Construction portal 1Is it possible to transfer the battery to another wall

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A project and coordination with all authorities will be required (the list is given in the local authorities: most likely in the local architectural supervision - it depends on the region: somewhere simpler, where it is difficult). Unauthorized changes to the heating system of an apartment building are prohibited by law (although within the apartment it is your property - such a legal incident). But if you put everything with the device, then you need a plumber, preferably Zhekovsky, who will turn off the heating riser - the most important thing - well, and will do the work of transferring.

Ivanov Ivan:

if this wall faces the street, then it’s better not to.

Vladimir Petrov:

If there are cranes on the batteries, then no problem. Shut off the taps, remove the batteries, put the pipes where you need to. Take polypropylene pipes and fittings and all this can be bought on the construction market.

Belogurov Nikolay:

for your money, any whim ... but do not harm the neighbors either

Evgenia Voldkova:

You will need to call a local plumber and pay for the work.

Semyon Avdonin:

The battery hangs on the street wall. its function is not only to heat the room. but also to dry the formed condensate. and covering the wall with a closet. get MOLD.

Is it possible to transfer heating batteries

The text of the apartment and the dacha "Is it possible to transfer heating batteries":

In accordance with the current rules for maintaining the property of an apartment building, heating radiators are common property, their replacement with more powerful units, as well as transfer to another place, is allowed only with the permission of the management company or homeowners association of this house. Construction portal 1Is it possible to transfer the battery to another wallInstruction

To replace, and even more so to transfer heating radiators to a new location, the management of the management company or HOA is required to provide technical documentation for new batteries so that their installation does not disturb the heat balance in the house as a whole, as well as a floor plan indicating where the element is now located heating and where it will “move”. The plan must necessarily reflect windows, ventilation ducts, as well as those walls that face the street. Both the plan and the new technical passport can be prepared in specialized Bureaus.

Replacing heating radiators with more powerful ones requires the obligatory provision of an opinion by a heat engineer that these radiators are installed to achieve the temperature set by the project, which should correspond to the interval of 18-22 degrees. For bathrooms, a temperature of 25 degrees is considered normal. If the temperature in the apartment does not meet these parameters, the aforementioned statement should indicate this unpleasant fact with an official written certificate of temperature measurement by an authorized person.

The transfer of radiators will also require notification of the management of the management company or the HOA in writing. In addition, you have to carry out work related to the approval of the project in the main instances, such as the Housing Inspectorate, the heating plant, and other organizations involved in the design of the house. The result of the change, as well as the new characteristics of the heating system, should be reflected in the BTI documents.

When moving radiators, it is recommended to use only high-quality materials

This is due to the fact that the radiators are under high pressure of hot water and in the event of a leak it will be necessary to block the entire heating riser, which in winter will cause a negative reaction from both the management company and the rest of the residents of the house.

It should also be taken into account that the transfer of radiators to the balcony or loggia area, even if this area has been officially transferred to the residential category, is not allowed, the project is not subject to approval, will be rejected and will incur a serious fine on the owner of the apartment who implemented such an idea in the conditions of his own home.

Pay attention to the fact that if you, having cut off the batteries, decide to abandon central heating in favor of, for example, underfloor heating, this will not relieve you of the need to pay for this utility service in full. In addition, the removal of elements of the heating system of the building must also be agreed upon; it is impossible to simply take and remove radiators even in your own privatized apartment.

Sent by: Sukhanova Anna

2017-09-15 20:08:22

Transferring batteries

The process of transferring the battery (heater) to another wall involves a couple of steps.

  • Demolition of the old battery with the removal of an excess piece of pipe.
  • A detailed check of all the details due to which a new battery will be connected, as well as a pipe check.
  • Installation of a new heater.
  • Testing the operation of a new heating system.

Transferring batteries At first glance, the process itself is elementary, but it is absolutely not so. Very often, only a professional can handle even the dismantling of obsolete batteries, not to mention the subsequent installation of a new heater. Here the main thing is to take the greatest precaution, because the heat supply of several apartments depends on the correctly performed work. Before carrying out any operations with the heating system, it is necessary to turn off the supply of water in the batteries. The first thing that is done in this case is the old battery is disassembled and completely removed using an angle grinder. Old heaters are recommended to be removed with a small part of the pipe. You can also cut off part of the pipe using an angle grinder. After the work is completed, the pipe must be soldered, and then sewn into the wall or hidden with a box.

