Curved corners are a common phenomenon that occurs not only in old apartments, but also in new buildings. If small wall irregularities can be masked with wallpaper or decorative elements, then corner defects after finishing with wallpaper or tiles will be even more noticeable. Alignment of external and internal corners can become part of the process of finishing the walls with finishing plaster and putty, or can be done separately if the condition of the wall surface does not require serious intervention. Let's find out how straighten wall corners different methods.
Internal corners
The choice of one of the three alignment methods in this case depends on whether it is done together with the plastering of the walls or independently.
Lighthouse Alignment
This method is used only in the process of working with the entire surface of the walls.
Necessary materials
- lighthouses - metal or wooden slats;
- screws or dowels;
- rule;
- plumb;
- gypsum plaster;
- spatulas - straight and angled.
Sequence of work
- Fasten the beacons to the surface of the walls using fasteners at a distance equal to the length of the rule. Indentation from the corner - 5-7 cm.
- Using a plumb line, determine deviations from the vertical, make marks on the floor and ceiling, and, if necessary, place wedges in the right places.
- Start applying plaster on one side. Fill the space between the beacons, distribute the solution with the rule. After the layer dries, go to the second wall.
Important! Make sure that a large amount of the mixture does not collect at the junction. To eliminate excess after the composition has dried, use a spatula.
- To form an even joint, use an angled spatula moistened with water.
- After the plaster has dried, remove the beacons and seal the voids with the same composition.
Use of the counter-shoulder
The best solution when aligning the corners is to use a counter-shoulder - a perforated corner made of aluminum.
Necessary materials
- countershulz;
- scissors for cutting metal;
- long rule;
- sandpaper;
- putty mix.
Sequence of work
- Measure the required length of the aluminum corner and carefully cut it with special scissors, being careful not to bend the malleable metal.
- Apply a small amount of gypsum plaster to the joint of the walls and attach the counter-shulz, pressing it lightly with a rule. Remove excess mortar with a spatula, moving away from the joint with smoothing movements.
- After the putty has dried, go over the surface with sandpaper. If there are small irregularities, apply another thin layer of putty.
Sickle method
How to align the corner of the wall in the event that it is not planned to carry out large-scale work on plastering and puttying the entire surface of the walls? In this situation, a wide sickle ribbon will help out.
Necessary materials
- reinforcing tape-serpyanka;
- wooden rectangular bar 50-60 cm long;
- plaster putty.
Sequence of work
- Apply a small amount of mortar to the joint of the walls and to the surface adjacent to the corner. The width of the strip of applied putty will be 10 cm on each side.
- Attach the reinforcing tape to the top of the corner and gently unwind the roll so that the sickle does not move to the side.
- Pressing the bar to the joint, give the corner the correct shape. If the tape is wrinkled during the process, level it with a spatula, remove excess putty, moving in the direction from the joint.
Important! The movements of the spatula must be careful not to disturb the position of the tape. At the same time, you cannot wait for the mixture to dry, as this will deprive you of the opportunity to adjust the position of the sickle.
Alignment of external corners
For external corners, there are two ways to align: with and without a counter-shul.
Alignment method without countershoulder
To align the outer joint of the walls in this way, you will need:
- gypsum plaster;
- spatulas;
- rule;
- perfectly flat board or plank wrapped with tape;
- fine-grained sandpaper.
Sequence of work
- Knock down large protrusions, fill large gaps with plaster.
- On the surface of the wall at the point of contact with the joint, place the bar. Do this in such a way that it protrudes from the corner by a distance equal to the thickness of the required plaster layer. Fasten it to the floor and ceiling, with the right length it can be inserted as a spacer.
- Apply the mixture, spread with a rule of motion towards the joint with a slight downward slope. If necessary, repeat the procedure after the layer has dried.
- After two or three days, remove the plank and attach it to the ledge on the other side, already plastered, and repeat the above steps.
- After drying, sand the surface.
Forming an outer corner with a counter-shoulder
Using a profile will not only simplify the alignment process, but also reliably protect the outer corner from damage.
Necessary materials
- countershulz;
- gypsum mixture;
- rule;
- putty knife;
- level;
- sandpaper with fine grain.
Sequence of work
- Apply the prepared mortar to the surfaces adjacent to the wall joint.
- Fasten the countershoulder cut to the desired length at the joint, using the rule to prevent deformation of the aluminum corner.
- Remove excess mixture with a spatula, check with a level that the corner is fastened correctly, if necessary, adjust its position.
- After drying, sand the surface with fine sandpaper.
- The final leveling is carried out together with the application of putty on the rest of the wall surface.
Aligning the corners with plaster or putty is a more familiar method for many, but at the same time it is quite “dirty” and laborious. It is worth resorting to this method if the curvature is minimal. In the case of significant curvature of walls and corners, it would be more appropriate to use drywall sheets.