Expert answers
Anatoly Bondar:
Make cuts and smash with a sledgehammer. It should turn out better than mine - I just smashed it with a sledgehammer, but it's hard and very noisy.))
And I think how to endure mine. Turns out she's Bulgarian.
Enclosing method:
Try it. You can, in principle, still try to make holes with it and gouge it with a sledgehammer into pieces
my father took out a cast-iron bathtub with his friend .. from the 5th floor, without an elevator, they took a few smoke breaks))) and most importantly ... they took it to the trash, and when they went back .. throw away all rubbish (literally in 5-10 minutes), then there was no bath) ) for 5 min. the bath was taken away by unknown people .. in an unknown direction))))
is it worth fooling around - two hits with a sledgehammer (but in certain places) and it fell apart into three pieces
Sometimes people cut out a piece of a bathtub with a grinder to introduce a washing machine. The only thing you need to think about is the place of the cut so as not to be tormented and killed by the grinder herself. A hefty dangerous tool when working in an uncomfortable position. Perhaps it is enough to saw through the edge of the bath half the depth, and then beat it off with a sledgehammer.
Roman Shved:
Cut with a grinder and chop with a sledgehammer along the cut. It will break on the way!!!
Oleg Kotov:
they drill holes in them and break them with a sledgehammer, and then take them out.
Nikolay Zaitsev:
Cast iron is very easy to drill and cut with a grinder. True, the dust from this, well, is very black and laundered with difficulty. When sawing, do not neglect the means of protection against both dust and chipped enamel.
Alexander Kudryavtsev OLD . Answer:
Found the problem... call a couple of homeless people - they will take it out. And they will drag it to the metal collection point ... Utya-Putya writes correctly, I had this .... the bathtub was immediately dragged away from the garbage dump ....
Woe from Mind:
What homeless people tell the janitor he is for 90 kg of black metal, she weighs exactly that much .. she will endure it herself. . In black metal, she will pull out 1000 Russian ones .... when I threw everything away .. from the house they came to me and asked if I needed to take anything out ..
Heinrich Mont:
3 rubles is worth a kilogram of cast iron. So think about it, maybe it’s more economical to drag it to the collection point yourself?
Karina Solovyova:
If it’s hard to just endure it, catch the janitor in the yard and offer him a bath. They are happy to pick them up and sell them for scrap.
Father Frost:
Arm yourself with a sledgehammer weighing 2 - 3 kg, apply a few blows - no dust, no bath .... Bulgarian is not needed. Tried multiple times...
real, but get tired.
Expert answers
Grandfather Au:
heat with a blowtorch and splash water
Alex Leningradsky:
Cut with a grinder or jigsaw.
Alexander Shevchenko:
Well, of course Bulgarian
White Oleg:
Bulgarian - only be sure to wear a respirator! You can drill holes with a drill at the split point and then punch each hole with a core ... Well, an option for completely masochists - a hacksaw.
donkrat. or a sledgehammer but through a rag.
Sawing, cutting is for sadists. It is possible not with a sledgehammer, but with a heavy hammer like a metalworker. Put it on something soft so as not to rattle, cover it with something thin so that the fragments do not scatter, goggles over your eyes, mittens so that your hands do not cut yourself when turning over the fragments, and of course, remove everyone who is especially nervous. Swing properly... and ... how to bang where thinner on the sidewall.
I saw a video of how the "chocks" lowered the bath)))) ) one shoots the "Stalinka" entrance on the phone, the other sits in the bathroom itself (on the edge of the flight of stairs), the third pushes and jumps into it. this duo rushes up the stairs - bang into the wall, the wall is nothing, and the bathtub is broken - they take a piece on the hump and joyfully carried it))))))
k190 :
You take it out to the balcony, pour water as it freezes, cracks.
Anatoly Erovenko:
no, it will not crack in the cold - the shape is not the same, cutting with a grinder is a minimum of hassle, but you can simply invite buyers of ferrous metal, they will probably like it, they will do everything themselves.
pierce with a nail along the line of the desired break of holes, pour water and put it in the freezer
wrench 3 number
User deleted:
If it’s cast iron, then you can break it into pieces with a hammer and hand it over to metaplom, it’s expensive now!
call the homeless, give them a beer, they will take it to scrap metal, there you will get it for the delivered metal
I called the Tajiks who work as janitors, they dragged away like ants, you won’t find it ...)))
we endured together, hard of course, but real. If you can't do it yourself, hire someone.
it is easier to cut with a grinder than to suffer breaking it
Sergei Flyagin:
Will not break. And not alone. You can call industrial climbers, and through the window.
Andrey Gordeev:
You can endure without breaking if you want
Will we be treated?
Recently, it has become fashionable to take out baths by placing a gas cylinder under them, later set on fire. It takes out everything: both the trough and the rest of the construction debris for two floors around ...
andrey gorkovy aka gradzha:
why not
Oleg Zhestov:
It is unlikely to split, to cut.
I called a special team - we have such ones - they dismantle it for free and take it out. As a rule, two "bunnies" of kilograms under 100 each come and after 10 minutes the bath is gone.
