Certification of ITP

CityCom-TeploGraph is a specialized GIS with a set of subsystems for creating electronic models of heat networks and solving production problems of heat supply enterprises

The basic complex of the IGS "CityCom-TeploGraph":
certification of heating networks and equipment

The basic complex of the IGS CityCom-TeploGraph consists of two components:

  1. Specialized GIS platform, designed to effectively solve the problems of operating urban engineering networks: heat supply. water supply, water disposal. electricity supply, gas supply, etc.
  2. Knowledge bases, reference books and classifiers of the subject area "Heat supply", necessary for

The basic complex of the IGS "CityCom-TeploGraph" contains all the functionality necessary for the graphical representation and description of heat networks (including DHW networks) on a large-scale or conventionally-scaled terrain plan, including a database of certification of heat networks and tools for entering and correcting data.
The Basic Complex also includes all the necessary types of thematic colorings, graphic highlights, reference and reporting documents generated on the basis of the information contained.

About CityCom-TeploGraf tools

Certification of heat networks

The Basic Complex includes technological input procedures that allow correctly filling in the database of characteristics of nodes and sections of the heating network. Among these characteristics, there are both those necessary for carrying out hydraulic calculations and solving other computational and analytical problems, as well as purely reference ones - chamber material, balance affiliation, subscriber's telephone number, etc.

Within the framework of each information project, there is its own classification of node types, consisting of at least 4 positions (sources of heat supply, consumers of thermal energy, chambers of thermal networks, pumping stations). The number of node types is not limited, on average it is 8-12. Sections of the heating network connecting adjacent nodes can also be classified (for example: intra-yard, quarterly and main heating networks).

The nodes and sections of the heating network for each of the classified types have their own set of passport characteristics, agreed with the customer at the stage of developing the Terms of Reference. The passport of a node or section of a heating network can contain several dozen parameters.

Almost all the necessary reference books and technological classifiers (materials of pipes and chambers, types of pipeline laying, types of fittings and units, etc.) are also agreed with the customer and are supplied as part of the toolkit, which greatly simplifies and formalizes the input of passports. The exception is such parameters, the values ​​of which cannot be selected from the classified series (loads, lengths, geodetic marks, etc.) and must be entered directly into the corresponding fields of screen forms.

In addition to semantic information about the objects of the heating network, certification also implies the possibility of creating detailed graphic diagrams of nodes and sections of networks containing information on the switching of pipelines inside the nodes, valves, references to the terrain, the presence and location of technological equipment of the nodes of the heating network (oil seals, drains, air vents). , compensators, etc.). For this purpose, a specialized graphics editor with a set of all the necessary primitives is used. The peculiarity of this graphical editor is that when creating an image of the internal diagram of a node, it automatically creates and includes a topological connectivity structure of the second (nested) level in the network model. In addition, there is the possibility of simultaneous certification of technological equipment shown in these diagrams.

It is possible to include arbitrary documents in the passports of objects, the format of which is supported by the operating system and installed applications, for example: a photograph of an object, a video fragment of an event associated with an object, an agreement with a subscriber, etc.

Certification of ITP

Certification of ITP

Certification of ITP

Heating substation schemes

On the diagram of a thermal power plant, shut-off and control valves, as well as means that control, measure and automatically control, must be indicated. Designations and numbers of equipment, shut-off, control and safety valves. Schemes are hung out in a conspicuous place in the premises of the ITP.

All changes in thermal power plants made during operation are entered into instructions, diagrams and drawings. Information about changes in instructions, diagrams and drawings is brought to the attention of all employees (with journal entry orders), for which knowledge of these instructions, diagrams and drawings is mandatory.

List of documents for the operation of thermal power plants

  • Orders on the appointment of a person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants, as well as orders on the creation of a permanent commission.
  • Documents confirming the verification of knowledge of the "Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants" by persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants, operational and maintenance personnel.
  • Job descriptions, for the operation of equipment, for labor protection and safety.
  • Replacement magazine. Repair journal.
  • Operational schemes of thermal networks.
  • Order on the admission to the work of service personnel.
  • Acts of hydraulic testing.
  • Acts of inspection of buildings and structures.
  • The program of emergency response training and thematic plan.
  • Journal of accounting for emergency response training.
  • The book of accounting for thermal power plants.
  • temperature chart.
  • Acts of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of networks.
  • Executive drawings of thermal power plants and thermal networks.
  • Technical passports of thermal power plants and thermal networks.
  • Technical passport of the heat point.

Requirements for the operation of TPP.

Supervision over compliance with the rules is carried out by the state energy supervision bodies (Rostekhnadzor).

The operation of thermal power plants is carried out by trained thermal power personnel.

Installation, reconstruction of thermal power plants are carried out according to the project, approved and agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

Periodic technical examination of thermal power plants is carried out within the time limits established by the rules for the operation of thermal power plants or the regulatory and technical documents of the manufacturer.

Thermal engineering tests, instrumental measurements and other diagnostic work on thermal power plants

The designations and numbers of equipment, shut-off, control and safety valves in the diagrams, drawings and instructions must correspond to the designations and numbers on the control unit.

