Cozy heaters reviews, description, characteristics

Features and properties of heaters

Cozy heating is heating with combination heaters powered by the mains. They combine the advantages of infrared devices and traditional convectors. With a small own power, these devices heat up decent volumes, saving electricity and maintaining a healthy microclimate in heated rooms.

Cozy electric heating includes a whole range of equipment. These are the heating devices themselves and the control thermostats. The presence of thermoregulation provides the following functionality:

  • Separate maintenance of the set temperature in separate rooms.
  • Energy savings by lowering the temperature during unused periods.
  • Creation of a certain microclimate in special rooms (greenhouses, pantries, children's rooms, etc.).

In conjunction with heaters, control thermostats of any type can be used - mechanical and electronic, simple and programmable, local or remotely controlled via the Internet. Thus, Cozy heating is an opportunity to create an efficient heating system in the shortest possible time, and very easy to manage.

Cozy heaters reviews, description, characteristics

Cozy electric heaters do not cause discomfort, which is due to the low temperature of the heating elements.

Consider the features and properties of Cozy heaters:

  • The combined principle of operation is convection and infrared radiation.
  • Low power consumption - provides significant savings.
  • No influence on the humidity level - a healthy atmosphere in every room.
  • Compact - heaters from Cozy do not clutter up the space.

Model range and equipment characteristics

Cozy heaters reviews, description, characteristics

The most powerful samples have a thickness of up to 40 mm.

The manufacturer has provided for the division of Cozy heaters into three categories:

  • M1 - with case dimensions 700x580x30 mm.
  • M2 - 750x500x30 mm.
  • M3 - 950x350x33 mm.

Models for connection to common thermostats do not have plugs and regulators. Their power is from 250 to 720 W, the heated area is from 5 to 15 square meters. m, that is, the most powerful heater can warm up to 15 squares (volume up to 40 cubic meters) with a power of only 0.72 kW. This is two times less than the norm, according to which for every 10 sq. m should account for 1 kW of thermal energy. Models with plug and 1 m cable have the same characteristics.

In order to ensure maximum efficiency from the use of Cozy heaters, do not forget to work on the thermal insulation of your home - you need to insulate the ceilings and walls, replace single-layer packages with three-layer energy-saving ones (and also reduce their area), install normal entrance doors.

Comparative calculation of heating systems

Average comparative calculation of heating systems

On the example of a residential building with a heated area of ​​​​100m2 with a ceiling height of 2.5-2.7 m.

With energy dissipation coefficient K-1.04-1.9 (m2.K) from double brickwork with medium thermal insulation.

Type of heating System starting power kWh System operating consumption kWh The cost of 1 kWh2 rub. Costs per month (rub.)
Electric Boiler with a power of 9 kW (1 pc. 9 kW 6.3 kW 12.6 rubles at one o'clock 9072 rubles
LPG heating 1.5 liters per hour 10 kW 17 rub. at one o'clock 12240 rubles
infrared heating 10 kW 3.5 kW 7 rub. at one o'clock 5040 rubles
Electric convectors "Cozy" 4.5 kW 1.5 kW 3 rub. at one o'clock 2160 rubles

One of our customers installed a separate meter for the KOUZI heating system, after two winters he decided to send meter measurements and share his impressions.

Here you will learn:

Traditional electric convectors and infrared heaters have firmly occupied their niche in the market.They are used by hundreds of thousands of consumers as main or auxiliary heating devices. They have a high efficiency and provide efficient heating of the premises. An alternative to them are Cozy heaters, which combine the advantages of both types of devices.

Business Solutions

This segment offers models that can be used for offices, industrial premises, change houses, kiosks, etc. Obviously, in this case, more power is required, so the developers recommend using 450- and 750-power Cozy heaters. The description of their design can be represented as follows: a metal case provided with a refractory shell, protection against current and moisture penetration. That is, these models are allowed for use in places with high humidity and high fire safety requirements. Inside the structure contains a heating element, the temperature regime of which does not exceed 75˚C. For this reason, the outer surfaces of the housing do not overheat, which eliminates the risk of accidental burns.

But, again, the fundamental difference between commercial models and home models lies in higher power ratings. In large rooms, even 750 W may not be enough for complex heating, therefore, in such configurations, it is recommended to use several units. But can a wall-mounted electric heater really replace the function of high-performance boiler rooms? The volumes of thermal energy from a group of such installations can correspond to indicators, for example, of an electric boiler of medium power. Another thing is that convectors will cost less because their operation does not require the use of consumables. Neither to maintain their immediate performance, nor to organize complex communication wiring with pumps and accumulators.

Cozy heaters reviews, description, characteristics

Design features and principle of operation

Cozy heaters can be called convectors. They contain heating elements that provide heating of the air. It leaves the limits of the equipment, rises to the ceiling, displaces cool air masses from there, sending them to the floor - at the end of the cycle they enter the inside of the heaters, being heated.

The second part of these devices is infrared. IR rays reach surrounding objects, causing them to heat up. The radiation intensity is low, which ensures complete safety of heating equipment and the absence of unpleasant sensations for people. The dual principle of operation leads to a complex uniform heating of the premises.

Heaters are supplied to the market in two modifications - for main heating and for additional heating (there are plugs and switches). They are made in compact cases with a thickness of 30 to 40 mm. In addition to them, there are legs for floor placement and remote thermostats Eberle RTR-E 3563.

Energy-saving heating system KOUZI

The main advantages of electric convectors "KOZI"


The system does not require additional installation costs, has low power consumption and provides for the possibility of changing the temperature

Easy installation

Installing the convector heater is extremely simple: to do this, you need to fix the brackets on the wall and connect the cord to the electrical network


The Cozy convector has the 1st class of protection against electric shock, class IP 24 of protection against moisture, as well as a certificate of conformity ROSS RU.ME55.B02954

The service life of the system is at least 20 years. There are no moving and electronic elements in the design of the heater. Warranty period - 3 years.

Installation of Cozy heaters

Installation is carried out using the brackets that are included with the equipment.If necessary, and in case of a non-standard installation scheme, the design of the heaters allows the use of other methods of fixation. In any case, the installation process will require drilling holes in the wall niche and fixing the carrier equipment. Since the design of the Cozy heater does not involve the use of the rear part for air circulation, the fastening can be carried out closely.

Cozy heaters reviews, description, characteristics

Further, electrical measures are taken with the connection of the unit. As for the supply circuit, the devices are introduced into the circuit with a voltage of 220 V according to the standard scheme. But the mounting configuration of several panels with one thermostat deserves special attention. In such a placement model, a parallel circuit is implemented, in which the phase cable from the main heater is used, and the remaining wires from the auxiliary units are already connected to it. Also, the Cozy heating system provides for the connection of devices with grounding and grounding circuits. For them, special tires are provided in the electrical circuit of the installation - blue and yellow-brown.

Main characteristics of models

Power potential in the form of power is one of the basic parameters by which heating equipment is selected. This is especially true for small devices. In this case, the engineers have chosen the concept of resource optimization. As a result, the power of the units on average varies from 250 to 750 watts. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the performance of convectors and radiators, supported by a power of 1000 W, provides heat only for rooms with an area of ​​10 m2. In terms of dimensions, the characteristics of Cozy heaters differ - for example, the M1 format marks equipment with parameters of 70x58x3 cm. The most massive devices have a size M3 corresponding to 95x35x3.3 cm. Accordingly, we are talking about length, width and thickness. High-quality alloys are used in the construction, providing multi-faceted protection. The manufacturer indicates that the product is assigned an IP 24 class. This means that the equipment is isolated from external influences - for example, from dust and moisture.


