Organization of thermal protection at home
In places where heating will be done in basement of a private house, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation of the outer walls, especially the parts that will be in direct contact with the ground. This will help keep the heat inside and prevent condensation from forming.
In basements without heating, insulation with heat-shielding materials is done, as for a heated one, only additional layers can be added in the ceiling of the room to prevent cold from penetrating into the upper floors.
With external thermal insulation, the basement receives the following advantages:
- There are no cold bridges through which wind and frosty air enter the room;
- When condensation forms, it does not have time to cause a destructive effect on materials and the room;
- Usable space inside the basement does not become smaller;
- It is convenient to inspect the structures, which allows you to notice their damage by fungus or mold in time, as well as defects due to the harm of insects and rodents.
Of the shortcomings, it should be noted:
- It is necessary to protect the layers of thermal insulation from mechanical damage for the period of the entire use of the house, while the cost of protective devices is significantly higher than the layers of thermal insulation material themselves;
- It is difficult to protect against damage from insects, pest control is done with poisons and other toxic substances, which is not always applicable in a residential building;
- When facing with brick, cold can penetrate, which will reduce the degree of heat in the room.
Even when designing a structure, protective work is planned against the following factors:
- The impact of groundwater, which is difficult to dry when it enters the basement, especially in terms of building envelopes;
- Moisture in the concrete mixture during pouring enters the room for a long time, giving dampness and a musty smell;
- Possible capillary rise of water from different sources through the capillaries in the materials from which the basement was built;
- The room air also forms moisture through condensate, the inner layer of thermal insulation is not able to provide absolute tightness, therefore condensate may appear on the walls of the basement. It is also formed from gases from the soil, which can penetrate around the entire perimeter of the basement;
- For internal insulation of a room, materials are often used, the level of water penetration of which is quite high, and when wet, their characteristics are reduced. Then it is necessary to protect them with individual waterproofing works;
- Internal thermal insulation layers make it difficult to drain the basement. Moisture from the soil, concrete and capillary water from the base materials is very difficult to remove and requires long drying. It is required to make high-quality waterproofing;
- Walls that are below ground level are cold, and the warm and humid basement air somehow affects them from the inside, which leads to the formation of moisture with the subsequent destruction of materials.
When equipping a structure that protects against damage, additional layers of thermal protection can be made, both outside and inside. But they have the same disadvantages as the basement, only at the same time they increase the estimate at times.
Payment for heating the rented basement
The specified amount is determined on the basis of an invoice issued by the landlord with copies of utility bills attached. When using the second method, the variable part, i.e.
the cost of utilities may change every month depending on changes in tariffs or the amount of consumed services, which excludes economic losses for both the landlord and the tenant. At the same time, the provisions of paragraph 3 of Art. 614 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the inadmissibility of revising the rent more than once a year are not violated (for more on this, see p.11 of the Information letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 11.01.2002 N 66). 33.1.2.
Convection heating system registers, radiators or convectors
Heating devices in such a system are radiators, convectors or registers made of smooth steel pipes.
Advantages: the possibility of creating an electrically independent heating system; relatively low cost of equipment and materials.
Disadvantages: extremely low efficiency of the system due to the fact that warm air from the registers immediately rises up, not down, and leaves the working area; heating equipment takes up a lot of space on the surfaces of walls and floors, thus, the usable area of the room is reduced and used irrationally; high inertia of the system (large volume of heated water in the pipes); the location of heating devices at the bottom can lead to their accidental damage in the course of economic activity; with poorly carried out commissioning, the system is poorly regulated; extremely low aesthetics of the register system, which does not meet modern requirements; the possibility of injury and burns in direct contact with the surface of the register.
Considering all the above facts, we can conclude that it is advisable to use radiators or registers only for heating low rooms (with ceilings up to 3 m high). Otherwise, the operating costs will be significant.
Air heating system using stationary gas air heaters
Air heating using gas air heaters is carried out by means of air (recirculation and / or supply air). It is fed into the unit with the help of a fan, after which it is heated and fed into the room either directly or through the air duct system, passing around the combustion chamber and through the heat exchanger, and the combustion products are discharged through the chimney.
Advantages: ability to use relatively inexpensive natural gas; the air duct system allows for the highest quality air mixing in order to reduce the temperature gradient and deliver it to the desired area; the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system based on gas air heaters of indirect heating can also be decentralized (from the boiler room); the possibility of combining heating, ventilation and air conditioning in one system, due to which it is possible to achieve low metal consumption; high efficiency and economy due to the absence of an intermediate coolant - water, which eliminates the possibility of "defrosting" and leakage; low inertia of the system (air heating occurs in 20–40 minutes) and, as a result, a rapid change in temperature during the day; the possibility of placing inside the heated volume without preparing a separate room (boiler room); does not burn oxygen in the room; there are no attachments in heated rooms; no harmful and toxic emissions in the premises; no pipelines with coolant and additional cable systems.
