Siphon-corrugation for the sink is a simple and convenient modification of the device for draining water, which can be installed in the most inconvenient and cramped space. He successfully copes with his task, not letting unpleasant odors into the apartment, and connecting such a siphon is even easier than other types of products.
Advantages and disadvantages of different types of corrugated siphons
First of all, it is worth understanding what the so-called corrugation is. This is a flexible folded pipe made of plastic, less often of metal, with connecting elements and a hole for draining water from a sink or other plumbing. The water seal in such a siphon is formed due to the fact that the pipe is bent during installation (that is, they form a “knee”) and fixed with plastic clamps.
The advantages of this design include:
- small price;
- mobility - in the case of transferring the sink, the corrugated drain device is easy to move due to its ability to compress and stretch;
- compactness;
- versatility - the corrugation is suitable for almost any plumbing (sink, bathtub, shower, bidet), in addition, there are models with several outlets for connecting to household appliances (washing machines and dishwashers);
- ease of installation - it will be easy to assemble and install a corrugated siphon without the help of a specialist.
But this device also has its drawbacks. These include the low strength of the pipe (it is easy to damage it mechanically), as well as the ability to accumulate fat and small waste in the folds. Therefore, the corrugated siphon needs periodic cleaning, which consists not only in the use of special chemical compounds, but also in washing with running water in a dismantled state.
Do not forget that it is impossible to crush the pipe, it is impossible to act on it with sharp objects, this will lead to the appearance of cracks and, accordingly, leaks.
The metal siphon-corrugation looks stylish and aesthetically pleasing, it is durable, due to its rigidity it does not need to be fixed with clamps, therefore it is used for open wash basins.
Corrugation is also used in bottle siphons, where it replaces the standard rigid pipe and makes it easier to connect the device to the sewer. Such a product combines the advantages of both types of siphons. In addition, due to the presence of the flask, the device is easy to clean, due to which its corrugated part will not need frequent washing.
The cost of the product depends on the material from which it is made.
- A plastic siphon-corrugation or a bottle-type device with a corrugated pipe will cost from 100 to 300 rubles.
- The price of a product made of chrome-plated plastic will be 350–700 rubles.
- A metal folding siphon is much more expensive than a plastic one - 3-5 thousand rubles.
How to choose a siphon-corrugation for a sink
When choosing a corrugated siphon, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:
- Device dimensions. The product should fit without problems in the space under or behind the sink or in the cabinet. Its length is often specified as a range of values (for example, 32-65 cm), since the pipe can be compressed or stretched. If the value is one, it means the maximum length of the corrugation.
- The diameter of the inlet and outlet pipes. They must match the diameters of the sewer pipe and sink drain. In the case of using plumbing fixtures of non-standard sizes, it is better to consult with the specialists of a plumbing store or purchase a custom-made siphon.
- Complete set. It is advisable to make sure that the kit includes all the parts necessary for installation: outlet, pipes, gaskets, fasteners and clamps.If these items are not available, they will have to be purchased separately.
- The number of taps. If you plan to connect to the siphon not only a sink, but also another device (for example, a washing machine), you need to choose a product withadditional outlets. For a double sink in the kitchen, you need a siphon with two nozzles.
If there is a hole in the sink that prevents it from being overfilled with water, then you need to choose a siphon with a so-called overflow (an additional drain hose). This feature will protect the room from flooding if you forget to turn off the tap.
- Manufacturer. It is not always necessary to immediately pay attention to expensive foreign models. Products of some Russian firms are distinguished by a low price, but at the same time they are of decent quality.
It is important to ensure that there are no cracks, scratches, creases and other defects on the surface of the product parts (especially on the corrugation). All this can lead to improper operation of the device and leakage.
Once the choice is made and the siphon is purchased, you can proceed with its installation.
Installing a corrugated siphon
Assembly and installation of the siphon-corrugation are simple. If a model is installed that was not pre-assembled in the store, the instructions below will help.
- A rubber gasket is placed on the edge of the drain hole of the sink. For a better connection of parts at this stage, it is necessary to use a sealant (acrylic or silicone, always waterproof).
- Then a protective mesh and a siphon neck with an outlet are inserted into the hole. The connection is made with a screw (it must be included in the device package).
- The corrugation is attached to the neck with a tightening nut.
- If you plan to connect to a washing machine, this is done using an outlet pipe.
- Next, you need to bend the corrugated pipe in the shape of the letter "N" and fix it in this position with a plastic clamp.
- The lower socket of the product is fixed in the sewer drain pipe.
After installing the device, it must be checked for operability and the absence of leaks. You can do this by turning on the faucet on the sink at full power and placing a paper towel under the siphon: drops will become visible. If there are no leaks and water passes easily into the sewer, and no unpleasant odors appear, the device is installed correctly.
Even a novice who has not dealt with plumbing before will cope with the installation of a corrugated siphon model. Such a siphon will protect the sewer from blockages, and the apartment from fetid odors is no worse than more expensive pipe or bottle models.