Washbasin siphons: what are they, how to choose and install?

The washbasin siphon is a simple device that performs a number of important functions in the drainage system. It is used to prevent clogging of sewer paths with household waste falling from the sink into the outlet. In addition, there is always water in the siphon elbow, due to which gases from the pipes do not have the opportunity to penetrate into the room, which means that there will be no unpleasant odors in the apartment. We will understand in more detail the design of siphons, and also find out how to choose and install the device correctly.

Washbasin siphons

Siphon device

The siphon is installed between the drain hole of the sink and the sewer pipe and serves not only as a plumbing connector to the system, but also as a two-way barrier to dirt and unpleasant odors.

This device consists of the following parts:

  • from a grate or mesh on the drain hole. This element prevents large waste from the sink from entering the sewer;
  • fittings for connecting to the washbasin and drain of the washing machine (if necessary);
  • outlet pipe;
  • rubber gaskets located at the junction of the drain hole with the outlet pipe;
  • connecting screw;
  • body, siphon tank;
  • fasteners (captive nuts);
  • sewer outlets.

Siphon device for a sink with the possibility of connecting a washing machine or dishwasher

Since this device must be resistant to the influence of cold and hot water, as well as chemicals, for the manufacture of siphons use:

  • Plastic. Polypropylene is a traditional material for the production of sanitary equipment in question due to its low cost, resistance to temperature extremes and corrosion, as well as high strength. If you choose a model with corrugation, when moving the sink to another place, you will not have to bring new pipes to it.

Plastic element of the drain system

  • Corrosion resistant metals. The elements of such a product must be carefully selected according to the size of the drain hole and the inlet of the sewer pipe, but they act as a decorative element. Copper, brass, and steel fixtures don't need to be hidden under the sink, as they look beautiful on their own. But they require regular care, without which an oxidizing film forms on the surface of such a metal.
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Gold plated brass

There are several different models of siphons, allowing you to choose the option suitable for a particular sink.

Types of siphons for the washbasin

Depending on the type of construction and material, several main types of plums are distinguished:

  • With corrugated pipe. They have the simplest design, respectively, they are the easiest to install. Such a system is very flexible, does not take up much space, it is easy to hide it behind the sink or in the cabinet, the U-shaped bend is fixed with plastic clamps. But corrugated siphons also have disadvantages: the inside of the pipe is not smooth, so small particles of waste are clogged into its folds. Because of this feature, such devices become clogged more often than others and they need periodic maintenance (with the help of chemicals or ordinary cleaning in the removed state).

Corrugated drain device

  • Pipe type siphons. They are made of hard plastic or metal, and have a U-shaped or S-shaped shape. Due to the smooth surface, food and other waste does not clog the walls of the product, and it is not necessary to clean it often. But this type of device requires sufficient free space under the sink.

Pipe type siphon

  • Bottle siphons. At the moment, this type is very popular. The design has a special flask that resembles a bottle in shape - hence the name of the model. They are installed on almost all types of plumbing (sinks, showers, washing machines and dishwashers, etc.).They are compact and have an attractive appearance, especially made of various metals. Another feature: if an object that needs to be pulled out (decoration or any other small thing) gets into the drain, this can be done without difficulty.

bottle type device

When choosing a siphon, the parameters of the washbasin should be taken into account. If the dimensions of the drain hole are normal, any standard siphon model will fit it. Otherwise, you will have to look for a device of other sizes or order it taking into account all the features of the sink.

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Some tips for choosing a quality product

In order not to make a mistake with the device, you should take into account some design points that allow it to last longer:

  • The most practical option is siphon with overflow. If for some reason the sink is overfilled, this device will protect the room from the flood.
  • Pay attention to the size of the holes in the siphon grate. Ideally, their diameter should not exceed 1 centimeter.
  • Connecting elements are made of durable plastic or stainless steel. Otherwise, the device will quickly become unusable due to corrosion formed on the iron nuts.
  • If you plan to connect several plumbing devices to the siphon, its throughput should be taken into account.

Choosing the right device

With all these features, the device will last a long time and will perform its functions with high quality.

We must not forget about the care of the siphon: you should periodically spill the sewer system with special means of blockage, and in the case of a corrugated pipe, sometimes remove it and clean it from the inside.

How to install a siphon under the washbasin with your own hands

Installing a sink drain is not so difficult if you know the sequence of actions:

  1. Rubber gaskets are inserted into the grooves of the device case, and then the parts are twisted. At the same time, it is not recommended to lubricate them all with sealant, since to clean the siphon you will have to periodically unscrew its lower part.
  2. A coupling nut and a cone-shaped gasket are put on the outlet pipe.
  3. Then the pipe is inserted into the groove of the flask and fixed with a nut by hand. It must not be allowed to rest against the walls of the case, since in this case the siphon simply will not work.
  4. A corrugated or rigid branch is connected to the branch pipe, a cone-shaped gasket is put on the pipe. Everything is secured with a nut.
  5. The protective grill is placed in the drain hole, on the other side a pipe with a rubber gasket is attached, everything is connected with a coupling screw.
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Installation of drain equipment under the kitchen sink

Before installation, you need to carefully check the presence of a complete set of parts, such as nuts and gaskets. Sometimes these elements have to be replaced due to minor defects or unsuitable material.

When the siphon is installed, check the quality of its installation. To do this, the water pressure is turned on, and a napkin is placed under the device in order to see drops during leakage. If the liquid flows into the sewer without any problems, then the device was installed correctly.