Housing and communal servicesTax upon receipt of an apartment as an inheritance

Download sample document

                        PIPELINE PASSPORT
               (passport is issued in a hard cover:
                        format 210 x 297 mm)
                        Pipeline Passport
                       Registration N _____
Name and address of the company - the owner of the pipeline
Purpose of the pipeline ______________________________________________
Workspace ________________________________________________________
Working environment parameters:
pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2) ______________________________________________
temperature, deg. C _________________________________________________
Estimated service life, years _______________________________________
Estimated resource, h ______________________________________________
Estimated number of starts ___________________________________________
     List of diagrams, drawings, certificates and other documents for
production and installation of the pipeline, submitted at registration
     M.P. Signature of the chief engineer of the enterprise (owner
     "__" ___________________________ 20__


Filled in according to the design organization.

Person responsible for good condition

and safe operation of the pipeline

------------------T-------------T------------ -T-----------------¬
¦Number and date ¦Position, surname, ¦Date of verification ¦Signature of the responsible- ¦
¦ order on appointment-¦ name, patronymic ¦ knowledge of the Rules ¦ military person ¦
¦cheniya ¦ ¦boiler supervision ¦ ¦
¦                ¦                   ¦             ¦                 ¦
L----------------+-------------------+------------ -+------------------

Administration records for repairs

and reconstruction of the pipeline

------------T------------------------------ T------------------¬
¦Date of recording¦List of works carried out at ¦Signature of the responsible-¦
¦ ¦ repair and reconstruction of the pipeline; ¦ vein person ¦
¦ ¦ date of their holding ¦ ¦
¦           ¦                                     ¦                  ¦
L-----------+------------------------------------ +-------------------

Records of pipeline inspection results

-------------------T----------------------T- --------------------
¦Date of the examination-¦Results of the examination- ¦Date of the next ¦
¦vovaniya ¦vaniya ¦certification ¦
¦                  ¦                            ¦                    ¦
L------------------+----------------------------------+- --------------------
The pipeline is registered for N ______ in ___________________________
__________________________________________ G. ________________________
  (name of the registering authority)
The passport has ___ pages numbered and a total of ___________ laced
sheets, including drawings (diagrams) on _______ sheets
           (position of the registering person and his signature)
M.P. "__" __________ 20__

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Related Documents

  • Passport: samples (Full list of documents)
  • Search for the phrase "Passport" throughout the site
  • "Pipeline passport (sample)".doc

Documents you may also be interested in:

  • Steam and hot water pipeline passport for nuclear facilities (sample)
  • Shelter passport (anti-radiation shelter)
  • Passport of the gas treatment plant
  • Passport for the installation of an advertising structure in the urban district of Kotelniki, Moscow Region
  • Passport of the site where the creation of a special economic zone of a tourist-recreational type is supposed (standard form)
  • Passport of the site where the creation of a special economic zone is supposed (standard form)
  • Passport of the participant of the competition: "The best small enterprise of the Volokolamsk region"; "The best entrepreneur of the Volokolamsk region"; "The best young entrepreneur of the Volokolamsk region
  • Passport of registration of a prospective object
  • Passport of the registration area of ​​the city of Moscow
  • Passport of the registration area of ​​the city of Moscow

Technical documentation

11.1. When accepting heating systems and ventilation for operation, after installation work has been completed, the following documentation must be drawn up and transferred to the customer (operating organization):

acts of acceptance of systems into operation;

project documentation corrected in construction works, installation process and commissioning (drawings, explanatory notes and instructions, logs of work performance and author's control);

acts of acceptance of hidden works;

acts of hydraulic (pneumatic) and thermal tests of heat consumption systems;

acts on the results of pre-start tests and adjustment of ventilation systems and air conditioning;

passports for heating and ventilation systems;

factory documentation (instructions, drawings, diagrams, passports of equipment, automation equipment, etc.).

11.2. When operating heating systems and ventilation, you must have:

passports of the established form for thermal units, heat consumption systems and ventilation systems with protocols and acts of inspections and repairs;

working drawings of equipment;

executive diagrams of the thermal unit and pipelines with the numbering of fittings and equipment, the arrangement of instrumentation and automation;

logs of operation of heating systems and ventilation;

factory instructions for maintenance of heat consumption and ventilation systems;

staff manuals.

11.3. Factory instructions must have:

a brief description of the system or equipment;

start-up, shutdown and maintenance procedures during normal operation and measures to be taken in case of emergency;

the procedure for admission to inspection, repair and testing of the system or equipment;

safety and fire safety requirements that are not standard for this system or installation.

11.4. The factory manuals for the operation of heating systems and ventilation must show certain actions of personnel to eliminate system breakdowns, taking into account their nature and place of occurrence, the purpose of the serviced premises, and the degree of impact of breakdowns on the working capacity of those. equipment and work safety of personnel.

The main breakdowns of heating systems and ventilation and the reasons for their occurrence are shown in Appendix 16.

11.5. When performing scheduled preventive repairs, the following documentation should be drawn up:

annual and monthly repair plans for heating systems and ventilation;

statements of deficiencies and working volumes, estimates (if necessary);

schedule and project organization of repairs;

necessary repair documentation; when carrying out work on reconstruction or modernization - approved technical documentation.

Passport of the heat consumption system

Name of power plants __________________________________________________________

Heat consumer name and number on the diagram _______________________________

Power on date _____________________ Power supply from camera (spot) No. _________________

Inlet diameter ________________________ mm. Insertion length _________________________ m.

Geodetic input mark ___________________ m. Building volume _________________ m3.

Height (number of floors) _______________________________ m.

Capacity of the system _____________________________ m3.