Disadvantages: in the case of using main natural gas, heating will require a complex and extensive gas supply system, which is extremely expensive both in installation and in design.
What air temperature should be from batteries during the heating season
To conclude an agreement, it is necessary to apply with an application to any heat supply organization located in the city of the applicant. It is necessary to sign the contract before the provision of public services,
but no later than one calendar month from the date of acquisition of the right to use the premises.
Together with the application, the heat supply organization must send:
- Internal passport of the Russian Federation from the applicant.
- Registration documents of the company - for example, the Articles of Association; the documents must indicate the name of the organization, the details of the enterprise, the place of state. registration and contact details.
- Extract from the USRN on the premises indicating: the address of the building, the total area of the non-residential premises, the type of activity carried out in the premises (industrial / commercial activities).
- A document certifying the applicant's right to act on behalf of the company - a power of attorney or an order to appoint a manager.
- An act from organizations that check the date of sealing the meter, as well as a schedule for future checks of metering devices.
Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all copies of documents must be notarized, otherwise the parties will not be able to conclude an agreement. Notarization of documents, in addition to an extract from the USRN (in 2018, obtaining an extract for legal entities costs 350 rubles), is the basis of expenses during the preparation of documents - notaries charge from 1,500 to 7,500 rubles for notarization of all documents, depending on the region and pricing policy notary
Notarization of documents, in addition to an extract from the USRN (in 2018, obtaining an extract for legal entities costs 350 rubles), is the basis of expenses during the preparation of documents - notaries charge from 1,500 to 7,500 rubles for notarization of all documents, depending on the region and pricing policy notary.
infrared heating
If it is not possible to install liquid or air heating, or if these types of systems do not suit the owners of industrial buildings, infrared heaters come to the rescue. The principle of operation is described quite simply: an IR emitter generates thermal energy directed to a certain area, as a result of which this energy is transferred to objects located in this area.
In general, such installations allow you to create a mini-sun in the working area. Infrared heaters are good because they heat only the area to which they are directed, and do not allow heat to dissipate throughout the volume of the room.
When classifying IR heaters, the method of their installation is primarily considered:
Infrared heaters also differ in the type of emitted waves:
- shortwave;
- medium wave;
- light (such models have a high operating temperature, so they glow during operation;
- longwave;
- dark.
You can also divide IR heaters into types according to the energy resources used:
- electrical;
- gas;
- diesel.
IR systems running on gas or diesel are much more efficient and much cheaper. But such devices negatively affect the humidity in the room and burn out oxygen.
There is a classification by type of work item:
- halogen: heating is carried out by a fragile vacuum tube, which is very easy to disable;
- carbon fiber: the heating element is carbon fiber, hidden in a glass tube, which is also not very durable. Carbon heaters consume about 2-3 times less energy;
- Shadow;
- ceramic: heating is carried out by ceramic tiles, which are combined into one system.
Infrared heaters are well suited for use in all types of buildings, from private homes to bulky industrial buildings. The convenience of using such heating lies in the fact that these structures are able to heat individual zones or areas, which makes them incredibly convenient.
IR heaters affect any objects, but do not affect the air and do not affect the movement of air masses, which eliminates the possibility of drafts and other negative factors that can affect the health of personnel.
In terms of the heating rate, infrared emitters can be called leaders: they must be launched while at the workplace, and there is almost no need to wait for heat. Such devices are very economical and have a very high efficiency, which allows them to be used as the main heating of production workshops. IR heaters are reliable, able to work for a long period of time, practically do not occupy usable space, are light in weight and require no effort during installation. In the photo you can see different types of infrared emitters.
In this article, the main types of heating for industrial buildings were considered. Before installing any selected system, it is necessary to calculate the heating of industrial premises. The choice always rests with the owner of the building, and knowledge of the tips and recommendations for calculating the heating of a room will allow you to choose a really suitable option for the heating system.
Infrared heating of industrial premises
Another way to create good working conditions for workers is to use infrared radiation. Devices generate ray energy, which is transmitted to surrounding objects, heating them. This heat is then released into the air. The method has a significant drawback: a uniform distribution of energy is not always possible. Under the ceiling it is much warmer than at lower levels.
The heating element for infrared heating can be different:
- halogen - if an impact or a fall occurs, the tube may break;
- carbon fiber - energy consumption is reduced by almost 2.5 times;
- ceramic - a gas-air mixture burns inside the heater, which causes the device to heat up and give off heat to the environment.