To transfer the batteries, you will need a number of parts.

  • Control valves.
  • Futor nuts.
  • Plugs.
  • Air vent.

Also, when transferring the heater, it is worth taking into account the fact that pipes will be required to run them along another wall. Before starting the operation of installing a new battery, you need to save the outdated pipes of the central riser from dirt and rust

In another case, the installation process of new equipment will be completely wrong, and the battery will not be able to last for a long time. When connected to a central heating system, it is not necessary to use polypropylene pipes at all. Much better here are steel and copper structures with special threads at the end. They will be much more reliable and practical. After the installation of a new heating system, you need to test its operation. If a leak is visible in at least one place, you need to do all the work again. Working with heating devices is a difficult task, so the cost of transferring batteries can immediately depend on certain factors. Very often, the price depends on the properties of the central heating system, and also on the individual requests of the client himself. Also, before carrying out any operations with the heating system, it is necessary to obtain permission from the housing and communal services. Naturally, it is better to entrust the work of transferring batteries (heating appliances) to specialists. This case is too simple and specific. If a person without specialized education undertakes the demolition and subsequent installation of batteries, he himself is fully consistent with all the results of such a procedure.

Specialists will not only carefully and correctly carry out all the necessary work, but also tell you in detail where it is better to transfer the heater. Very often, due to the transfer of the heating radiator too far from the central riser, battery performance deteriorates. Due to the increased length of the pipe connecting the riser and the battery, the apartment starts to heat up worse. Professionals will tell you how to properly transfer the heater to another wall or balcony, so that it only makes the house warmer!

Transfer of heating radiators during redesign in the South Administrative District

If you decide to replace the heating batteries and you are satisfied with their power and location, and you want to install the same ones as before (for example, cast-iron or steel stamped or convector heaters), then such a replacement does not require approval. If you have a desire to rearrange the central heating batteries to another place or change the morally old and ugly cast-iron ones with modern metal ones, then this is already considered a redevelopment, which must be agreed with the Housing Inspectorate. Coordination takes place according to the plan, certified in all main instances and in district heating networks. It must be remembered that central heating devices should not be placed on a loggia or balcony, even if they were attached to the apartment area during another redesign. A redevelopment of this kind will not be agreed upon, and in case of unauthorized connection, a fine will be imposed and the heating system will be forced to return to its previous form.

It would be a profound mistake to assume that water is flowing in the central heating system. In fact, this diabolical mixture is called a heat carrier and it is a solution of water with many additives and salts. The point is that the heat carrier, passing through the boiler, along the heating mains and along the batteries, does not leave scale, as if regularly flushing the heating system, which, for example, as part of the CHPP alone for the Southern District, counts thousands of kilometers of pipelines of various diameters, tens of thousands of heating radiators and thousands of heat exchange points. But water is such a powerful solvent that over a period of time it absorbs the metal from which this whole household is made, in one place, and precipitates on very narrow sections of pipelines and in heating radiators installed in residential areas. 30 years pass and cast iron radiators stop warming. The owner runs to the DEZ and complains that it is cool in his apartment. In the DEZ, they answer him that it is time to change the heating devices. And here the thought comes to his mind about moving the batteries to a different place along with this, and just in case of a fire, adding a couple of sections to each - for no reason they will not warm either. And in the heat pipeline systems, they answer him that they will not make such an application until the redevelopment work is agreed.

Transferring the battery to the balcony

Construction portal 1Is it possible to transfer the battery to another wall

The layout of the radiators on the balcony.

Today, the transfer of the heating radiator to the balcony is the most popular: if earlier, according to the layout, the battery was in the kitchen, then for convenience it is transferred to the loggia. This option is distinguished by maximum convenience, so there is nothing strange in the fact that it is he who is most often performed. Oil electric units are installed on the balcony.

