Sink siphon for washing machine

A washing machine is an indispensable thing in the house, which helps to save both the time and effort required for washing. For the normal functioning of a household appliance, the correct organization of its work is necessary. This is especially true for water supply and drainage. Installation of a washing machine in an apartment can be done independently, without involving specialists. However, for this it is necessary to follow certain rules and recommendations, as well as to install the necessary equipment. One of the most convenient options for organizing the discharge of waste water into the sewer is to install a siphon for the sink with a drain for the washing machine.

Washbasin with connection for washing machine

Siphon device, material of manufacture

Siphon - an important element of plumbing equipment, in the form of a pipe or bottle with a curved channel, in which there is always a certain amount of water. Such a water plug - a water seal - prevents the release of gases after draining, and also reliably blocks the ingress of odors from the sewer.

According to the material from which siphons are made, products are divided into two types:

  • Plastic. Rigid polypropylene products with reliable connections are suitable for connecting washing machines, the water of which can be very hot, in this case a cheap polyethylene fixture is not suitable.

A plastic product with a drain for a washing machine must be of high quality

  • metal. You can find copper or brass products, they are also not subject to corrosion, however, during long-term operation, an oxide film forms on their surface, so they must be electroplated. Steel drain fixtures are less common due to their high cost.

Metal drain (chrome-plated brass) with an additional nozzle

Plastic and brass siphons can be chrome-plated.

Product tasks

The installed siphon performs many important functions:

  • Provides protection against various types of bacteria that are formed as a result of decay of organic waste.
  • Interferes with penetration from the sewerage of smells and noises, creating a water seal.
  • Prevents debris from entering the pipe, which helps to avoid blockages and blockages in the sewer system.
  • Collects small items that accidentally end up in the washing machine and prevents them from entering the sewer.
  • Reduces the load on the washing machine pump.
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The absence of a siphon entails a lot of unnecessary trouble. For example, you can create a water seal with a curved drain hose installed at a height. However, an extension of the hose will be required, which violates the aesthetic appearance of the room.


Siphons suitable for connecting washing machines can be divided into three types:

  • Combined devices have an additional pipe that allows you to connect the washing machine to the water drainage system under the sink. Installation of a siphon of this type is possible in the bathroom under the washbasin or bathtub and in the kitchen under the sink. The product may have several additional nozzles, in which case a dishwasher or other appliances can also be connected to it.

Device with two additional nozzles

When placing the washing machine under the sink, a special flat siphon is ideal.

  • An external siphon is used when it is not possible to install a combined model. It is intended to drain water into the sewer only from the washing machine. Such a device has overall dimensions that prevent the installation of a household appliance close to the wall.

External drain for automatic machine

  • The internal or built-in model is also used only for the washing machine, but it can be placed directly in the wall. To do this, a niche is hollowed out inside the wall and the device is placed there. A special pipe is brought out, to which a drain hose is attached.The built-in siphon is equipped with a decorative element that closes the opening in the wall.

Embedded device with decorative plate

Installation methods

Installation of the device is carried out depending on the type and design features.

Installation of a combined siphon

A device designed to drain water from several devices is mounted as follows:

  • The main parts of the siphon are pre-assembled. It is necessary to assemble the device in strict accordance with the instructions that are included in the kit.
  • Installation of the product on the sink or bath. The device is fastened with a bolt that connects the equipment and the protective cup. Sealant sealing of drain holes helps to obtain reliable joints during assembly.
  • The siphon is connected to the sewer pipe. To do this, the drain hose is inserted into the sewer outlet. The tightness of the connection is achieved through the use of special rubber gaskets or sealant.
  • At the last stage, the drain hose of the washing machine is connected to a special outlet on the siphon. In this case, a compression ring must be used. Avoid bending the hose during connection
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Installation of a combined drain device

Insufficient hose length is eliminated by extension, however, it should be borne in mind that a significant extension can make it difficult for the washing machine pump to work.

Installation of an outdoor type product

Installing an outdoor model is a simple process, as such products are sold assembled. But the installation of the device must be carried out in a certain sequence:

  • First, determine the place where the siphon will be located. It should be borne in mind that the distance from the floor to the device should not exceed 0.5 m. It is also not recommended to install the product directly above the automatic machine.
  • Connect the device to the sewer system using a sealant or rubber gasket.
  • Connect the drain hose of the washing machine to the siphon inlet pipe using a crimp cuff.

Mounting the outdoor model

Embedded device installation

The installation of the internal device is complicated by the arrangement of the opening in the wall, so the installation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Choose a place to place the siphon.
  • Using an impact drill or hammer drill, a hole is made in the wall, the dimensions of which should be slightly larger than the built-in equipment.

Built-in drain installation

  • The siphon is installed in the prepared opening. The connection of the device is carried out in full analogy with the external model.
  • At the end of the work, the free space of the hole is filled with putty and covered with a decorative element that is included in the kit.

Regardless of the model, after installing the siphon, check the device for leaks. To do this, the connected devices must be started.