Sergey Kositsyn:
Throw out the window.
chiko kikiwaze:
It’s easier to throw it out the window, it will split itself)
Expert answers
Nikolay Zaitsev:
No problem. They drank boldly Bulgarian. Cast iron practically does not rust, only a rust coating can appear on the cut. For aesthetics, you will process it with some kind of enamel, and you will be happy ...
Alexander Znamensky:
put in the kitchen or grinder))
Sergey Polyakov:
grinder with abrasive wheel
Vladimir Makarov:
you can but there will be problems with enamel
Vasily Fedorov:
I wouldn't even try. can be sawed off. but the integrity of the cast iron will be violated
Try grinder
Aunt Y:
buy a smaller car. what did you think when you bought it?
Olga Lvovna:
it’s better to put a strobe in the wall and shove the bath inside, everyone does that, I saw this
Oleg Bugay:
You can saw off, but the edge of the saw cut will then rust so that it will not seem small ...
indeed, a bath in the wall is easier, now so many do
grind enamel at the lowest speed with a corundum disc for concrete, cut cast iron with a thin disc for metal, a grinder with speed control, when overheated, the enamel will chip off, rub slowly and without pressure.
with a wet board, press the edge of the bathroom and grind off the enamel along the board, wet the board well again and cut off the cast iron
saw off, it will scratch the washer. yes, and so it will scribble back to back. and saw off for 5 minutes with a grinder a circle of diamond or metal. primed and painted with white paint. the wall does not need to be damaged.
micola dubrov:
original You buddy - cast iron is very brittle and very hard to cut. Well, if you are impatient - a grinder with low (or a regulator) speeds - a disk (thin 125-150) for metal (better DEWOLT) and slowly - cooling from a bottle with water, cut
yuri kuznetsov:
I don’t know such technologies, chips will be any
This is what you made up
Grandfather Au:
grinding with a machine with adjustable speed at the smallest sawed off part of the “shelf” near the bathtub, the place next to the cut was smeared with silicone sealant and pulled off with slats, but the chips along the seam were still small, but they went under the tile
Roman Stupak:
The main problem is not the enamel. Cast iron itself can burst during trimming. If you cut it off a lot, you can try with a grinder. But it's long.
peter petrov:
I cut a thin section with a machine, no chips, the main thing is not to think about it, or maybe it’s easier to grind the wall.
Andrey Volkov:
What idiot advised you to take a bath? Gouge the wall better
Oleg Losev:
I’m doing the same now, I plastered it before the weekend, I’m coming today, and the owners say the bath won’t fit (168 cm turned out), don’t worry, I say the bath will go under the plaster a little, they are already horrified, how is that? it can’t be, knock down and, in fact, put it down, it took an hour to conduct an explanatory conversation,they seemed to agree, it’s better to go through the wall!
Roman Smolin:
grinder cut. Cut normally. There are no chips.
Best Answers
I cut. Without water and the topmost layer - more carefully and slowly. It turned out quite normal.
Saw Shura, saw!
Just a very good person
If sawing, then only with a file, so that the enamel is intact.
natasha .:
don’t saw quickly for a very long time. why saw it.
Heinrich Mont:
Enamel, of course, will rebound. And besides how to cut the bath, are there really no other options? Cut a niche in the wall, for example ...
Robert Vataman:
No one will give guarantees, since the enamel is applied at the “factory” ... but if you cut, then only with water! or just the enamel will jump off. But I suggest, if there is such an opportunity, of course, gnaw out (but not with your teeth) these 2-3 cm in the wall plaster. If there is no way to comment, I’ll tell you the answer ...
For a long time, somehow on a hack, they shoved a bath - 170, where there was 150 - and nothing, the edges went into the wall
Uncle from the Future...
About the water... Have you ever tried to cut a pipe with a grinder in which water remains? ... If not, then don’t try ... Dirty splashes will contain everything within the radius of the walls of the room... . :)) And in the worst case, the current can fuck ***, tfu you - piz *** .... well, in short, hit and not weakly ... .Just imagine water at 6000 rpm !!! !Yes, and a wet cutting disc cuts worse ...
As for enamel... If it is of high quality, then it will not bounce ... will just burn and melt in the place of the cut ... Such things are sawn with metal sheets ... with a power tool of course...
Dmitry Zaika:
1. Cut through the enamel with a diamond disc. 2. With a cutting disc on stainless steel, you only saw slowly so as not to overheat. 3. You process the places you saw off with primer-enamel.
Best Answers
I sawed my cast-iron bathtub in half with one 125th disk (you can’t take it all out by one) it is sawn like a warm city.
of course.
Artem Ovchinnikov:
In any case, I would wear better headphones! By the way, and the neighbors too!
Tatyana is his own master48:
Freeze, it will break easily. I'm telling you as a metallurgist
wait, the neighbors will immediately come to you. break down your door if you don't open it voluntarily. and your own grinder, sledgehammer, and perforator will break your head.
Vladimir Petrov:
She and a sledgehammer well split. Just a lot of noise
Alexander Vakhromov:
The ears will dry out from the perforator, the dust from the grinder is terrible - there is a sledgehammer left. Wrap the tub outside with an old blanket and wrap it well ten times.