When transferring a heating radiator to a balcony, one may encounter one problem: many fear that there is simply not enough space on the balcony. In this case, the installation of the battery is carried out directly on the wall, then the usable area will not be affected. Much more space in the kitchen

Such a process can be carried out without much difficulty, but some nuances should be taken into account.

It should be noted that the transfer of radiators to the balcony can be carried out for a variety of reasons. It happens that there were batteries of the same size, but you need to put a larger size. First you need to try on the radiators to the place of installation, then measure the pipe section and cut it off, while taking into account the margin in the big direction. Then make a thread from the large side under the tap (or valve). After that, 2 outlets need to be welded, the resulting workpiece should be tried on to the battery, and when all the adjustments are made, the heating risers must be turned off.

After all heating risers are turned off, the old batteries must be dismantled and cut off the line from the riser. After that, the hole must be welded (the hole is formed when the branch is dismantled). The new battery is attached to its place according to the level, and the workpiece is tried on to it. After that, bends are welded to the pipe, they need to be hooked onto the battery, and a hole in the riser should be marked. Then this hole is made along the inner diameter of the pipe.

Construction portal 1Is it possible to transfer the battery to another wall

Loggia heating scheme.

If a decision is made to transfer the battery to the balcony, you need to purchase high-quality heating radiators. To carry out the transfer of the radiator to the balcony, it is necessary to agree with all the necessary organizations and authorities, because it is necessary to block the heating risers. If this is neglected, then you can get big problems with your neighbors. To coordinate all this, you will have to spend a lot of time and nerves, but the transfer of a heating radiator is an important matter, so it's worth it.

Before transferring heating radiators from the kitchen to the balcony, the heating pipes must be blocked, and in some cases they must even be frozen and only then proceed to the process of transferring the batteries. If they are in the kitchen, then first you need to make all the necessary holes in the wall in order to mark a special flexible hose there, which is made of aluminum and plastic. After the work stage is completed, it is necessary to install the tee with the necessary components, and then connect the battery. If it is transferred to another wall, then it must be a carrier.

The removal of the heating radiator to the balcony, for obvious reasons, is becoming increasingly popular. In most cases, this is due to the fact that the apartment is undergoing redevelopment, major repairs, and in this regard, it often comes up to optimize the location of the battery in the house.

Construction portal 1Is it possible to transfer the battery to another wall

Scheme of the device of the heating radiator.

How to move the battery to another wall

Transferring a heated towel rail to another wall

A heated towel rail is a useful part of the heating system at home, helping to establish a comfortable temperature in the bath, as well as serving as a place to dry various little things.

Of course, during the repair of the bath, it may be necessary to transfer the heated towel rail to another wall.

The operation is not too simple, and almost always it requires the intervention of professionals.

High-quality towel warmer transfer

The first thing to do is to apply to the housing department for a special permit.

The fact is that in order to carry out all the work, it will be necessary to turn off the heating system, and it is not allowed to do this without the permission of housing and communal services workers.

It is also recommended to discuss in advance with the neighbors the possibility of a long-term shutdown of the heating system.

After all the details have been eliminated, you can proceed to dismantle the old heating system in the bathroom. Before this, of course, you need to turn off the supply of hot liquid, and if we have an electric model, then prevent the heater from accessing the network.

Now you can start dismantling with a clear conscience using a grinder

By the way, dismantling must be done carefully, trying to remove the heated towel rail without damaging the wall.

Often in old houses it has been hanging on the wall for so long that it is not at all easy to remove it.

That is why it is better to dismantle before the start of repairs in the bathroom, otherwise, improvements already made can be damaged.

When the heated towel rail is transferred to another wall, it is required to lay pipes directly from the riser itself to the place where the new device will be installed.

It is very important here to correctly assess your strengths. If a person has never done such installation before, he may have serious problems.

Incorrectly connected pipes will retain moisture, and, therefore, there will be less heat in the apartment.

This problem is especially relevant in cases where a person is going to carry a heated towel rail a long distance from the heating riser. In this case, it is imperative to contact the experts. They will tell you how to lay the pipes, so that the operation of the heating system is not affected.

After laying the pipes, it remains only to fix the heated towel rail and test. If no leaks are observed, then the installation went well. If installation problems are noticeable somewhere, it is better to immediately start re-working.

