The device and types of siphon for the sink

Installing a sink siphon that serves to drain wastewater into the sewer is a fairly simple task. For its implementation it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of professional plumbers. All that is required is a minimum set of tools and knowledge about the principle of operation and the device of this device. It is much more difficult to choose a model that suits all parameters. Consider the pros and cons of various modifications and useful additions to them.

Siphon - an important element of plumbing equipment


A siphon is a metal or plastic structure, which includes a tank and several nozzles. One connects to the drain hole of the sink, the other to the sewer. It is in them that water enters when we wash our faces or wash dishes. Initially, the liquid from the sink enters the siphon, and from it - through a curved pipe into a common sewer riser. A metal mesh located at the base of the device, on the sink opening, acts as a fine-mesh filter, protecting the system from blockages.

The curvature of the siphon ensures the retention of a certain volume of liquid, forming a water seal that does not let sewer odors into the house.

The purchased siphon kit usually includes a body, inlet and outlet pipes, a metal mesh, linings and other consumables. Experts recommend purchasing models equipped with overflow, which helps to avoid flooding.

The structure of the drain device for the sink

What are siphons?

There are several types of sink drains, differing from each other in design, external parameters, as well as the material of manufacture. We suggest looking into them.

Pipe siphon

Pipe - a popular option for a ceramic sink in the bathroom. It is not worth installing it in the kitchen, as it is more difficult to clean than other devices. These models are compact in size and attractive in design. The water seal is formed due to the curvature of the pipe. The lower knee of the device is usually removable. To clean it will have to be dismantled.

Drainage device of pipe type

The disadvantages of such a siphon include the following points:

  • A shallow water seal that evaporates liquid quickly enough that if the sink is rarely used, an unpleasant smell may appear in the room.
  • The rigid design requires careful sizing: the siphon outlet must be located so that it can be connected to the sewer, installation is only allowed on standard drainage pipes.
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The bottle siphon is the most popular type. Its design evokes associations with a flask or a bottle, hence the name. The exhaust pipe can be either rigid or flexible corrugated.

Plastic bottle siphon with corrugation

Advantages of bottle fittings:

  1. The siphon device allows you to effortlessly dismantle its most clogged part.
  2. This model is easy to maintain.
  3. The bottle drain does not need to be replaced for a long period of time.
  4. There is always water in the water seal, so the apartment is reliably protected from sewer smell.
  5. If small things get into the drain, they can be easily removed by unscrewing the flask.

Bottle-type metal product

It has a bottle version and some disadvantages: it accumulates dirt in the drain tank (hair, thread, fat), and is also more prone to leakage due to the larger number of connections.


Such a device is easy to install, consists of an outlet and a curved corrugated pipe.

Benefits of using sink siphon with corrugation:

  1. It can be connected to a sink and sewer risers, even with their non-standard location.
  2. Easy to install and affordable.
  3. The bend for the water seal is formed by the installer himself.
  4. Due to the absence of connections, the possibility of leakage is practically excluded.
  5. Regardless of the distance separating the sink and the floor, high-quality drainage will be provided.

Siphon-corrugated pipe

Like bottled, corrugated drain has its drawbacks:

  • due to the roughness of the inner surface, deposits of debris and dirt quickly form on it;
  • hot water adversely affects the strength of the corrugated pipe.

flat siphon

A type of bottling device. The main difference is the compact size and flat flask. It is used in cases where there is simply no room for a standard product, for example, when installing a sink over a washing machine.

Advantages flat siphon:

  • Due to its compactness, it can be installed in the most inaccessible places.
  • It is washed out just as easily as a regular bottle model.
  • Allows you to efficiently use the space under the washbasin, for example, to install a household appliance or cabinet.
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flat siphon

Additional functional elements

Siphons installed under the sink can have the following accessories:

  • Drain-overflow. If the washbasin is equipped with a second top drain, a siphon equipped with an additional pipe (overflow) is installed under it. This will prevent accidental flooding.
  • Bottom valve. A mechanism installed in the drain hole instead of a grate and acting as a plug.

bottom valve

Drainage device with fitting and two outlets

Possible manufacturing materials

Materials used to create siphons:

  • Metal. Products are distinguished by decorative appeal and increased strength, but over time they can corrode and oxidize. They are made, as a rule, from brass, less often - from bronze, copper, stainless steel. Most common chrome plated models. The main drawback is the difficulty in choosing the size, because it will not be easy to shorten a metal pipe.

Gold plated brass

Chrome-plated products are chosen for hanging and overhead sinks installed on the countertop. Being visible, they not only do not spoil the design of the washbasin, but also complement it favorably.

  • Plastic. Due to its affordable price and good performance, plastic products are in great demand and popularity. They are lightweight, simple design, resistant to household chemicals. In the connecting nodes, the plastic siphon is equipped with rubber seals, which increases the service life of the product and tightness. In the product range of many manufacturers there are models with a special antibacterial coating of the inner cavity, which prevents the settling of grease and dirt and reduces the rate of clogging.

One of the modifications of the plastic device

Basic selection options

When choosing a siphon model for a sink, you need to consider a number of parameters:

  • Shell standard. If a typical washbasin is installed, choosing the right siphon is not a problem. But in the case of installing a custom-made sink model or installed in a non-standard way, you may have to suffer with the choice. In such cases, a corrugated device is the most suitable option. Most likely, it will be possible to connect a bottle siphon, but a hard pipe siphon is only suitable for typical cases.
  • Attractive performance. The choice presented by modern manufacturers is so wide that it is possible to choose the optimal design even for such an unremarkable device as a siphon.

Be sure to check the completeness, the number of washers and gaskets for the model you like, otherwise the connection may cause certain difficulties and inconveniences.

Product package

  • throughput. This indicator is extremely important, because large-diameter pipes are required for large volumes of discharged water.

If you plan to connect additional appliances to the device under the sink, you should buy in advance a bottle siphon equipped with a tee, as well as having large diameter pipes.

  • Drain-overflow system. The presence of two outlets (for the main drain and overflow) serves as additional insurance against flooding.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Replacing and repairing the siphon under the sink: 5 useful plumbing tips

Drain-overflow system for sinks

  • The distance between the outlet sewer hole and the neck of the sink. If this indicator is non-standard, then you will have to buy additional adapters.
  • Price level. The difference in cost between plastic and metal products can be quite impressive; when choosing, you need to focus on your own financial capabilities. But do not forget that the miser pays twice. Choosing the simplest and cheapest polyethylene siphons, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will soon need to be replaced.

Having understood the design features and differences between the main types of siphons for sinks, you can easily choose the right option. If the product is standard, then it will not be difficult to install it; to obtain the necessary knowledge, just watch a few training videos from experienced craftsmen.


