Living room decoration with wallpaper: interior design

The living room is the calling card of any home. First of all, every person who got into the apartment pays attention to it. Therefore, the best furniture and finishing materials are chosen for this room, trying to make the reception place beautiful, bright, unique and memorable. Wallpaper in the interior of the living room copes with this task with a bang. If, of course, they are correctly selected.

Wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Variety of wallpaper family

The modern market of finishing materials offers customers a huge number of different types of wallpaper. To make the right choice of wall covering in the living room, you need to understand the features of each species belonging to the wallpaper family.

  • Paper wallpapers are the most budgetary of all existing ones. They have a rich variety of colors and decorations. However, due to their rather thin structure, they emphasize all the irregularities of the walls, and after applying glue to them, they become susceptible to damage.

paper wallpaper

  • Non-woven wallpaper - have a dense, durable texture, resistant to fading and moisture. These wallpapers can be painted, and repeatedly, they are able to mask minor flaws in the walls. The joints of the wallpaper strips are almost invisible. The coating of such wallpaper turns out to be beautiful and looks like a single whole.

Non-woven wallpaper

  • Vinyl wallpaper is the best option for the living room. These wallpapers are very practical, they can be washed and cleaned. After pasting, almost no seams are visible, and a large selection of shades and patterns allows you to embody unique and bright design ideas.

Vinyl wallpapers

  • Fabric wallpapers are the elite of the wallpaper family. With their help, you can create a unique interior design in the Renaissance or Rococo style. After gluing, they look like a single, very beautiful, indivisible canvas. They consist of a paper or non-woven base and a decorative coating of polyester, silk, linen, velor, jute fiber or felt. On the walls they look simply chic, but very capricious in their care. They do not tolerate moisture, so the maximum that can be done with them is to carefully collect the accumulated dust with a vacuum cleaner.
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Fabric wallpaper

  • Glass fiber is the most durable of all wallpaper counterparts. They can last for years without losing their aesthetic qualities. Very reliable and durable, these wallpapers are not afraid of moisture and have high fire resistance.

Glass fiber in the living room

Glass fiber for painting can withstand up to twenty stains.

  • Bamboo wallpaper. Suitable for fans of natural and natural materials in the interior. In care, such a coating is unpretentious. To keep it clean, it is enough to vacuum it several times a year, and stains can be easily removed with a damp sponge.

bamboo wallpaper

Designer's tip: Bamboo wallpaper should not cover the entire living room, it is enough to use them to decorate one of the walls or highlight them with a seating area or TV.

How to choose wallpaper and not make a mistake

It should be remembered that when choosing wallpaper from a catalog or at an exhibition stand in a store, it is easy to make a mistake if you forget about the features of your own living room. The same wallpapers in different interiors look different. In some, they harmoniously and beautifully emphasize dignity, in others they look tasteless, depressing and ridiculous.

Attention to color

Let's turn to one of the main components of design - to color. The color palette can be divided into groups:

  • cold shades - this includes blue, light blue, pink, purple, lilac and a number of other colors;
  • warm shades - yellow, beige, orange, red, peach, sand and brown;
  • achromatic shades - black, gray and white.

Table of cold and warm shades

The division into such color groups will help you choose the right shade of wallpaper for decorating a room, taking into account the degree of its natural light.

  • Cold tones are more suitable for living rooms located on the south side.
  • Rooms with low lighting, facing north, are best decorated with canvases in light warm colors. They will create the feeling of the presence of an additional light source.
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Living room in cold colors

Wallpaper in a small living room should be in light shades, because dark walls visually reduce the space, and light ones, on the contrary, make it wider.

In addition to spatial impressions, color can affect the emotional state of a person. It is known that gloomy and dark tones are overwhelming and oppressive. Therefore, it is better to give preference:

  • wallpaper in soft, delicate, pastel colors;
  • canvases with juicy and bright shades.

Living room in pastel colors

Interior items in the living room should balance each other. If, for example, bright saturated colors are used to create wall designs, then furniture and decor should be in calmer tones, and vice versa.

With or without a pattern, that is the question.

The whole variety of wallpapers, depending on the pattern applied to them, can be divided into several large groups:

  • Monochromatic wallpaper. Suitable for an interior with many different decor details: photographs, figurines, paintings, furniture of an unusual design.

Monochromatic wallpaper

  • Striped wallpaper. When choosing, it is worth remembering that vertical stripes visually make the ceiling higher, but at the same time reduce space, while horizontal ones, on the contrary, make the room more spacious, lowering the ceiling level.

Striped wallpaper for the hall

  • Printed wallpaper (with images in the form of flowers, natural elements, geometric shapes). When choosing a material of such a plan, you should pay attention to the frequency and size of the pattern: the more often and larger it is, the more spacious and lighter the room in which they are glued should be.
  • Wallpaper with large spots. Elements of the picture can be folded into an ornament, or they can be arranged randomly, such wallpapers are best used to decorate large living rooms or combine them with other, plain materials.

Wallpaper with a pattern

  • Cloths with small spots or dots. Universal wallpaper, can be used in any interior, additionally able to visually hide minor defects in the wall surface.
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Combination technique - fashionable and spectacular

Today, when creating a living room design, it is fashionable to combine wallpapers, that is, to combine canvases that are different in color, pattern and texture in one room. But it is worth remembering that wallpaper combination It is desirable to use not just like that, but for some purpose:

  • hide planning flaws;
  • select a zone;
  • visually expand the space.

Combining wallpaper in a small living room

The most popular way to combine in the living room is to highlight the wall behind the sofa or the TV area. At the same time, three walls are pasted over with the same canvases, usually of a neutral solid color, and one is highlighted with a material with a different texture, bright pattern or color.

The use of photo wallpapers depicting a landscape, flowers or any other theme in one of the living room areas is also a way to combine. It should be noted that the photo wallpaper is not combined with a large and bright pattern on the wallpaper, the photo image should harmoniously fit into the interior of the living room and not contradict its style.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

To visually expand the space in a long and narrow room, a combination technique is used when canvases of a dark shade are pasted on short walls, and light ones on long ones.

How craftsmen and designers combine wallpaper in the living room can be viewed on the Internet, which is replete with construction and repair sites. Almost each of them has a photo catalog with examples of ready-made solutions, viewing which can be a good help when choosing a combination of wallpaper.