Use ordinary iron stoves for the home. where you live permanently is not very convenient. There are options that require less time from you.
Every year it is necessary to prepare the boiler room for the heating season. In this case, in winter there will definitely not be any problems.
Do not forget about the ceiling heating system, which is often used to heat industrial buildings. With the help of special devices, it is not the air that is heated, but the walls, ceiling, floor. There is no circulation, therefore, the risk of getting a cold or sore throat is reduced by the workers of the department or workshop. In the ceiling heating system, a number of advantages are distinguished, such as: long service life, takes up little space, is easy and quick to install, and is light in weight.
SNiP norms for heating industrial premises
Before you start designing a particular system, think about which industrial heating boiler to choose, you need to study the following rules and follow them. Be sure to take into account heat loss, because not only the air in the room heats up, but also equipment and objects. The maximum temperature of the coolant (water, steam) is 90 degrees, and the pressure is 1 MPa.
When drawing up a project for heating, landings are not taken into account. The use of boilers and other gas-fired equipment is permitted only if the oxidation products are removed in a closed manner and there is no danger of an explosion or fire in the workplace.
In a multi-storey building, the replacement of heating risers is carried out by employees of the housing office.
After completion of work, the heating system is filled with water and a control check is carried out.
Each of these heating methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to choose the best of the methods on the basis of the technological processes that are carried out in a particular workshop. Workers cannot stay indoors if the air temperature there is below 10 degrees. Warehouses usually store finished products. To maintain its quality, you need to maintain an optimal microclimate.
Interesting on the topic:
- Preparing the system for the heating season
- Pipes for different heating systems
- Polypropylene pipes for heating: pros and cons.
- Heating pipe insulation
How to transfer a residential property to non-residential premises
If the owner of an apartment in an MKD wants to turn it into a non-residential premises, then for this you need to fulfill several conditions:
- equipped with a separate entrance. For rooms with an area of more than 100 m 2, an emergency entrance is also made;
- there should not be registered citizens in the apartment changing the status. Before starting the transfer procedure, they are issued;
- the object should not have any encumbrances. The property must not be mortgaged, purchased with a mortgage (not yet redeemed) or transferred to a long-term lease;
- the premises are located on the ground floor or above other non-residential facilities (this was mentioned above);
- translation is not carried out in emergency and buildings planned for demolition;
- status change is made only in general for the whole apartment. A separate room cannot be turned into a non-residential premises;
- the reason for the ban in obtaining non-residential status may be the location of the apartment in a building recognized as a cultural and historical monument.
To transfer an apartment in an MKD to a non-residential premises, you need to collect a package of documents.
All documents except for the application can be submitted as notarized copies. The relevant body has 48 working days to make a decision. Rejection is not yet the final decision. It can be challenged in court.
Choosing a heating option
Only after that you have to choose which type of heating is most suitable. To measure the area of the basement, as well as temperature fluctuations, you will need:
- roulette;
- pencil;
- note paper;
- thermometer;
- barometer.
Temperature and humidity readings should be recorded over several days to find out what works for you. After that, analyze the indicators that will show you what kind of humidity is in the basement, how much heat is required for heating. There is equipment that not only heats, but also dries the air, or vice versa, humidifies it. In addition, you will have to take into account the arrangement of the foundation of the room, repairs in the room, the presence of doors and windows.
It is also important how isolated the basement is from common communications. If there is a possibility of tapping into the general heating, remember that there may be problems with payment calculations, since it is not always possible to calculate the correct numbers. However, there are options where individual heating for your particular basement is not suitable.
gas or electricity
It is recommended to use the mains voltage in the basement not higher than 42 V.
So, an important factor in determining which basement heating you choose will be the purpose of the room. If you plan to equip a living space in the basement, you will need full heatingso that it is warm even in the most terrible frosts. Here, the options for steam heating, gas boiler, if the design provides for it, will be relevant. If the ventilation is broken at the basement, then first you need to finish it, plaster all the cracks, from where air can come from outside.
If you are planning an office space or a store, you can opt for a heating system on radiators that operate on the electrical network and are able to heat rooms with a fairly large area. Such heating in the basement will also dry the air, so it is ideal for rooms with high humidity.
But with this choice of heating, you should pay attention to the power of the electrical network where the radiator will be connected. If an office is heated, where there are already so many electrical appliances and electronics, such a voltage will not be able to withstand the network and it will be necessary to install additional equipment, which will incur certain costs in addition to paying for electricity
If the humidity in the basement exceeds the permissible limits, then in addition to heating, you should also worry about drying the air, since moisture destroys the basement as a whole and negatively affects the quality of the air you breathe.So on the basement floor it will turn out to equip comfortable conditions.
