Faucet aerator purpose, principle of operation and consumer reviews

Best Answers

Svetlana S:

remove grid

Unknown Soldier:

mesh = aerator? clean off rust


Unscrew the aerator: it is clogged. Until a new one is bought, let the jet flow without it ..

Alexander Alexandrov:

open it up and clean it.


clear the mesh


Correctly advised - it is necessary to clean the mesh!


It happens when the grid falls out completely

Mikhail Karpov:

In addition to cleaning the metal mesh package, I recommend lowering a plastic part with holes and, as a rule, with a small container into which grains of sand are packed into any acid-containing composition of household chemicals for 10-15 minutes and do not fly back. The acid will slightly corrode the calcite deposits on the grains of sand and then rinse the part under a strong stream of water. Also, if deposits are visible on the mesh (white or pink-gray coating), lower it into the same composition, let the calcites dissolve ....


There is no need to buy a new one. Remove the faucet tip, remove the aerator mesh, knock out the motes and clean the holes with a gypsy needle.

Grandfather Au:

replace the grid (aerator) it costs a penny!

Raisya Davydova:

Remove the mesh and clean it, it is clogged.

How to clean a faucet aerator.

Date: 02/19/2012 | Section: Miscellaneous

Hello dear readers of the site sesaga.ru. This article, first of all, will be of interest to housewives, and will help those who do not know how to clean the faucet aerator.

An aerator is a mesh filter located on the spout of a faucet and is designed to mix water with air, making it softer and more even.

It is no secret that in tap water there are small solid particles of scale, metal oxides (rust), which over time are deposited on the mixer aerator meshes, clogging them. This usually happens after repair work with a shutdown of the water supply. And as a result, a jet of water from one turns into several, splashing all over the sink and not only.

Faucet aerator purpose, principle of operation and consumer reviews

In such cases, it is necessary to clean the aerator screens from dirt, for which it is necessary to unscrew the aerator head. For such purposes, edges are provided on it so that it can be unscrewed with a wrench. But this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the nickel-plated coating.

I usually unscrew with pliers, after wrapping the head with a dishcloth. Unscrew clockwise when looking at the faucet from above. If the rubber gasket has not fallen out, then it must be removed from the tap to assess its condition.

Faucet aerator purpose, principle of operation and consumer reviews

Then, by pressing a finger from the side of the water outlet from the head housing, we squeeze out a cylinder with plastic mesh filters.

Faucet aerator purpose, principle of operation and consumer reviews

The next step is to remove the plastic double mesh primary filter from the cylinder with the tip of a knife. Be careful not to cut yourself. It can also be removed with a thin flat screwdriver through the slot in the side. Who is more comfortable.

Faucet aerator purpose, principle of operation and consumer reviews

When you have removed the mesh filter from the cylinder, separate the upper spherical mesh from it by prying it with the tip of a knife. You can see what's going on there.

Faucet aerator purpose, principle of operation and consumer reviews

Substitute the lower part of the filter under a stream of water and a needle, you can use a thin awl, clean the holes from dirt. Do the same with the spherical part.

We still have a layer of metal meshes located in the lower part of the cylinder that has not been cleaned. They are squeezed out with a finger, and also washed under running water. If small particles still remain between them, then the meshes must be separated from each other and washed separately.

Faucet aerator purpose, principle of operation and consumer reviews

When all the elements of the aerator are clean, they need to be collected. I think you should not have any problems when assembling the aerator. If you still have questions, you can review the article again. Just in case, I give the aerator assembly sequence.

When you install the aerator in place, put the rubber gasket on top, and screw it together with it. Tighten should be counterclockwise when looking at the faucet from above.

Do not tighten it too much, it is enough if the aerator is tightened by hand. Turn on the water and if you see a leak from under the aerator head, then take pliers, a dishcloth and tighten a little. As a rule, if the rubber gasket is in place, you will not need much effort to tighten.

And if you need to disassemble the faucet or replace the cartridge in the faucet, read the article how to disassemble the faucet and replace the cartridge. Good luck!



The advantage of vinegar when cleaning the tap from limescale is the speed of its action.

Instructions for use:

  • mix 9% vinegar with water in equal proportions;
  • wet a soft cloth with the resulting solution;
  • wipe the surface of the plumbing;
  • leave for a few minutes;
  • rinse the cleaned areas with running water or a damp cloth.

If the pollution is strong, then another method can be used:

  • heat the vinegar poured into the container;
  • moisten the cloth with hot vinegar and wrap the faucet in the place of accumulation of plaque;
  • wait a couple of hours;
  • after the allotted time, remove the compress and wipe the surface with a clean, damp cloth.

Acetic compress is able to cope even with old limescale.

Expert answers

Dmitry Ivanov:

No way. Throw out the old one and buy a new one.


Why clean a penny part? Just in case, take it with you, and any store selling mixers will pick up the one you need.

Alexander Samsonov:

if a cheap mixer, then the aerator, most likely, cannot be cleaned. Buy a new aerator, or not at all.

Svetlana Chukanova:

Unscrew it and pour toilet acid on it. Just don't hold it too long or it will peel off. Or soda with vinegar, but the effect is not the same. And if you want to completely disassemble, then here it is shown as: ydoma /remont-ochistka-aeratora-smesitelya

Igor Lushnikov:

I did this (cold water was bad) blocked the riser with cold water, drained all the water from the riser, inserted a coin into the aerator at the mixer (to close the water outlet) and opened the hot water tap. Mountain water went into the system with cold water and bounced all the crap with pressure ....


pour Mole into it.

oleg khudyakov:

there is a mesh at the end of the faucet, unscrew it and clean it, screw it back on and use it

Seryoga Slavin:

Tap in places of bend or along the entire length, with a piece of wood or a piece of iron. If there is a faucet, well, the one that shuts off the water in the system, then you can spill acid with a cable or burn it with some kind of burner. And it’s easier to replace it with plastic pipes, you can assemble this designer yourself, I did it myself. Watch videos on how it's done. It's like something like this.

Uncle from the Future...

It’s not so easy to clean the pipe (unless, of course, it’s really a matter of the pipe) In theory, everything is simple - turn off the water, unscrew the valve, take a piece of cable, clamp it in the drill chuck, and .... clean the pipe. But it's in words. But in fact — we need additional tubes that the cable did not beat. So you can clean only straight sections of pipes. Yes, and the water will most likely have to be turned off throughout the riser. So in any chluchak contact local plumbers. You can just change the pipes for new ones.

And you can once again check the hoses at the inlet and outlet and the mixer itself ...


here people, funny, tell you the faucet and hoses are in order. Listen, man, open the faucet and blow it with all your might! if you overcome the pressure in the system, then the debris that barricaded your pipe to others will float away, and you, as an experienced comrade, will give advice on cleaning! only when you blow, do not tear the hoses ... but don’t listen to these, otherwise you will burn something wrong, yourself ...

Vladimir Aronov:

If the walls of the pipe are overgrown, then you can’t clean them with anything.Take a grinder, cut down all the pipes and put metal-plastic ones and they will last for your whole life.


