the kitchen hood, made on the basis of activated carbon. Thanks to its absorbing properties, the smells of burnt cutlets and rancid butter, the aroma of onions and spices are easily eliminated.
Characteristics and principle of operation
The design of the air purification element consists of a plastic case in the form of a rectangular or round cassette and an absorbent held inside with a special mesh. Activated carbon can be either in granules or powdered.
For its manufacture, the following types of coal are used:
- stone;
- coconut;
- peat.
They differ in their structure and distribution of pores of different sizes. Materials with a large number of micropores are best at trapping unpleasant odors.
In addition, the carbon filter can be filled with chemically processed carbon.
Since the process of absorbing unpleasant odors is carried out due to the porosity of the material, the degree of purification depends on the amount of filter medium and the filling density. The larger the area of the particles that absorb odors, the better the performance of the device.
To protect the absorbent from large particles, the design of the hood is equipped with a grease filter. If its functioning is not effective enough, then they will accumulate in the micropores of activated carbon. This will cause the absorbent material to become saturated with contaminants prematurely, resulting in the need to replace the filter. To extend its work will help some tricks that prevent caking of the powder or granules inside the plastic case.
Usually the charcoal filter is not included. hoods and is purchased separately.
Advice! To increase the life of the carbon filter, it is advisable to leave the hood turned on for about 5-10 minutes after cooking. During this time, the remaining moisture, which can cause caking of coal, will evaporate and will not damage its protective properties.
Benefits of using
The popularity of charcoal filter cooker hoods is due to the efficiency of the element for air purification, and for their operation they do not need to be connected to the ventilation system. In addition, the design:
- characterized by ease of installation, operation and maintenance;
- does not require ventilation.
The compactness of the device allows the production of hoods of various shapes and sizes. They can be either built into kitchen equipment or as separate items. The latter option is often used when installing the plate apart from the rest of the headset.
Equally important is the low cost of the carbon filter, so that its replacement does not damage the financial condition of buyers. You can purchase coal separately, and then restore the air purification element using a certain technology.
Operation features
For the effective operation of the charcoal filter, it is enough to keep the hood body clean and remove grease and dust from its surface in a timely manner. As the absorbent becomes soiled, it becomes denser and its protective properties decrease. In this case, the filter will need to be replaced.
Typically, such an operation is carried out every 4-6 months, focusing on indoor air quality.
Advice! Buying a hood with a reminder function to replace the filter will save you from regularly checking its condition.
Replacement algorithm
First you need to disconnect the hood from the network to ensure the safety of work. Then perform the following steps:
- remove the grease filter;
- remove the carbon filter from the cassette;
- a new cleaning element is installed, and the correct installation is confirmed by a click;
- re-insert the grease trap.
After all operations, turn on the hood and check its operation. If there are no vibrations and extraneous noise during the air purification process, then the hood element was installed correctly. Otherwise, the structure should be disassembled and all steps repeated again, exactly following their sequence.