If you plan to store something in the basement, use it as a warehouse, and the relatively low temperature will not interfere with storage, you can use an ordinary battery, and installing it will not require any special changes in the heating design throughout the house.
Infrared heating is an alternative to boilers and batteries. This option has several advantages: short-term installation work, ease of installation of equipment. You can equip it quickly, conveniently, simply and efficiently.
In any case, when installing any kind of heating, consultation with certain responsible services is first necessary. You can only install a heater in the basement on your own, in all other cases you will need the help of specialists, professionals in their field.
It is also better to entrust the calculations that will be associated with the installation of heating in the basement to professionals.
The issue of material for equipment is also important. From what material is it better to choose pipes that will be installed, what batteries are best to choose, or what type of radiator will be of better quality? All these are individual parameters for each particular basement, and only correct calculations and observations of air and humidity can show this.
Petr Kravets
Reading time: 4 minutes
Basement heating is of interest to both owners of multi-storey buildings and private country cottages. Often they equip bars, billiard rooms, cafes, recreation areas, gyms, saunas or small cinemas.
Ventilation in the basement
The basement of a multi-storey building serves as the main source of the ventilation system. Since each riser of any floor has a ventilation duct, which ensures the normal circulation of air masses in the apartment. Ventilation outlets in the apartment are in the kitchen and sanitary area.
Sometimes special hoods are placed on them, which help to draw out unpleasant odors. Also, the normal functioning of the ventilation ducts that come from the basement ensures the escape of gas in the event of a leak for a domestic reason. Therefore, the verification of such a system is very often carried out by experienced specialists of the relevant service.
The ventilation ducts in the basement provide not only the function of drawing out the unpleasant odor that can form as a result of dampness or fungal diseases on the walls of the basement. They still largely provide such premises with fresh air, which is also necessary for a longer period of operation. There are two types of ventilation in the basement: natural and artificial.
natural ventilation
Natural ventilation is provided by ventilation ducts that run from the basement itself to the roof. And it is a wide pipe that goes around the riser and has holes that can be found in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet room.
Numerous holes that come to the surface of the soil in the wall of a multi-storey building are also natural ventilation. The amount largely depends on the size of the basement. Special metal or plastic pipes can go from the basement, which have covered ends on the surface of the earth in the form of special peaks.
Quite rarely there are basements that have windows. In most cases, they can be found in the basement of a multi-storey building, which is used as a store or any other institution. A separate entrance is being built for these establishments. Open windows also serve as a source of ventilation, and the circulation of air masses is carried out efficiently and quickly.
Basement in MKD.According to the calculation of heat loss, the basement consumes 40% of the heat consumed for heating the same room on the 1st floor. According to Decree 354, utilities for heating must be paid the same way, both by the owner of 100 sq.m on the ground floor and the owner in the basement. The interests of the owner of the basement are infringed. In fact, he consumes less, but pays for the consumption of the entire MKD. in terms of unreasonably exposed 60%. Since the total area is included in the calculations in full, and not 40%, as it would be correct from the point of view of technical and technological regulatory documents.
The question refers to the city of Angarsk
Refinement from July 11, 2016 — 09:07
Refinement from July 11, 2016 — 09:07
Do you think I will win?
And how is the LCD reference to Resolution 354, where the formula says "TOTAL AREA" and according to the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2012 N 29433-VK / 19, the values \u200b\u200bof the total area of \u200b\u200ba residential premises (apartments), non-residential premises in an apartment building should be determined on based on the data contained in the document confirming the right of ownership (use) of the premises in an apartment building, the act of transfer or other document on the transfer by the developer of the premises in the apartment building, the technical passport of the dwelling (apartment) or the technical passport of the apartment building.
Refinement from July 11, 2016 — 09:07
Do you think I will win?
And how is the LCD reference to Resolution 354, where the formula says "TOTAL AREA" and according to the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2012 N 29433-VK / 19, the values \u200b\u200bof the total area of \u200b\u200ba residential premises (apartments), non-residential premises in an apartment building should be determined on based on the data contained in the document confirming the right of ownership (use) of the premises in an apartment building, the act of transfer or other document on the transfer by the developer of the premises in the apartment building, the technical passport of the dwelling (apartment) or the technical passport of the apartment building.
Petr Kravets
Reading time: 4 minutes
Basement heating is of interest to both owners of multi-storey buildings and private country cottages. Often they equip bars, billiard rooms, cafes, recreation areas, gyms, saunas or small cinemas.