Kitchen hood without air duct - how to choose?

Fresh air, order and cleanliness reigning in the kitchen can turn the cooking process into an exciting and interesting activity. The hood is an important component of comfort in the kitchen, because it is it that is able to clean the air of greasy steam and the abundance of odors that arise during cooking, and also prevent them from spreading throughout the apartment. It is better to choose the type of hood in advance, since it is not always possible to connect to the ventilation system. The best solution for such a situation would be a hood to the kitchen, functioning without an air duct.

Choosing a hood for the kitchen without an air duct

A few reasons why a range hood is a necessary kitchen attribute:

  • Instead of simply filtering the air in the kitchen, the range hood collects and removes all fumes. This is especially important when using a gas stove, because the concentration of carbon dioxide and other harmful impurities when using it is an order of magnitude higher than normal.
  • Soot and greasy steam over time can change the appearance of the kitchen for the worse, settling on the walls and ceiling. Installing a hood will prevent this problem.
  • Modern exhaust equipment is easy to choose for any interior, so the hood can fit perfectly into the design, making it more stylish.

Recirculation hood in the interior of the kitchen

The necessary air exchange in the kitchen will be maintained if the hood is turned on every few hours. You can do this in your spare time as well.

What types of hoods are available?

According to the principle of operation, exhaust equipment can be divided into two categories:

  1. Flow hoods. They are also called diverters. This type of device removes the exhaust air to the home ventilation system or directly to the street through a pipe. duct. Moreover, it is possible to use an external output only if there is a special exhaust channel. If the hood is brought into the ventilation system of a house with a common ventilation shaft, then the equipment, most likely, simply will not be able to function correctly, since old systems do not provide for such loads. For this reason, if you decide install a hood in the apartment diverting type, the best solution would be to lead out.
  2. Recirculation hood. You can also hear names such as coal, filtration, etc. A device of this type does not imply the presence of an air duct. It collects polluted air, puts it in an internal tank and cleans it with a filter system. Typically, such equipment involves two stages of purification. First, a rough treatment takes place, during which dirt, grease and soot are filtered out. Then the air is cleaned of unpleasant odors, after which it is returned to the room.
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Types of kitchen hoods

Varieties of hoods without an air duct

In total, there are several modifications of exhaust systems, in particular, built-in and suspended:

  • The built-in hood is hidden from view, usually it is hidden in a wall cabinet, which allows you to maintain the integrity of the kitchen interior. As a rule, such hoods are equipped with a retractable panel, which simplifies control over the device and increases its performance. The cost of such devices is not too different from the price of hanging hoods, so many prefer them.

Built-in hood without duct

  • Suspended hood. Its components are a fan, a case and several filters. Such units are divided into vertical, suitable even for a small kitchen, and horizontal, installed in more spacious rooms. Glass and aluminum are most often used for their manufacture. There are also chrome devices that look more aesthetically pleasing.

Stylish hanging hood

To operate the hood, you will need replaceable charcoal filters, which partially neutralize the odors present in the kitchen.

Pros and cons of hoods without an air duct

There are several important advantages to operating devices without an air duct:

  • When the hood with an air duct is turned off, the exhaust air has nowhere to go, since the ventilation shaft is blocked. The recirculation hood does without a pipe and does not interfere with the natural air exchange in the kitchen.
  • design and easy installation. Such a hood is easily attached and connected to the outlet on its own, and after installation in the kitchen there are no extra pipes. Instead, only one plane will be added, which, if chosen correctly, will fit perfectly into the interior.

Advantages of circulation hoods

  • Ease of care and maintenance. Carbon filters are easy to change within a few minutes, and the coarse filters can be washed with hot water using simple detergents (not abrasive).
  • Purchase and installation will cost much less than equipment of a system with an air duct.

Alas, not a single barrel of honey can do without a fly in the ointment, and there are still disadvantages in filtration devices for the kitchen:

  • Charcoal filters must be changed regularly. The frequency of replacement in this case will directly depend on the intensity of use of the exhaust system. Smoking in the kitchen also affects the rate of filter clogging. As a rule, the filter is changed every few months, which leads to additional costs.
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Charcoal filters for exhaust

Recommendations on the frequency of filter replacement, which ensures the efficient operation of the device, are indicated by the manufacturer in the technical characteristics of the product.

  • It is widely believed that filtration systems do not remove air pollution as effectively as ducted devices. In practice, it all depends on the size of the kitchen and the frequency of use of the hood.

For most standard kitchens, a recirculating hood will suffice.

How to choose a carbon exhaust system?

To make the right choice, you should pay attention to several key points:

  • It is necessary to correctly calculate the performance. To do this, multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen by its height, then multiply the result by 12. The resulting number will be the required value.
  • More is not always better. For a small kitchen, it is better to choose a compact hood. Such a solution will both save on energy bills and reduce the noise level in the kitchen. Large exhaust systems are often quite loud.

Compact hood for a small kitchen

  • If you are interested in purchasing a low-noise hood, when buying, be guided by a noise level of no higher than 40 dB. For example, sounds at 70 dB are comparable to a loud conversation at a distance of 5 meters.
  • It is worth giving preference to models with power adjustment. A larger range will help to better tune the system.

As with the purchase of any piece of furniture, the appearance of the air purifier in the kitchen must be selected based on your own tastes and needs.

Tempered glass devices have a sophisticated appearance, but before purchasing them, it is worth considering that they require careful handling and require special care.

Manufacturer's choice

On sale there are many devices from different manufacturers, among them the most popular:

  • HOTPOINT ARISTON. The products of this company are famous for their quality and reliability.
  • CAT. Characterized by durability and stability.
  • Bosch. A huge range of exhaust devices from this company is popular and has proven itself from the best side.
  • VENTOLUX. The main feature is the introduction of the latest technologies into products.
  • ELECTROLUX. They are famous for their individuality, diversity and excellent appearance.
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Choosing a manufacturer of hoods

Each of these manufacturers has been a leader in the market for many years, both in Russia and abroad.


