Dishwasher siphon

A dishwasher makes cleaning the kitchen much easier - housewives do not have to wash mountains of dirty dishes, because household appliances do it for them. Therefore, in our time, it is difficult for many to imagine their life without a dishwasher, but there are those who are just going to install such equipment in an apartment. And along with the question of which machine model to choose, there are many questions about how to ensure its efficient operation and extend its service life. To do this, you need to purchase a siphon for the dishwasher, which will prevent clogging of sewer pipes with food residues and the appearance of unpleasant odors from them.

Siphon for dishwasher or washing machine

The principle of operation of the siphon

Siphon - this is the part of the sink drain that connects it to the sewer pipe. This device is made of materials that are resistant to chemical compositions and high temperatures, so it does not deform and, when properly assembled, is protected from leaks by household appliances and sewers from frequent pollution and breakdowns due to the influence of aggressive environments.

How does a siphon work? During the draining of water, part of it is retained in the tank or sump of the device, due to which a water plug is formed that prevents sewer gases and unpleasant odors from entering the room from the pipes. Large waste is retained at the bottom of the device and can be easily removed from the product. Thus, the siphon protects the sewer from blockages, and the machine from breakdowns, and makes it possible to clean the sewer pipes much less often with special means.

Common drain for sink and dishwasher

Which siphon to choose for the dishwasher

There are a lot of different models of siphons now. Their choice depends not only on the functional characteristics, but also on the appearance and features of plumbing or household appliances to which they are connected. But in general, there are two different siphon options that are suitable for a dishwasher:

  1. Siphons with the possibility of combined use.
  2. Special accessories for dishwashers and washing machines.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Metal siphon for the sink: chrome, bronze, stainless steel

In the first case, it can be the most ordinary device that connects to the sink, but at the same time has an additional fitting (connecting pipe) for connecting household appliances (dishwasher or washing machine). The option is convenient when all household items are in a small kitchen, and the siphon is easy to connect to each of them.

Drain for kitchen sink with outlet for household appliances

In the second case, the device is universal for both dishwashers and washing machines. Such a siphon can be built-in and hidden in a small recess in the wall. If it is installed after the repair and purchase of equipment, then space will have to be left between the machine and the wall to accommodate the siphon. It is better to entrust the installation of a device of this type to specialists, since it is quite difficult to do it yourself correctly.

Built-in device for dishwashers and washing machines

When choosing a drain fixture, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the materials from which it is made, especially in the case of plastic. It can be polypropylene, ABS plastic, but not polyethylene. The product must not contain toxic substances that can be activated by hot water.

It is worth asking the seller to open the packaging in the store and check the siphon for all the necessary parts and the absence of marriage, cracks, punctures (in a corrugated pipe).

How to connect a siphon for a dishwasher

Do-it-yourself installation of a drain device for a dishwasher is not difficult. But for the correct and uninterrupted operation of the equipment, it is necessary to strictly follow the procedure for its installation and carefully check the functionality of the device after connecting the machine tosewerage.

The device of a separate siphon for household appliances

Consider how to connect a dishwasher to a sewer with a siphon:

  • First you need to make sure that the siphon under the sink has a fitting for connecting a dishwasher or washing machine. There can be two of them at once, in which case unused taps can be closed with a plug.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to properly connect polypropylene pipes with metal

Connecting the dishwasher to the sewer through the siphon

  • You need to start by connecting the hoses of the dishwasher. If the fitting is located perpendicular to the body of the siphon, then the hose should be located above it, and if the fitting is located at an angle, the point of connection to the hose will ensure the correct overflow of water. To prevent the used water from overflowing back into the equipment, a one-way valve is installed or the hose is simply bent.
  • If the drain hose does not reach the sewer pipe, fittings are recommended. But you need to carefully choose their size - it must match the diameter of the nuts.
  • If the device has a separate supply of hot and cold water, be sure to check the correct location of the hoses.
  • In order for the fitting to fit as tightly as possible to the pipe, its edges should be cleaned, that is, aligned with sandpaper, getting rid of burrs.
  • The correct position of the rubber gasket on the fitting should be checked.
  • Both parts of the fitting are fixed using the tie-down screws.
  • We screw the valve into this fitting until it stops.
  • To fix the valve in the desired position, use the lock nut.
  • Be sure to check the tightness of the cap nut on the faucet fitting.

Fum-tape for sealing threaded connections

So that the connections of the parts of the siphon with the riser and sewer do not leak, use the FUM tape to increase the tightness.

At the last stage, we connect the dishwasher to the mains. This can be easily done according to the instructions that come with the technique.

By correctly connecting the dishwasher and installing the siphon, you will extend its life for many years. But we must not forget that even when using a siphon, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the equipment from the very beginning of its use. This will help to avoid many problems and breakdowns associated with the formation of scale or blockages.


