The use of natural gas has transformed human life, with its help we cook food, heat apartments in the winter, heat water. However, gas is a potential source of danger, therefore, only specialists can connect to the gas pipeline, dismantle the old one and install a new one, despite the seeming simplicity of this process. Moreover, they should be not just private masters, but employees of special services. Otherwise, you will be fined for unauthorized connection of the gas stove.
What are the penalties?
An exhaustive answer to the question of whether independently connect the gas stove in the apartment, you will find in the official document - "Rules for the use of gas in everyday life", - approved by the VO "Rosstroygazifikatsiya" back in 1990. They regulate not only the principles of using equipment, but also responsibility for their violation.
We recommend paying special attention to point 3, which indicates what exactly is prohibited to the population:
- Produce unauthorized gasification. In this subparagraph, the officials also included a rearrangement, replacement, repair of all gas household appliances.
- Make redevelopment in the premises where such devices are located.
- Independently make changes to their design, as well as change the arrangement of ventilation and smoke ducts, seal, wall up holes for cleaning chimneys.
Also in the mentioned Rules there are references to the articles of the criminal and administrative code, but for the most part they are not relevant, have lost their legal force. “Working” at the moment is Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which states that for illegal connection to the highway, penalties in the amount of 10-15 thousand rubles are provided. The legal incident is that we are talking exclusively about the gas pipeline, but it is not clear whether the situation when the user installs new cooking equipment instead of the old one applies here. Although on the Web you can find complaints from users who were issued this fine.
Can there be criminal liability for installing a gas stove?
The consequences of improper installation of the stove can be the saddest, because a leak is fraught with the likelihood of an explosion, spontaneous combustion and great destruction. In this case, the perpetrator of the situation will be criminally liable.
According to article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, causing harm to health or death through negligence entails a two-year restriction of freedom. If the accident is accompanied by a fire, then material damage will also have to be compensated.
Law enforcement agencies will conduct an investigation, upon proof of damage to other people's property due to fraud (it is illegal to install a stove with your own hands and hide this fact from special services), Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, those who arbitrarily connected are threatened with a significantly increased fine, the maximum amount of which is 300 thousand rubles. and/or a two-year restriction of liberty.
What happens if you connect the gas yourself?
Punishment awaits a negligent user, not only for the unauthorized installation of a gas stove, unauthorized, and therefore punishable, is also considered to be connected to the gas main. This structure is one of the complex ones, gas is supplied in it under different pressures. I wonder what penalty you face in this case? It is specified in article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and its amount reaches 15 thousand rubles.
Also, do not forget about liability for violation of fire safety rules, which can be both administrative and criminal, depending on the severity of the damage.
What is the correct connection order?
According to the "Rules for the supply of gas to meet domestic needs of citizens", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549, only equipment that meets technical standards for it is allowed to be used and installed. In addition, the Rules indicate that with any changes in the composition of home gas appliances, the user is obliged to notify the gas workers. Otherwise, they have every right to disconnect you from the gas supply (according to paragraph 45 of the same Rules).
In order not to violate the letter of the law, to avoid the prospect of paying a rather large fine and even criminal liability, we recommend that you act in the prescribed manner, and not deal with connection issues yourself:
- We turn to a specialized service. There is one in every locality (Mosgaz - in the capital, Orenburggaz - respectively, in Orenburg, etc.).
- There we write a statement addressed to the chief, in which the essence of the appeal should be stated (we talk about the desire to replace the old equipment, transfer it, install it, etc.).
- We meet with the specialist assigned to you, discuss with him cost of work, we sign the estimate.
- We pay bills for services rendered.
- We accept the work of specialists, check the presence of seals and signatures, so that after a while we will not encounter the same problems and relieve ourselves of responsibility in case of incorrect connection.
Officially engaged in the installation and replacement of gas equipment, in addition to gas distribution organizations, have the right to private companies that have a license and permission from the SRO, whose employees have been trained and certified.
The correct connection of the gas stove will save you from many problems with regulatory authorities, and will secure your apartment.