Mobile partition for zoning a room (11 photos)

Zoning is an important stage in interior design, especially relevant for a spacious one-room apartment or studio apartment, the footage of which allows you to divide it into several functional zones that are comfortable for the inhabitants. The principle of zoning a room is not new, but in recent years it has become an extremely popular direction in the art of design. One room can successfully combine a bedroom, a living room, an office, a sports area, a relaxation area. Bookshelves, aquariums, narrow cabinets, stationary structures made of wood, drywall, metal, stone built into walls are often used to create separate zones, but mobile lungs are recognized as the most convenient and modern. partitions for zoning space in the room, with which you can increase or decrease the area of ​​​​a particular fragment of the room. Such structures look extremely impressive in combination with different wall and ceiling finishes, combined lighting, and a two-level floor.

Mobile partition for zoning

Types of mobile partitions

Depending on the functionality and purpose of certain areas and the preferences of the inhabitants of the apartment, mobile partitions can be:

  • transparent;
  • matte;
  • opaque.

Opaque product with matte inserts

Zoning structures can be bought ready-made or made by hand from a wide variety of materials, among which the most popular are:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • bamboo;
  • tree;
  • acrylic;
  • textile;
  • mirrors;
  • drywall;
  • wrought iron
  • ampelous and woody houseplants.

Functional wooden structure on wheels to separate the hallway in a studio apartment

How to choose a mobile partition

A mobile partition can combine several materials. It can be a structure made of wood or drywall with fragments of textiles, artificial stone, mirror mosaics. Sliding models made of monolithic and openwork acrylic, stained glass partitions, screens, blinds, forged structures are popular.

Partition wall with soundproofing effect

The mobile structure is not attached to the floor, walls and ceiling, so it must be strong and stable. Modern manufacturers offer many options for vertical and horizontal, high and low, wide and narrow, folding and sliding models, equipped with a stable frame, legs or wheels.

When choosing, it is important to take into account the weight of the product, since a partition that is too light can be accidentally knocked down, especially if children and animals live in the apartment.

For zoning a family room, it is better to use durable acrylic, textile, bamboo, plastic or wooden models, which are environmentally friendly, low cost, impeccable appearance and safe for small destroyers. If necessary, a broken piece of furniture can be easily replaced with a similar product.

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Eco-friendly wooden screen

Plastic mobile structures

Mobile partitions made of plastic are the most economical way of zoning space. They are made of high-quality, durable, easy-to-clean material and are often used for zoning children's rooms, in which it is necessary to separate the play area from the rest and sleep area.

Convenient plastic model

Plastic models can be sliding and folding, vertical high and horizontal low, made of opaque and transparent material. Designs decorated with drawings and patterns are very popular.

The low cube-shaped portable model or the wide rectangular design can be used as additional trainers and stands.

Movable plasterboard partition

Mobile drywall partition wall is one of the most common types of zoning, because it is convenient, durable, environmentally friendly, safe and has a relatively low cost. Craftsmen prefer to make such interior items with their own hands, independently solving constructive issues.

A mobile drywall construction can be figured, narrow, wide, horizontal or vertical, have the most diverse design - it all depends on imagination and skill. The finished product can be pasted over with wallpaper or tiles, upholstered with fabric or trimmed with decorative plaster.

Drywall screen covered with wallpaper

An important feature of drywall partitions is opacity, so it is better to use them when zoning spacious, bright rooms.

Glass mobile partitions

Framed and frameless glass mobile partitions are very popular, which can be made of transparent, corrugated, frosted, tinted glass with a relief pattern or a pattern made using the spraying technique.

Wood and glass screen on wheels

  • Partition for zoning made of opaque glass will serve to separate the living room and dining room from the bedroom and nursery, the study from the bedroom and living room, the bathroom from the shower room.
  • Transparent tinted glass models look great between the living room and the relaxation area with ornamental plants and aquariums.
  • Several transparent glass structures are the only means of successfully zoning a room with one window on the shady side.
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Mobile glass structures are an effective addition to the interior in any style, but they are not without some drawbacks, the main of which is trauma. Interior details, including partitions, are made of tempered glass, but sometimes there are situations unforeseen by technologists when even heavy-duty material cannot withstand. An equally important drawback of glass mobile partitions is their high cost, which significantly limits the circle of potential buyers.

Mobile construction made of safety acrylic glass

Among the most impressive and expensive products are smart glass partitions, which become transparent in artificial light, while being matte in natural light. In the absence of financial problems, you can install partitions with touch screens equipped with a virtual menu.

Mirror designs

Products with a mirror surface have a powerful energy of attraction at all times, and mobile mirror partitions transform the interior, creating a special atmosphere and contributing to a visual increase in space.

Partitions with a mirror surface are opaque, so they are often used to separate the bedroom from other areas. Depending on the footage of the room, you can install several high vertical models or one sliding structure.

A movable mirror partition can be made by hand. To do this, it is enough to build a stable frame from a profile, sheathe it with drywall and veneer it on both sides with mirror tiles. You can make the entire surface a mirror or paste over fragments in any combination by inserting artificial stone tiles into the gaps between the mirror elements.

Mirror screen for a classic bedroom

Other models

An abundance of forms and excellent performance characteristics are distinguished by mobile partitions made of bamboo and wood, openwork forged structures and blinds.

Lightweight openwork construction

A special flavor of the East will be given to the room by screens with landscapes in the Chinese drawing technique, which have again become popular after a long oblivion.

In one room, you can combine transparent and opaque glass models, low and high textile partitions. It is important to maintain the unity of style and not oversaturate the interior with bright flashy colors.

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Movable partitions have many advantages, but they have a common drawback - the lack of sound insulation, which in some cases becomes an important factor not in their favor.


