Laying tiles on a plasterboard wall in a bathroom

Usage drywall to create perfectly flat surfaces is very popular today. With the help of sheets of gypsum and cardboard, even the walls of the bathroom can be leveled, but you only need to use its moisture-resistant type, which has a green color. Using this material in the bathroom, not only make the walls even, but also create various niches and shelves. And how to lay tiles on drywall in the bathroom, which will serve as the finishing touch to the room?

laying tiles

The choice of tiles

Choosing bathroom tile, which needs to be put on drywall, preference should be given to manufacturers who have managed to prove themselves. Tiles need to be bought from the same batch to exclude the possibility of getting different shades, which often happens when buying several times.

choice of tiles

Cheap ceramic tiles can often be of varying thicknesses, making installation difficult. The tile should have straight and even corners.

Glue selection

glue selection

Adhesive for gluing ceramic tiles on drywall in the bathroom can be presented in the following variations:

  • ready solution;
  • based on cement;
  • liquid Nails.

When choosing glue, it should be remembered that it will be used in the bathroom - a room with high dampness, so you need to give preference to brands that are resistant to moisture. Liquid nails are more expensive in cost, so it is advisable to use them when you need to glue single elements.

Highlights of styling

styling highlights

  1. For walls in the bathroom and in the kitchen, only moisture-resistant drywall sheets are used, which are painted green and marked with GKLV. It is better not to use other types of drywall in such rooms, because under the influence of high humidity they will succumb to deformation, and the tile will simply crumble very soon.
  2. Before laying tiles on drywall, you need to provide a solid frame, because the load on it will be significant. For this reason, the distance between the elements of the rack profile should not be more than 40 cm, and it is better to make the sheathing with drywall sheets in two layers. Thus, the frame will withstand any load, and the seams between the tiles will not disperse and will be even.
  3. If it is impossible to perform a two-layer plasterboard sheathing (small bathroom area), the wall between the profile elements is pasted over with a special mesh, as well as duplicating with brackets.
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If these simple rules are observed, the tiles on drywall will hold securely.

How to prepare the walls?

  • It is not necessary to putty the entire surface on which laying is planned, because the existing small defects will hide under the tile, and small differences in height will be eliminated with a layer of glue.
  • It is necessary to putty the seams at the junction of two sheets with tile glue, small damage that was received during installation.
  • Each the corner is glued with a sickle and puttied. It is very important to strengthen all corners, because otherwise, even if the tile is laid very high quality, it will not last long in these places.
  • When bad bathroom ventilation and increased dampness, drywall from above must be treated with hydrophobic reagents. With good ventilation and a normal level of humidity, drywall processing can be omitted.
  • After the puttied places have dried, the surface must be primed. Please note that the primer must be combined with the adhesive. The primer is applied in two stages, the drying period is 45 minutes - 1 hour.
  • When laying tiles on drywall in the bathroom, a bar is installed strictly parallel to the floor under the bottom row parallel to the floor.If the walls will be laid out from floor to ceiling, you need to count whole rows so that the tile that will be cut is near the floor. The plank above the bath is placed in the same way.

set the bar

Laying tiles

  • After careful preparation of the surface, you can proceed directly to the tiling of drywall with tiles. In the future, the process is similar to laying on other surfaces.
  • Lay tiles on the wall you need from the corner that catches your eye first, in the event that the last tile needs to be cut less than half. If you need to cut more than half of the tile, then laying should start from the middle to ensure symmetry.

installation of tiles

  • Tile adhesive is best prepared in small quantities so that it does not have time to dry out in a container.
  • Glue is applied to an area of ​​approximately 1 m2.
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tile adhesive

  • The first one is laid, and then several tiles vertically. A level check is required because these tiles will act as guides. In addition, you can no longer remove the tiles stuck to the drywall. At best, you will have to change part of the drywall sheet.

installation of tiles on drywall

  • You should lay the first vertical row, using crosses to make seams of the same size.
  • Using a rubber mallet, you need to tap on the entire surface. This will evenly distribute the adhesive and prevent the formation of voids.
  • When 3 rows are laid, you need to take a break for a day to allow the glue to “grab”. This is necessary so that, under the weight of subsequent rows, the first ones do not sag. And so on 3-4 rows to the required height.
  • If glue gets on the surface of the tile, it must be immediately removed with a sponge or soft cloth, because there are adhesives that are very difficult to remove after drying.
  • After laying the entire tile, you need to wait until the glue "grabs" sufficiently. After that, you can take out the crosses.
  • The final step will be grouting, which should be done the next day after laying.