1 Departure of the welder-plumber PC is free
2 Transferring the riser of the heated towel rail to another wall (for welding) PC 7500
3 Transferring a heated towel rail (without welding) PC 5000
4 Installation of a heated towel rail with transfer and overcooking of the riser PC 9500

Towel dryer transfer price

Regardless of the wealth of a person, he is always concerned about the profitability of turning to professionals. So, for example, the price of transferring a heated towel rail can be an important argument for contacting or refusing professional services. What does the cost depend on?

  • From the complexity of the work.
  • From the amount of work associated with the installation, dismantling and deepening of pipes into the walls.
  • From the urgency of the operations (if you need to quickly transfer the heated towel rail on the day of the call, then it will cost more).
  • From individual requests of specialists.

Now the services of professionals regarding such work remain affordable and objectively of high quality.

A person will noticeably save his personal time, because he does not have to think through the pipe installation scheme and all the nuances of transferring batteries.

Specialists who will competently and efficiently carry out all installation and dismantling work will worry about this.

Usually, the transfer of a heated towel rail from professionals takes no more than one day. If a person undertakes such work on his own, he can be transported for several days, and this will cause obvious discomfort and discontent of neighbors who have been deprived of heating for a long time. That is why it is better to immediately turn to the masters of their craft.

How to transfer a heated towel rail by welding?

Often, for beginners in the installation of such complex equipment, the question arises: how to transfer a heated towel rail using welding? In fact, welding is not always necessary in this matter, and you can often get by with a threaded connection. The threaded connection is much easier to use and more practical. Experts recommend mounting the threaded connection of pipes with the welding connection of the heating system. However, sometimes one threaded connection cannot be dispensed with.

Battery replacement agreement

Heating in a private house and in an apartment are two big differences in terms of dependence on city services and organizations that have the authority to allow them to influence the heating system of a home.

If the owners of their own private houses can boast of complete independence from architectural organizations, as well as housing and communal services, then the owners of comfortable residential areas are somewhat dependent.

All actions related to the transfer of walls, as well as the modernization of the internal heating circuit of the apartment, require documentary coordination with the indicated city organizations.

Legal aspects of the modernization of heating distribution

Battery replacement agreement

This issue concerns houses under the jurisdiction of urban communal structures. Any intervention by the homeowner in the modernization of the heating system is a potential violation of the technical conditions for their operation.

For this reason, in order to avoid unpleasant excesses with public utilities, it is necessary to enlist documentary support from the housing and communal services for the redevelopment of piping in the living space.

Otherwise, a penalty is inevitable.

What work requires a permit

Permits are required in the following cases:

- with a complete repair of heating wiring with subsequent replacement of batteries;

- when demolishing walls within the same apartment, when changes are required in the pipe circuit.

The listed reasons fall under the mandatory condition when it is necessary to obtain a written resolution.

Carrying out such "global" changes in the heating system, you should remember the following points:

- all changes regarding the heating pipe wiring associated with the risers themselves require permission;

- only work with radiators, does not require coordination of battery replacement.

In other words, all installation work carried out on the section of the circuit after the riser is not subject to mandatory written permission, i.e., agreement on battery replacement is not necessary.

An exception is such events when the living space of one of the rooms of a well-appointed apartment is expanded, where the outer wall between the room itself and the loggia is being demolished in order to combine them into one whole space. With this option, not only a resolution will be required for the architectural redevelopment itself, but also for a change in the location of the heating pipeline section, since an additional tie-in of the pipe will be made under the radiators located along the wall of the loggia. Utilities will definitely require clarification, since an increase in the section of the circuit may, in some cases, affect the quality of the coolant supply to other consumers of an apartment building, i.e., surrounding neighbors.

There are times when a homeowner needs to change old radiators with one size for heating devices of other sizes.

This circumstance is not the reason why it will be necessary to coordinate the replacement of batteries with city utilities, in particular, with housing and communal services, since such work does not affect the change in the location of the riser.

DESIGN PRESTIGE LLC was founded in 1999. Employees of the company are all experienced, have a Moscow residence permit and Slavic origin, payment is made in any convenient way, if necessary, equipment and work are provided on credit. Autonomous heating and full winter water supply.

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